Browsing named entities in Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Arkansas (United States) or search for Arkansas (United States) in all documents.

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d of the regiment by Col. James A. Pritchard. The Federal loss was 300 killed, 600 wounded and 300 prisoners. The trophies of the battle were with the Confederates. They brought off four pieces of artillery, several battleflags, four loaded baggage wagons and 300 prisoners. They did not lose a gun or a wagon. In fact, the Federal commander found himself so badly crippled that he abandoned the plan of making a campaign into Arkansas and occupying the portion of the State north of the Arkansas river, and fell back into Missouri more like a beaten than a victorious general. Of the part taken by the Missourians in the battle, General Van Dorn said, in a communication to the government at Richmond: During the whole of this engagement, I was with the Missourians under Price, and I have never seen better fighters than these Missouri troops, or more gallant leaders than General Price and his officers. From the first to the last shot, they continually rushed on and never yielded an inch
ling to serve where their services were most needed, and the State authorities and the people endorsed them in so doing. Consequently, after Van Dorn and Price left with their commands, there was for some months a steady stream of organized and unorganized regiments and companies moving across the river and falling into line wherever ordered. Nothing but imbecility prevented the Federals, after the battle of Pea Ridge, from moving southward and taking possession of the country to the Arkansas river or to the Red river, or, for that matter, to the Gulf of Mexico. But Curtis was in command, and he was an exceedingly conservative soldier. After Pea Ridge he acted more like a commander of a beaten army, anxious to avoid the enemy, than a commander who had fought and won a great battle and was eager to secure the fruits of his victory. He clamored incessantly for reinforcements when there was no enemy to oppose him, and not until the first of June did he get things to warrant him, i
greater. Among the Confederate officers killed were Gen. Early Steen, commanding a Missouri brigade; Colonel Grinstead, commanding a Missouri regiment; and Colonel Young, commanding an Arkansas regiment. Hindman withdrew his troops to the Arkansas river and put them in camp opposite Van Buren, leaving a Texas cavalry regiment, under Colonel Crump, on the north side of the river to hold the enemy in check. But a few days afterward the Federals drove Crump's outposts in and came in with them,olonel Porter—for some time at Dripping Springs and in the vicinity of Lewisburg, when he was ordered to strike the Federal line of communication and supply between Springfield and Rolla, in Missouri, and force Blunt to let go his hold on the Arkansas river, where he was a menace to Little Rock. Porter moved far to the right with instructions to swing around on Springfield. Shelby, accompanied by Marmaduke, took the more direct route, picking up here and there a Federal garrison in some out-of
rce in north Arkansas at that time, except some unattached companies in the northwest, was Marmaduke's division of cavalry, which was camped in and around Batesville. All the infantry had been withdrawn to Little Rock and other points of the Arkansas river. Marmaduke's division consisted of Shelby's brigade and Porter's brigade. The latter had been reorganized and was known as Greene's brigade. Early in the spring Marmaduke went to Little Rock and got permission of General Holmes to make a of Marmaduke's staff was killed, as was also Capt. John Clark of his escort company. Price's and Fagan's divisions returned to Little Rock, and Marmaduke's division, and Walker's brigade, consisting of two regiments, remained north of the Arkansas river. Marmaduke returned to White river and camped in the vicinity of Jacksonport. Shelby was disabled, and Col. G. W. Thompson commanded his brigade. The expedition to Helena over muddy roads and across swollen streams, without tents and frequ
rough Missouri the fight near Marshall brilliant Exploits of Shelby's command Marmaduke attacks Pine Bluff. The Arkansas river from the Indian country to its mouth was in possession of the Federals, and Shelby decided to go well up toward Van B operate, and promptly accepted the proposal to return with the latter to Missouri. The Caddo mountains south of the Arkansas river, like the Boston mountains north of it, were infested with numerous bands of marauders, made up of robbers and desertaddo Gap, which was the terror of the country, was surprised by Major Elliott and annihilated. Before he reached the Arkansas river Shelby met, unexpectedly to each, an Arkansas cavalry regiment, composed principally of Confederate conscript deserte close, when Gordon drove him back with his single regiment. Nor did he attempt to interfere when Shelby crossed the Arkansas river and continued his march leisurely southward. In this expedition Shelby marched more than a thousand miles through
ons in Chicot county until he was ordered to obstruct the navigation of the Arkansas, which he effectually did. Watching Steele from the vicinity of Arkadelphia was wearisome work for Shelby, and he soon applied for permission to cross the Arkansas river and keep Steele employed defending his line of communication with Devall's Bluff, to prevent his army being isolated at Little Rock. After some delay and difficulty he got permission to go with almost unlimited liberty to act after he arrive Illinois and a Nebraska regiment, and every one of them was in Shelby's possession within half an hour. He then began destroying the railroad, having first sent a scouting party southward to ascertain whether General Price had crossed the Arkansas river as agreed. The scouting party heard nothing of Price, and Shelby concluded he had changed his plan and would cross the river above instead of below Little Rock. But he tore up the railroad track for twenty miles, in constant expectation of
uld to aid him. The defeat of Blunt ended the pursuit, and was the last battle fought in the Trans-Mississippi department. But the hardships and sufferings of the soldiers were not ended. It was the last of October, and the weather was getting cold and stormy. Before reaching the northern border of Arkansas there was protracted rain ending with snow. Provisions for the men were scarce and forage for the horses was scarcer. The army moved in a southwestern direction and crossed the Arkansas river in the Indian country on the 7th of November. The enemy it had to encounter after that was starvation. The Indian country was nearly depopulated and thoroughly desolated. Straggling parties set the dry prairie grass on fire, and horses died by thousands. The horses were led because they were too weak to be ridden. The men suffered too. First there was no bread and then no meat. Mules and horses were killed and eaten, generally without salt. Again Shelby came to the relief of the a