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Browsing named entities in Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders.. You can also browse the collection for Frankland (Western Australia, Australia) or search for Frankland (Western Australia, Australia) in all documents.

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commercial distress of the States after the Revolution. how New England suffered. the South then reckoned the seat of future empire. the people and strength of America bearing Southwardly. emigration to the South. Kentucky and the vales of Frankland. Virginia's prosperity. her early land system. the Chesapeake. Alexandria. George Washington's great commercial project. two pictures of Virginia: 1789 and 1829. an example of the decline of the South in material prosperity. this declin There was the prosperous agriculture to tempt him that had made Virginia the foremost of the British colonies. There were the fertile and undulating prairie lands of Kentucky to invite and reward his labours. There were the fruitful vales of Frankland — a name then given to the western district of North Carolina--to delight his vision with the romances of picturesque prosperity. To these regions the Northern emigration flowed with steady progress, if not with the rapidity and spirit of a ne