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Commencement of casemate at battery on Staten Island, New York100,000
New battery at Fort Hamilton, at the Narrows, New York100,000
Fort at Sandy Hook, entrance to New York harbor, New Jersey300,000
Fort Millin, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania25,000
Fort Delaware, on Delaware river60,000
New fort, opposite Fort Delaware, on Delaware shore200,000
Fort Carrol, Baltimore harbor, Md200,000
Fort Calhoun, Hampton Roads, Va.200,000
Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, Va.50,000
Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida300,000
Fort Jefferson, Garden Key, Tortugas Florida300,000
Additional Fort, at Tortugas, Fla200,000
Fort at Ship Island, Coast of Mississippi100,000
Fort at Fort Point, entrance San Francisco harbor200,000
Fort at Sicatraz Island, San Francisco harbor150,000
Contingencies of fortifications100,000
Arrival of Gen.Scott in Paris — his meeting with his wife — their Domestic affairs, &c.
From the New York Herald's Paris correspondence, under date of November