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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 34: Besieging Knoxville. (search)
site reason,--viz., to prevent General Bragg from reinforcing us, and the attack at Chattanooga favors the first proposition. Rebellion Record, vol. XXXI. part i. p. 491. Very respectfully, L. McLaws, Major-General. In reply I wrote,-- Headquarters, November 28, 1863. Major-General McLaws: General,-- Your letter is received. I am not at all confident that General Bragg has had a serious battle at Chattanooga, but there is a report that he has, and that he has fallen back to Tunnel Hill. Under this report I am entirely convinced that our only safety is in making the assault upon the enemy's position to-morrow at daylight, and it is the more important that I should have the entire support and co-operation of the officers in this connection; and I do hope and trust that I may have your entire support and all the force you may be possessed of in the execution of my views. It is a great mistake to suppose that there is any safety for us in going to Virginia if General Bra