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Mabry's Hill (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
rather than wait for a surrender. From his first reconnoissance he pronounced Fort Sanders the assailable point, but, after riding around the lines with General Jenkins and General Alexander, he pronounced in favor of assault from our left at Mabry's Hill. On the 27th, after more thorough reconnoissance in company with my officers, he came back to his conclusion in favor of assault at Fort Sanders. I agreed with him that the field at Mabry's Hill was too wide, and the march under fire too loMabry's Hill was too wide, and the march under fire too long, to warrant attack at that point. He admitted that the true policy was to wait and reduce the place by complete investment, but claimed that the crisis was on, the time imperative, and that the assault must be tried. Meanwhile, rumors reached us, through the telegraph operator, of a battle at Chattanooga, but nothing official, though outside indications were corroborative. In the afternoon Colonel Giltner, of the command from Virginia, reported with his cavalry, and next day (28th) Gene
Headquarters (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
ave on my mind I beg leave to say that I think we had better delay the assault until we hear the result of the battle of Chattanooga. The enemy may have cut our communication to prevent this army reinforcing General Bragg, as well as for the opposite reason,--viz., to prevent General Bragg from reinforcing us, and the attack at Chattanooga favors the first proposition. Rebellion Record, vol. XXXI. part i. p. 491. Very respectfully, L. McLaws, Major-General. In reply I wrote,-- Headquarters, November 28, 1863. Major-General McLaws: General,-- Your letter is received. I am not at all confident that General Bragg has had a serious battle at Chattanooga, but there is a report that he has, and that he has fallen back to Tunnel Hill. Under this report I am entirely convinced that our only safety is in making the assault upon the enemy's position to-morrow at daylight, and it is the more important that I should have the entire support and co-operation of the officers in this
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
e leading up to the fort, Major Branch, of Major-General Ransom's staff, came with a telegram from the President informing me that General Bragg had been forced back by superior numbers, and ordering me to proceed to co-operate with his army. Orders were issued at once for our trains to move south, and preparations were begun for a move of the troops after nightfall. In the afternoon word came from General Wheeler, authorized by General Bragg, that I should join him, if practicable, at Ringgold. But our first step was to be relieved of the threatening from the direction of Cumberland Gap. General Martin was sent to reinforce General Jones, with orders to hurry his operations, and return in time to cover anticipated movements. His brigades which had done their clever work on the south side were withdrawn to go with him. When he came up with Jones, the latter was severely engaged, but it was then night, too late for other operations. Their arrangements were made during the ni
Lenoirs (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
roach of the other forces. When within six hundred yards of the enemy's works, our lines well pitted, it seemed safe to establish a battery on an elevated plateau on the east (or south) side of the river. Some of our troops were sent over in flat-boats, and the reconnoissance revealed an excellent point commanding the city and the enemy's lines of works, though parts of his lines were beyond our range. Some of our best guns were put in position, and our captured pontoon bridges down at Lenoir's were sent for, to be hauled up along the river, but impassable rapids were found, and we were obliged to take part of our supply-train to haul them. They were brought up, and communication between the detachment and main force was made easy. The brigades of Law and Robertson were left on the east (or south) side as guard for that battery. The Union forces were posted from left to right,--the Ninth Corps, General R. D. Potter commanding. General Ferrero's division extended from the r
Temperance Hill (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
o haul them. They were brought up, and communication between the detachment and main force was made easy. The brigades of Law and Robertson were left on the east (or south) side as guard for that battery. The Union forces were posted from left to right,--the Ninth Corps, General R. D. Potter commanding. General Ferrero's division extended from the river to Second Creek; General Hartranft's along part of the line between Second and First Creeks; Chapin's and Reilly's brigades over Temperance Hill to near Bell's house, and the brigades of Hoskins and Casement to the river. The interior line was held by regiments of loyal Tennesseeans recently recruited. The positions on the south (or east) side of the river were occupied by Cameron's brigade of Hascall's division and Shackelford's cavalry (dismounted), Reilly's brigade in reserve,--two sections of Wilder's battery and Konkle's battery of four three-inch rifle guns. The batteries of the enemy's front before the city were Ro
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
Chapter 34: Besieging Knoxville. Closing on the enemy's lines a gallant dash the Federal positions Fort Loudon, later called FFort Sanders assault of the Fort carefully planned General McLaws advises delay the order reiterated and emphasized gallant effort by the bault and the campaign. The enemy's line of sharp-shooters and Fort Sanders stood in our direct line of advance,--the fort manned by the headquarters with orders from General Bragg that we should attack at Knoxville, and very promptly. I asked him to make the reconnoissance and dit for a surrender. From his first reconnoissance he pronounced Fort Sanders the assailable point, but, after riding around the lines with Geofficers, he came back to his conclusion in favor of assault at Fort Sanders. I agreed with him that the field at Mabry's Hill was too wide, General Bragg, even if we should be successful in our assault on Knoxville. If we should be defeated or unsuccessful here, and at the same
Loudon, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
prisoners and a number of killed and wounded. General Wofford's loss was five wounded, two mortally. Our cavalry, except a brigade left at Kingston, resumed its position on the left of our line on the 26th. On the 23d a telegram came from General Bragg to say that the enemy had moved out and attacked his troops at Chattanooga. Later in the day he announced the enemy still in front of him, but not engaging his forces. On the 25th I had a telegram from General Bushrod R. Johnson at Loudon, who was marching with two brigades to reinforce us, saying that the enemy was throwing his cavalry forward towards Charleston. This, in connection with the advance of the enemy towards General Bragg, reported by his despatch of the 23d, I took to be an effort to prevent reinforcements coming to us, or to cut in and delay their march. That night General Leadbetter, chief engineer of General Bragg's army, reported at Headquarters with orders from General Bragg that we should attack at Kn
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
t a brigade left at Kingston, resumed its position on the left of our line on the 26th. On the 23d a telegram came from General Bragg to say that the enemy had moved out and attacked his troops at Chattanooga. Later in the day he announced the enemy still in front of him, but not engaging his forces. On the 25th I had a telegram from General Bushrod R. Johnson at Loudon, who was marching with two brigades to reinforce us, saying that the enemy was throwing his cavalry forward towards Charleston. This, in connection with the advance of the enemy towards General Bragg, reported by his despatch of the 23d, I took to be an effort to prevent reinforcements coming to us, or to cut in and delay their march. That night General Leadbetter, chief engineer of General Bragg's army, reported at Headquarters with orders from General Bragg that we should attack at Knoxville, and very promptly. I asked him to make the reconnoissance and designate the assailable points. At the same time he
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
its rear opening, leaving the brigades of Jenkins and Benning to follow the other move to their left. The ditch and parapets about the fort were objects of careful observation from the moment of placing our lines, and opinions coincided with those of reconnoitring officers that the former could be passed without ladders. General Alexander and I made frequent examinations of them within four hundred yards. After careful conference, General McLaws ordered,-- First. Wofford's Georgia and Humphreys's Mississippi brigades to make the assault, the first on the left, the second on the right, this latter followed closely by three regiments of Bryan's brigade; the Sixteenth Georgia Regiment to lead the first and the Thirteenth Mississippi the second assaulting column. Second. The brigades to be formed for the attack in columns of regiments. Third. The assault to be made with fixed bayonets, and without firing a gun. Fourth. Should be made against the northwest angle
Tunnel Hill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
site reason,--viz., to prevent General Bragg from reinforcing us, and the attack at Chattanooga favors the first proposition. Rebellion Record, vol. XXXI. part i. p. 491. Very respectfully, L. McLaws, Major-General. In reply I wrote,-- Headquarters, November 28, 1863. Major-General McLaws: General,-- Your letter is received. I am not at all confident that General Bragg has had a serious battle at Chattanooga, but there is a report that he has, and that he has fallen back to Tunnel Hill. Under this report I am entirely convinced that our only safety is in making the assault upon the enemy's position to-morrow at daylight, and it is the more important that I should have the entire support and co-operation of the officers in this connection; and I do hope and trust that I may have your entire support and all the force you may be possessed of in the execution of my views. It is a great mistake to suppose that there is any safety for us in going to Virginia if General Bra
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