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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 717 1 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 676 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 478 10 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 417 3 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 411 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 409 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 344 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 332 2 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 325 5 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 320 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) or search for Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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money, and purchase in return therefor such goods as they need for their families at low prices. If the confederates cannot stop this trade, their cause will be damaged in the Lafourche country. We have all along heard that General Mouton intended to make a stand at the next point, from each of which he retreated, until he is said to have reached Berwick's Bay. Reports this morning say that this latter point is now evacuated, and the enemy is supposed to have gone in the direction of Vicksburgh. I learn that all along the line of the Opelousas road, the people who have been drafted as conscripts are deserting and coming in, taking the oath of allegiance. A Capt. Renshaw, it is said, who had a company of sixty-two men, lost forty by desertion this morning. Another small squad of eleven men were sworn in as loyal citizens this evening. It is probable that a considerable amount of sugar will find its way to your city, now the railroad is open to this place and beyond; and I
ing up from the capital of Mississippi, on the fifth, stopped him, and ordered that Coldwater should be again occupied. Since then Lovell has been there with his division; and also Tilghman, with a division composed chiefly of exchanged prisoners from Island No.10 and Donelson. Attached to this force are six four-gun batteries. Price lay with twelve thousand men seven miles below Holly Springs, on the Salem road, while twenty-two miles further south, at Abbeysville, were some thirteen thousand militia, or conscripts. This constitutes all the rebel force in this vicinity at the date of this letter, though others may be crossing at Vicksburgh, thanks to those who permit crossing to be done at that point. Three weeks ago Gen. Armstrong left Holly Springs with seven thousand men on his way to Port Hudson, a point above Baton Rouge, which is being strongly fortified. He has since resigned. Van Dorn is now at Holly Springs under arrest, and is succeeded, as you know, by Pemberton.
e savages were vigorously attacked by a volunteer force under Brig.-Gen. Sibley, and defeated in several well-fought battles on the upper waters of the Minnesota River. These vigorous proceedings struck terror among the Indians and put an end to hostilities in that quarter for the present season. It is quite possible that these hostilities will be renewed in the coming spring, and preparations will be made accordingly. In the department of the Gulf, the withdrawal of our flotilla from Vicksburgh enabled the enemy to concentrate a considerable force on Baton Rouge, which was then held by Brig.-Gen. Williams. The attack was made on the fifth of August with greatly superior forces, under the rebel Gen. Breckinridge. Gen. Williams gained a most signal victory, but fell in the fight. Our loss was ninety killed, and two hundred and fifty wounded. We buried three hundred of the enemy's dead, left upon the field. On the sixteenth of August, the garrison of Baton Rouge was withdrawn to
says: Yes, sir, when we tell you lies it will be for ourselves and not for others. We'll take your word, gentlemen; fall in! you must go to headquarters. We fell in at a brisk walk, not exactly knowing whether we should find headquarters at Vicksburgh, Mobile, or Charleston. They took us out about a mile from town, where we found two long lines of long-haired, long-legged, sallow-looking butternut cavalry, drawn up about ten yards apart, between which we marched and halted. Brisk firing The conduct of officers and men in accepting paroles under the circumstances is highly reprehensible, and to say the least, thoughtless. By the terms of the Dix-Hill cartel, each party is bound to take care of their prisoners and send them to Vicksburgh, or a point on the James River, for exchange, on parole, unless some other point is mutually agreed upon by the generals commanding the opposing armies. By a refusal to be paroled, the enemy, from his inability to take care of the prisoners,
pi from the North, with the object of taking Vicksburgh in the rear, while their navy would attack t the heavy column now descending the river. Vicksburgh and Port Hudson are the real points of attacle, especially upon the noble little city of Vicksburgh. After Memphis and New Orleans had fallen--were thrown up, a few guns were mounted, and Vicksburgh received the shock of both fleets; the one wor their protection. I have confidence that Vicksburgh will stand as before, and I hope that Johnsty dare to land. Port Hudson is now strong. Vicksburgh will stand, and Port Hudson will stand; but section of the river between Port Hudson and Vicksburgh, we shall secure these results, and the peop in me, who selected him. For the defence of Vicksburgh, I selected one from the army of the Potomace sent Lee to take charge of the defences of Vicksburgh. I have every confidence in the skill and eret to be that the enemy had not come on. At Vicksburgh, even without reenforcements, the troops did[2 more...]
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 91.-General Sherman's expedition. (search)
fore it started out for active operations on Vicksburgh burgh, and we arrived there about dark on that they would take their Christmas dinner in Vicksburgh. Many invitations were given among friends o Richmond — a little town thirty miles from Vicksburgh, and no further from the river than Dallas oan fifteen thousand troops at the outside in Vicksburgh; and that, although there were rifle-pits anoming into the main channel again just above Vicksburgh. The Yazoo followed the old channel, and thn burying the dead. They also brought a few Vicksburgh papers of that morning, containing a glowingdiers and officers recently operating before Vicksburgh, my hearty thanks for the zeal, alacrity, anIt will never do to let General Grant get to Vicksburgh at the same time we do, or he will take all Milliken's Bend, only twenty-five miles from Vicksburgh, where the fleet lay for thirty hours. Ateport of the part taken in the battle before Vicksburgh, on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth inst.[16 more...]
er they had retired from the neighborhood of Vicksburgh, I sailed with them, the same day, in execut have altered your plan for the reduction of Vicksburgh, or recalled them. Landing at intervals tir's had borne the brunt of the repulse near Vicksburgh, was left near the transports to protect the its way back from the ill-planned attack at Vicksburgh, opposite the mouth of White River. There wng looked favorable, and feeling saddened at Vicksburgh became cheerful again. Habitations were fewing change from the blundering expedition of Vicksburgh. Within the walls were strewed dead and wouo strongholds, they will have to come out of Vicksburgh and Richmond, and offer battle. The policy ly occupied seeing that the hospitals before Vicksburgh and Fredericksburgh were well filled. I menll, it is hoped, be to again operate against Vicksburgh, this time assisted by General Grant. On should be dead. We have fought the whole Vicksburgh expedition, and we are now all prisoners of
e. Our noble defenders, under the consummate leadership of their General, have again, at Fredericksburgh, inflicted on the forces under General Burnside the like disastrous overthrow as had been previously suffered by the successive invading armies commanded by Generals McDowell, McClellan, and Pope. In the West, obstinate battles have been fought with varied fortunes, marked by frightful carnage on both sides; but the enemy's hopes of decisive results have again been baffled, while at Vicksburgh another formidable expedition has been repulsed, with inconsiderable loss on our side, and severe damage to the assailing forces. On the Atlantic coast the enemy has been unable to gain a footing beyond the protecting shelter of his fleets, and the city of Galveston has just been recovered by our forces, which succeeded not only in the capture of the garrison, but of one of the enemy's vessels of war, which was carried by boarding parties from merchant river steamers. Our fortified p
cial report of Colonel Ellet. United States steamer Era No. 5, below Vicksburgh, Miss., February 21. Admiral: I have the honor to report to you that I left the landing below Vicksburgh, in obedience to your written instructions, on the night of the tenth instant, taking with me the De Soto and coal-barge, and proceeded doed that the unfortunate illness of Mr. Scott Long, who piloted the Queen past Vicksburgh, rendered it necessary for me to intrust the Queen to the management of Mr. Gf the most thrilling incidents of the rebellion, toward the far-famed city of Vicksburgh. We had intended to leave on Monday, the ninth instant, but certain repairreaching the Mississippi quickly, whence we shall make the best of our way to Vicksburgh. The Webb is a model of speed, and can make fourteen miles an hour against tmachinery does not break, we hope to outrun her. If I am captured, a visit to Vicksburgh will be my portion. We shall see. The following is the loss by the captur
portunity, I respectfully submit to the department a report of the operations of the steamer Indianola, while below Vicksburgh, Miss.; also the particulars of the engagement with the rebel armed rams Queen of the West and William H. Webb, and the arbedience to an order from Acting Rear-Admiral Porter, commanding the Mississippi squad. ron, I passed the batteries at Vicksburgh and Warrenton, on the night of the thirteenth of February last, having in tow two barges, containing about seven thousanola filled with coal, and would have sunk what remained in the barges, but knowing that if another boat was sent below Vicksburgh, I would be expected to supply her with coal, I concluded to hold on to the barges as long as possible. In consequence, March 5, 1863. The Indianola met with no adventure worth recording, until reaching a point thirty-five miles below Vicksburgh. Here she put in for a short time, for what reason we have not been advised. This was on Tuesday afternoon, the twent