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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
taken the line of march in the direction of La Fayette on a dusty road and during a spell of oppresd become, for a few days at least, master at La Fayette of the only point to which converged the roa part of McLemore's Cove in the direction of La Fayette, while two other divisions would mass in Wio draw near Thomas if the enemy was still at La Fayette, and in the event of the contrary being the ck Spring Church, the route which leads from La Fayette to Rossville. Buckner and Cleburne were to idan and Davis established themselves on the La Fayette road between Davis' Cross-roads and Dug Gap,ggold by the Red House Bridge; the second to La Fayette by the ford at Gordon's Mills after running ranch off on the east from the Rossville and La Fayette route, and cross the river between Gordon's ing at Tedford's Ford. Buckner, coming from La Fayette, will in turn pass over the river at this pottaching to the highroad from Chattanooga to La Fayette via Rossville and Gordon's Mills. This road[22 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
tack Wauhatchie in flank or pass Raccoon Mountain to head off his adversaries at Shell Mound or Bridgeport. In the latter case he would have obliged them to evacuate Chattanooga, as he himself had been constrained to do by Rosecrans' march on La Fayette. We have no data in reference to the plans discussed in the Southern councils of war, but a subsequent report by Bragg seems to indicate that he could not make his personal opinion prevail. As famine was no longer an auxiliary in the matterorder to cover the right against the Federal troops which might come from Parker's Gap. A single line of skirmishers is along the edge of the river, and to encourage the enemy they even avoid destroying the bridge on the road from Ringgold to La Fayette. After a feint of defence in the last houses of the town they precipitately retire toward the gorge, accompanied by a battery of artillery. Hooker, who forded the stream a little farther down with Osterhaus, allows himself to be easily influe
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the Third winter. (search)
. The interference of the Secretary of State can easily be explained. We can without difficulty and unreservedly broach this subject, as the Mexican expedition has been for some time definitely judged in France. The heroism of our soldiers blinds no one as to the reckless and adventurous policy of which they were the instruments and too often the victims. This policy, forgetful of the sound traditions of monarchy, seemed to speculate on the dangers that threatened the flag served by La Fayette and defended by Rochambeau, in order to acquire a sort of protectorate over the countries that, situated between the two seas, form the centre of the American continent. While the United States Government was engaged in a struggle that absorbed all its strength and paralyzed its action abroad, the French army, victorious at Puebla, occupied the city of Mexico, and the political aim of the expedition at once appeared. On the 10th of July some Notables, appointed by the provisional governm
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the war in the South-West. (search)
l Creek Gap. Rocky Face Ridge thus offered positions easy to defend, but also easy to flank, and consequently without any strategic value. In fact, on the one hand the ridge terminates abruptly three or three and a half miles north of Mill Creek Gap, which allowed the enemy emerging from Ringgold to reach Crow Valley without difficulty; on the other hand, the neck of Snake Creek Gap, which on the south separates this same ridge from the Chattooga Mountains, being crossed by the road from La Fayette to Resaca, the Federals could by the very shelter of the wall of Rocky Face debouch on the rear of Johnston and threaten the large Coosawhatchie bridge Fortunately, the Federals were very inferior to the Confederates in number, the re-enlistment furloughs having much reduced the effective force of the divisions. Moreover, by a coincidence still more fortunate, at the very moment when his outposts signalled the movements of the Federals, Johnston was informed that Hardee's troops were retu