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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 40: (search)
mer General Putnam. Acting-Master, H. H. Savage; Acting-Ensigns, Wm. Jennings and H. R. Fowle; Acting-Master's Mates, W. F. Gregg, J. H. Gilley and B. H. Spear; Engineers : Acting-Second-Assistant, J. Henry; Acting-Third-Assistants, A. F. Rockefeller and Wm P. Higgins. Steamer Victoria. Acting Masters, Chas. W. Lee and Alfred Everson; Acting-Ensign, Paul Borner; Acting-Master's Mates, B. W. Tucker and Wm. Moody; Acting-Assistant-Surgeon, John G. Park; Acting-Assistant-Paymaster, Samuel Thomas; Acting-Third-Assistant Engineer, John Haversfield. Steamer Hunchback. Acting-Master, Robert G. Lee; Acting-Ensign, E. K. Valentine; Acting-Master's Mattes, John Maddock and J. F. Sias; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Henry Cushing; Acting-Second-Assistant Engineer, M. Smith. Steamer Shawsheen. Acting-Master, Henry A. Phelon; Acting-Ensign, Charles Ringot; Acting-Master's Mate, Wm. Rushmore; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistant, Richard Anderson; Acting-Third-Assistant, John Wall.
64. Sweitzer, J. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Swift, Fred. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Switzler, T. A., Mar. 13, 1865. Sypher, J. Hale, Mar. 13, 1865. Talbot, Thos. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Talley, Wm. C., Mar. 13, 1865. Tarbell, Jon., Mar. 13, 1865. Taylor, Ezra, Feb. 13, 1865. Taylor, J. E., Mar. 13, 1865. Taylor, John P., Aug. 4, 1865. Taylor, Thos. T., Mar. 13, 1865. Tevis, W. Carroll, Mar. 13, 1865. Tew, Geo. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Thomas, De Witt C., Mar. 13, 1865. Thomas, M. T., Feb. 10, 1865. Thomas, Samuel, Mar. 13, 1865. Thompson, C. R., April 13, 1865. Thompson, D., Mar. 13, 1865. Thompson, H. E., Mar. 13, 1865. Thompson, J. L., Mar. 13, 1865. Thompson, J. M., Mar. 13, 1865. Thompson, R., Mar. 13, 1865. Thompson, Wm., Mar. 13, 1865. Thorp, Thos. J., Mar. 13, 1865. Throop, Wm. A., Mar. 13, 1865. Thruston, G. P., Mar. 13, 1865. Thurston, W. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Tilden, Chas. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Tilghman, B. C., April 13, 1865. Tillson, John, Mar. 10, 1865. Tilton, Wim. S., Sept
Samuel Thomas Col. 8th Vt. InfantryNov. 1, 1864, to Dec. 3, 1864. 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Nineteenth Army Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, Department of the Shenandoah Col. 8th Vt. InfantryOct. 15, 1864, to Oct. 24, 1864. 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Nineteenth Army Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, Department of the Shenandoah
left flank in a straight line was just about one mile. Schofield's army bending westward was next to McPherson's, and Thomas's, beyond Schofield in a semicircular formation, embraced the Atlanta forts clear on to Sherman's extreme right. As ones. The reason for this unexpected Confederate approach is as follows: As soon as it was dark enough to get away from Thomas's front without endangering his columns from our artillery, Hood had caused his forces to march back through the city andce. Hardee now deliberately began his march while Hood in front of Atlanta was holding the forts and curtains opposite Thomas and Schofield, freeing Cheathamis corps that it might help Hardee when the proper moment should arrive. The blades of thd the joy of recovering his big guns. Schofield now urged Sherman to put a column on Cheatham's flank from himself and Thomas to roll up that Confederate line and so interpose between the outside Confederates and those defending the works of Atlan
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 36: Battle of Ezra Church (search)
bring to the front absentees and recruits, and to rest and refresh our weary men. Sherman and Thomas consulted together as to the officer who should succeed McPherson and the choice fell upon me. Tg in the order named. In person I joined Dodge, at the head of the column, as he was already in Thomas's rear crossing the Buck Head road. Here I assumed command of the army. Sherman with a small se from his meager headquarters near the line of march, and rode along with me all the way behind Thomas's lines to his extreme right, where Palmer's intrenchments ended. Sherman told me that Morgantween us and Atlanta, along which he desired me to form my troops, substantially connecting with Thomas, but following the curve of the Atlanta works. This ridge ran nearly north and south. He belieout my right into the air, I would carefully unfold by having the divisions take their places on Thomas's right, moving up in succession, so that each successive division would protect the flank of th
or four days strengthened his right flank by putting two infantry divisions of Thomas in rear of my right for a reserve. Sherman was mainly waiting for the effect oon the alert, brought Schofield's troops around to and beyond my right, and had Thomas send there also the whole of Palmer's corps. Ed. McCook had done well at thern; then directly against the West Point railroad between Red Oak and Fairburn; Thomas was to follow up in support. Forrest's and Wheeler's raids on Sherman's rear somewhat modified these orders, but Thomas began the execution of the first move on the night of August 25th. The movement of the Twentieth Corps toward the rear, followed by the remainder of Thomas's command, which was going on toward our right flank, had the effect, as was natural, of deceiving the Confederate commander. Thnd for speedy work, and watched toward the east and north to cover all trains. Thomas had chasseed to the left, and he came up abreast of me at Red Oak Station; and
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 43: march through the Carolinas; the taking of Columbia (search)
y, brought us the first intimation that the Confederates had evacuated Charleston. Gillmore's troops had entered the city, and captured a large amount of artillery and other stores. This was good news, brought by the negroes, who always enjoyed telling us such things, but it indicated to me an increased opposition to our advance; for already we were hearing not only of Hardee drawing in his various garrisons, but of Bragg, Cheatham, and Stephen D. Lee. We then knew that the remnants which Thomas and Schofield had not destroyed of Hood's army at Nashville, Tenn., as well as the troops from Augusta, Ga., were hastening to strengthen Hardee's resistance to our advance. We had about the same experience day after day with ever increasing obstacles, till we came near what is called Lynch's Creek, in ordinary times a stream not to exceed 200 feet; but when we approached, owing to the recent freshet, the creek overflowed its banks, and so, though not deep, it spread over a wide stretch o
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 48: organization of the freedmen's Bureau and my principles of action (search)
igh. General Rufus Saxton, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, Headquarters, Beaufort, S. C. Colonel T. W. Osborn, Alabama, Headquarters, Mobile. Colonel Samuel Thomas, Mississippi, Headquarters, Vicksburg. Chaplain T. W. Conway, Louisiana, Headquarters, New Orleans. General Clinton B. Fisk, Kentucky and Tennessee, y upon me, because most of my subassistants were necessarily unknown to me and beginning a new business. The head commissioner in each State, however, except Colonels Thomas and Brown, and Chaplain Conway, were personally known to me. They were men of tried courage, of high education, of well-known character, and pronounced frienders, and lost a leg while under my command. Osborn, my chief of artillery at Gettysburg, was a quiet, unobtrusive officer of quick decision and of pure life. Samuel Thomas, very properly commended by other officers, and of excellent character, had unusual executive ability. J. W. Sprague was distinguished in the Army of the Tenn
there were good farms connected with each, faithfully worked by freedmen. The Mississippi assistant commissioner, Colonel Thomas, for 1865, had worked enough farms to raise a sufficient revenue for Bureau purposes within that State. From every pd by these colonists. They had gardens and corn enough to furnish food for themselves and for their stock for the year. Thomas wrote: A more industrious, energetic body of citizens does not exist than can be seen now at the colonies. In other parts of Mississippi, Thomas found fine crops of grain; the negroes were at home and working quietly. They had generally contracted with their old masters, and all seemed to have accepted the change from slavery to freedom without a shock. Thomas beThomas believed that all that was necessary for peace and prosperity was kind treatment, respect for the laborer's rights, and prompt payment as agreed upon in their contracts. In Alabama, Texas, Kentucky, and Tennessee there were only small amounts of aba
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 52: President Johnson's reconstruction and further bureau legislation for 1866 (search)
for examination and correction. Any agent who took the part of the freedmen against a Southern planter, especially one who had the hardihood to arrest a white man for misusing a negro, was traduced, and often, I am sorry to say, his discharge was brought about. The President was very anxious to be rid of every prominent officer who was reported to have been long the freedmen's friend. In his eyes assistant commissioners, such as Mr. Conway, Colonel Brown, Generals Whittlesey, Saxton, Samuel Thomas, and Absalom Baird, were too pronounced in behalf of those assailed; they seemed to be friends of the so-called carpet-baggers, i. e., immigrants from the North, and of Southern Unionists and negroes; and many subagents also were accused of a like attitude. They were too much the advocates of their wards to suit the situation. As I was obliged to execute the law under the direction of his Excellency, little by little his power made itself felt. To give my work the utmost opportunity
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