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ced. No doubt is entertained that the information of the absence of artillery in the command of Porterfield was communicated to Gen. McClelland at Grafton, together with the fact that our forces intended to move that night, by resident traitors. As an illustration of the bravery of Virginia women, we have above given one instance.-- Here is another; When the firing commenced, and while Mr. Sims was trying to get the Quartermaster's baggage upon a wagon, a lady, seeing his difficulty, boldly came forward, notwithstanding bullets were flying around her, took one end of the trunk and assisted him in his work. The chest of the Adams Express Company was captured by the enemy, but fortunately Quartermaster Jordan had taken the precaution to remove the money it contained, and the funds are now safe at Beverley. A number of defective rifles from Harper's Ferry were no doubt also taken from the jail, but the number of arms heretofore reported as captured is greatly exaggerated.
The steamer Cambridge arrived here this morning from Boston. Position of affairs at Harper's Ferry. A person employed by Government to visit Harper's Ferry has returned to Washington. AtHarper's Ferry has returned to Washington. At the Point of Rocks three twelve-pound batteries are erected on the Virginia side; on the Maryland side there were one hundred and fifty men stationed as a picket guard.--They were just erecting batteries on the Maryland side. The guards took him from there to Harper's Ferry, where he was detained for several hours as a spy, but finally released him. Here he ascertained, through several of the sorious offences, the number and names of the regiments. There are fourteen full regiments at Harper's Ferry and the Point of Rocks. After he was released he saw several companies arrive without arms.nty of arms, for he saw them open boxes and at once arm those that had just arrived. At Harper's Ferry they had a large number of heavy batteries planted on all sides, and were busily engaged in
From Harper's Ferry.prospects for a fight — Accidents — seizure of U. S. Flag--Mrs. Johnsen, of Maryland.[special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Harpers' Ferry, Va., June 5, 1861. Judging from the display of soldiery in the Western part of this State, made up of Northern trash, we are not very far off from a fight, if Lincoln really means to repossess the property of the United States. The taking of Grafton by the United States troops, will become about as notorious probably as the e plenty of provisions, comfortable quarters, and general health very good. No small-pox nor epidemic disease to contend with. A. U. S. soldier was brought in yesterday by a member of Capt. T. L. Yancey's Cavalry, as a prisoner of war. There was a small skirmish, in which two or three U. S. soldiers were killed and one prisoner taken. Three or four Colt revolvers were taken at the same time. I hope to soon have the pleasure of reporting our victory, in a battle at Harper's Ferry. Pe
The Daily Dispatch: June 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Affairs at Williamsport — the fight for the Ferry boat. (search)
e boat where she is, or take her back to the ferry and sink her there; but take her to Falling Waters you shall not!" was the reply. "It is only that you have the advantage of us," said the Captain, "that we consent to do it.--Oh! that we had you at fair play!" "That is just the way in which we are anxious to meet you at an early day," was the response. But he did do it; took her back, knocked out the ping, sunk her, left her, and — the Williamsport boys felt better. A little later, a squad from Clearspring arrived, having dropped their tools, grasped their shootingirous and hastened to our aid, and at nightfall the Sharpsburg Rifle Company--brave boys those, of Harper's Ferry and John Brown notoriety — came in to back our Home Guards. All Saturday night and Sunday a guard was kept over the ferry boat; but an attempt was made to remove it, and the hours passed quietly away. Our Martinsburg mail was taken from the driver and kept by the Virginia forces, near Falling Waters
is point in reference to the Lincoln cut-throats being quartered near the Berkeley line, that, as I cannot be definite, I will not communicate on the matter; but certain it will be, if the desperadoes do attempt to throw a column by flanks on Harper's Ferry, via Martinsburg, they no doubt will obtain their allotted portion of Virginia's soil--six feet by two. We receive daily news from Harper's Ferry; and there appears to be an instinctive proclivity among the riflemen at watching for the aHarper's Ferry; and there appears to be an instinctive proclivity among the riflemen at watching for the anticipated "game." On Saturday last, all the sick and disabled were brought to Winchester. Every attention is manifested towards them. In a few days our county will be thoroughly organized. From what I glean from others, and my own knowledge, I am under the impression that the Unionists ere long will be few and far between, with the exception of some few, who are radical Black Republicans; and the period is not far distant, if I do not mistake the sign of the times, that ramification
A visit to camp this evening indicated no prospect of any immediate move, though there is a readiness for it, if required, at a moment's notice, important for tions on Batter's Hill have progressed so far as to show the impregnable character intended by the designer, Lieut. G. W. Shyder, late of Fort Sumter.--The bastion is almost completed, as also the western side. Two hundred and fifty laborers are constantly at work on it, assisted by a detachment of soldiers. About a week's more work will be required to finish the work. The Zouave's camp, which has been located within the enclosure, was moved to-day to a beautiful grove about 100 yards northeast, and near the reservoir. If the grand army shall be moved, a formidable force is expected to be encountered at Manassas Junction, as the preservation of the only means of securing for the Confederates a connection between Harper's Ferry and Richmond, except perhaps the difficult one via Staunton, Augusta county.
r Col. Yohe, arrived here from Baltimore this evening. This makes eleven full regiments at this point. Capt. Kennedy, the commander of the Union Home Guards, of Williamsport arrived here to-day, and asks for a forward movement of troops in that direction. Capt Kennedy reports that Allen's regiment of Virginia infantry left on Friday night, taking with them their two brass field-pieces. The ford opposite Williamsport is guarded by a company of dragoons, and all the crossings above Harper's Ferry are guarded by cavalry, except that at Sheppardstown. He confirms the report of the skirmish on Saturday between his company and the Virginians, and he believes that three of the enemy were wounded. When the Virginians retreated they burned a bridge crossing a creek between Williamsport and Falling Waters, in Virginia. The bridge at Sheppardstown, across the Potomac at that point, is mined, and ready to be blown up. Twenty-five Union men reached Williamsport last night, having been dr
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.crops in Alabama--anxious for a brush. Demopolis, Marengo Co., Ala., May 30th, 1861. Wheat, in this immediate neighborhood, is injured by rust, but the crops of oats, corn, cotton and upland rice, throughout the whole broad belt of this canebrake region, is very fine-- in fact, was never better at this time of year. Much more grain, in proportion to cotton, has been put in the ground this year than ever before. Some of our young men are at Harper's Ferry, and the Canebrake Legion, and several fine foot companies, are ready and waiting leave to go to Old Virginia's shores, or the shores of the Mississippi, or anywhere else, to get a brush at the Yankee vandals. Sic Semper Tyrannis. A. M. McD.