Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pittsylvania (Virginia, United States) or search for Pittsylvania (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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our example, expunge from her statute book that which her wisest and best men say is a disgrace to it. Gentlemen, this is no party Convention. We must elevate ourselves into an atmosphere where party prejudice and party passion can not live. In conclusion, I again thank you for the honor you have thought proper to confer upon me, and hope that your action may redound to the good of the State and of the Union. the Convention then proceeded to elect a Secretary. Mr. Tredway, of Pittsylvania, nominated Stephen C. Whittle, of Powhatan, who was Secretary of the Constitutional Convention of 1850. Mr. Patrick, of Kanawha, nominated Green Peyton, of Albemarle. Mr. Barbour, of Jefferson, nominated Samuel. T. Walker, of Rockingham. Mr. Barbour, of Culpeper, nominated Zephaniah T. Turner, of Bappahannock. Mr. Southall, of Albemarie, seconded the nomination of Green Peyton, and urged his election. Mr. Moore, of Rockbridge, nominated John L. Eubank, of the cit
Supreme Court of Appeals. --This Court is still in session in this city. The following decisions have been rendered since the commencement of the term: Still vs. Owen — argued by Tucker and Patton for appellant, and D. Marr for appellee.--Decree of the Circuit Court of Pittsylvania affirmed. Holmead, &c., vs. Murphy — argued by Tazewell Taylor for plaintiffs and David May for defendant. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Norfolk city affirmed. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company vs. Chandler-- argued by W. W. Crump and R. T. Daniel for plaintiff and Howard & Sands for defendant. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Caroline affirmed. Sellman & Crook vs. McPherson's administrator, and the same vs. McPherson — argued by Andrew Hunter for plaintiffs and Tucker and Patton for defendants. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Jefferson rever