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Washington (United States) 963 5 Browse Search
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Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
Falmouth pretty much all night . . . . Aug. 27, A. M., Alexandria. We arrived here last night. Rose early; reported to Washington that I had arrived, and am waiting for something to turn up. It seems that some 500 of the enemy's cavalry made a dash last night and burned the Bull Run railroad bridge. I fear this will cause much inconvenience, as the troops in front are mainly dependent on the railroad for supplies. My troops are getting pretty well into position: Porter between Fredericksburg and the Rappahannock Station; Heintzelman at Rappahannock Station; Franklin near this place; Sumner landing at Acquia creek. I have heard nothing new to-day, and don't know what is going on in front; am terribly ignorant of the state of affairs, and therefore somewhat anxious to know. . . . I find all going on well enough here. Davis has just returned from selecting a camp for headquarters; he has picked out a place between the Seminary (our old camp) and the river, about one-half or t
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
. . . 1.30 P. M., camp near Alexandria. . . . I expected to start out on a long ride, but have thus far been detained by various matters which have kept me very busy. . . . There has been heavy firing going on all day long somewhere beyond Bull Run. I have sent up every man I have, pushed everything, and am left here on the flat of my back without any command whatever. It is dreadful to listen to this cannonading and not be able to take any part in it. But such is my fate. . . . 9.15 I have been listening to the sound of a great battle in the distance. My men engaged in it and I away! I never felt worse in my life. Sunday (31st), 9.30 A. M. . . . There was a severe battle yesterday, and almost exactly on the old Bull Run battle-ground. Pope sent in accounts during the day that he was getting on splendidly, driving the enemy all day, gaining a glorious victory, etc., etc. About three this morning Hammerstein returned from the field (where I had sent him to procu
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
n. . . . Our affairs here are much tangled up, and I opine that in a day or two your old husband will be called upon to unravel them. In the meantime I shall be very patient, do to the best of my ability whatever I am called upon to do, and wait my time. I hope to have my part of the work pretty well straightened out to-day. In that case I shall move up to Washington this evening. . . . Have just heard that it is probable that a general engagement will be fought to-day or to-morrow near Warrenton . . . . Aug. 28, 9.30 A. M., steamer Ariel. I am just about starting back for Alexandria. I came up here (Washington) last night; reached Halleck's house about midnight, and remained talking with him until three. . . . I have a great deal of hard work before me now, but will do my best to perform it. I find Halleck well disposed; he has had much to contend against. I shall keep as clear as possible of the President and cabinet; endeavor to do what must be done with Halleck alone; s
Aquia Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
Chapter 31: private letters. [Aug. 24 to Sept. 2, 1862.] Aug. 24, Sunday, 9.30 A. M., Acquia creek. We reached here during the night. Sent a despatch about six to Halleck, informing him that I had arrived here and awaited orders; also sent one to Burnside. . . . I have no reply as yet to my despatches, and am not at all impatient. I learn that all my troops are ordered to Alexandria for embarkation, so I presume they will be merged in Pope's army. If this is the case I will (if I ft are mainly dependent on the railroad for supplies. My troops are getting pretty well into position: Porter between Fredericksburg and the Rappahannock Station; Heintzelman at Rappahannock Station; Franklin near this place; Sumner landing at Acquia creek. I have heard nothing new to-day, and don't know what is going on in front; am terribly ignorant of the state of affairs, and therefore somewhat anxious to know. . . . I find all going on well enough here. Davis has just returned from select
Upton's Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
ne here, and expect to be turned loose the moment their alarm is over. I expect I got into a row with Halleck to-night. He sent me a telegram I did not like, and I told him so very plainly. He is not a refined person at all, and probably says rough things when he don't mean them . . . . Aug. 30, 8 A. M. . . . Was awakened last night by a few scattering shots that, no doubt, came from some of those very raw troops that are about here. Shall start soon after breakfast and ride to Upton's Hill, thence to the Chain bridge and along the line of forts. I want to see all on this side of the river to-day, if I can. No one in Washington appears to know the condition of matters, and I have a fancy for finding them out for myself. If I once get matters reasonably straight I shall not trouble myself much more. What I am doing now is rather a volunteer affair — not exactly my business; but you know that I have a way of attending to most other things than my own affairs. . . . 1.30
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
were ample facilities here for all purposes. . . . 12.15 P. M. I have seen Burnside and Porter, and gained some information from them. I have not one word yet from Washington, and am quietly waiting here for something to turn up. I presume they are discussing me now, to see whether they can get along without me. . . . They will suffer a terrible defeat if the present state of affairs continues. I know that with God's help I can save them. . . . Aug. 25, 1 P. M. . . . Was at Falmouth pretty much all night . . . . Aug. 27, A. M., Alexandria. We arrived here last night. Rose early; reported to Washington that I had arrived, and am waiting for something to turn up. It seems that some 500 of the enemy's cavalry made a dash last night and burned the Bull Run railroad bridge. I fear this will cause much inconvenience, as the troops in front are mainly dependent on the railroad for supplies. My troops are getting pretty well into position: Porter between Fredericksb
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
ope sent in accounts during the day that he was getting on splendidly, driving the enemy all day, gaining a glorious victory, etc., etc. About three this morning Hammerstein returned from the field (where I had sent him to procure information), and told me that we were badly whipped, McDowell's and Sigel's corps broken, the corps of my own army that were present (Porter and Heintzelman) badly cut up but in perfect order. Banks was not engaged. Franklin had arrived and was in position at Centreville. Sumner must have got up by this time. Couch's division is about starting. It is probable that the enemy are too much fatigued to renew the attack this morning, perhaps not at all to-day; so that time may be given to our people to make such arrangements as will enable them to hold their own. I telegraphed last evening asking permission to be with my troops; received a reply about half an hour ago from Halleck that he would have to consult the President first! If they refuse to let me
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 31
and don't know what is going on in front; am terribly ignorant of the state of affairs, and therefore somewhat anxious to know. . . . I find all going on well enough here. Davis has just returned from selecting a camp for headquarters; he has picked out a place between the Seminary (our old camp) and the river, about one-half or three-quarters of a mile from the Seminary. I shall go into my tent this time and not trouble a house. With the exception of the two or three days I passed at Williamsburg on our upward march, and one night at Fort Monroe, I have not slept in a house since I left you. I know nothing definite yet in regard to my fate . . . . 10.30. Have been again interrupted by telegrams requiring replies. Halleck is in a disagreeable situation: can get no information from the front, either as to our own troops or the enemy. I shall do all I can to help him loyally and will trouble him as little as possible, but render all the assistance in my power without regard
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 31
ion from them. I have not one word yet from Washington, and am quietly waiting here for something tout to-day. In that case I shall move up to Washington this evening. . . . Have just heard that it arting back for Alexandria. I came up here (Washington) last night; reached Halleck's house about more to-night. There was a terrible scare in Washington last night. A rumor got out that Lee was adsince I arrived here; have been only once to Washington, and hope to see very little of the place. ide of the river to-day, if I can. No one in Washington appears to know the condition of matters, anverything is too uncertain and unsafe around Washington at present for you to dream of going there. ct, I cannot go there. . . . I do not regard Washington as safe against the rebels. If I can quietlo slight a favor as that . . . . Sept. 1, Washington, 2 P. M. I have only time to tell you th be in town. If the squall passes over, and Washington is a safe place, you shall come on to see me[1 more...]
A. E. Burnside (search for this): chapter 31
ia creek. We reached here during the night. Sent a despatch about six to Halleck, informing him that I had arrived here and awaited orders; also sent one to Burnside. . . . I have no reply as yet to my despatches, and am not at all impatient. I learn that all my troops are ordered to Alexandria for embarkation, so I presume e service if placed under Pope; it would be too great a disgrace, and I can hardly think that Halleck would permit it to be offered me. . . . I expect Porter and Burnside here in a few minutes, and then will know something of the state of affairs, I hope. This is a wretched place, utterly unfit for the landing and supplying of a troops. They have at last found it out, though H. insisted upon it that there were ample facilities here for all purposes. . . . 12.15 P. M. I have seen Burnside and Porter, and gained some information from them. I have not one word yet from Washington, and am quietly waiting here for something to turn up. I presume they
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