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y, thus threatening our communications, and in a position either to reinforce Jackson or to impede McDowell's junction, should he finally move to unite with us. On the same day I also received information from Gen. McDowell, through the Secretary of War, that the enemy had fallen back from Fredericksburg towards Richmond, and that Gen. McDowell's advance was eight miles south of the Rappahannock. Washington, May 26, 1862. Gen. McClellan: Following despatch received late last night: Falmouth, May 25th To Hon. E. M. Stanton: I have just examined a lieutenant, three sergeants, and a corporal who came in from the army as deserters this morning. They are, with the exception of one Frenchman, from the North, pressed into service. They are all men of fine intelligence. The lieutenant and the sergeants, who came from the same battery, are positive the army has fallen back to Richmond. The first order was to go at 1.30 P. M. to Hanover Junction, they having heard of McClellan's
in you, and I have undoubting faith in your success. Keep me advised fully of your condition. 11.20 P. M. Your telegram of 6.15 has just been received. The circumstances that have hitherto rendered it impossible for the government to send you any more reinforcements than has been done, have been so distinctly stated to you by the President that it is needless for me to repeat them. Every effort has been made by the President and myself to strengthen you. King's division has reached Falmouth; Shields's division and Ricketts's division are at Manassas. The President designs to send a part of that force to aid you as speedily as it can be done. The following was sent at 2.30 P. M.: Your despatch and that of the President received. Jackson is driving in my pickets, etc., on the other side of the Chickahominy. It is impossible to tell where reinforcements ought to go, as I am yet unable to predict result of approaching battle. It will probably be better that they should
ion; Porter at Bealeton, Kellip, Barnell's, etc. Sumner will commence reaching Falmouth to-day. Williams's Mass. Cavalry will be mostly at Falmouth to-day. I loanFalmouth to-day. I loaned Burnside my personal escort (one squadron 4th regulars), to scout down Rappahannock. I have sent for Couch's division to come at once. As fast as I gain any inBurnside a little. I have sent to communicate with Porter and Heintzelman via Falmouth, and hope to give you some definite information in a few hours. I shall land useful purpose in front? Should not Burnside take steps at once to evacuate Falmouth and Acquia, at the same time covering the retreat of any of Pope's troops who ps on north side. At 8.20 A. M. the following was sent to Gen. Burnside at Falmouth: Aug. 30, 8.20 A. M. Telegram of midnight received. Use your discreen to move the headquarters camp. The squadron that habitually served as my personal escort was left at Falmouth with Gen. Burnside, as he was deficient in cavalry.
were ample facilities here for all purposes. . . . 12.15 P. M. I have seen Burnside and Porter, and gained some information from them. I have not one word yet from Washington, and am quietly waiting here for something to turn up. I presume they are discussing me now, to see whether they can get along without me. . . . They will suffer a terrible defeat if the present state of affairs continues. I know that with God's help I can save them. . . . Aug. 25, 1 P. M. . . . Was at Falmouth pretty much all night . . . . Aug. 27, A. M., Alexandria. We arrived here last night. Rose early; reported to Washington that I had arrived, and am waiting for something to turn up. It seems that some 500 of the enemy's cavalry made a dash last night and burned the Bull Run railroad bridge. I fear this will cause much inconvenience, as the troops in front are mainly dependent on the railroad for supplies. My troops are getting pretty well into position: Porter between Fredericksb