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Your search returned 18 results in 3 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: December 11, 1860., [Electronic resource], The young mail Robber. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 11, 1860., [Electronic resource], Secession movement at the South . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], The intercepted dispatches. (search)
Shot for desertion
--In the prison items of the Dispatch was recently given an account of the arrest of one Geo. W. Todd, a member of the 2nd Louisiana Regiment, and his incarceration for desertion in Castle Thunder.
A few days since Todd was sent to his Regiment near Fredericksburg.--After getting among his old comrades, he commenced soliciting various members to let him escape again.
He applied to four in this way, two of whom assented to the propositions he made.
The other two refuseTodd was sent to his Regiment near Fredericksburg.--After getting among his old comrades, he commenced soliciting various members to let him escape again.
He applied to four in this way, two of whom assented to the propositions he made.
The other two refused, and one of them being on guard when he attempted to take his last unceremonious leave, discharged his musket at the fugitive and broke his arm. This stopped his locomotion, and he was immediately taken in custody and arraigned before a head court-martial, by whom he was sentenced to be shot instanter.
The sentence was carried out in a few minutes after being pronounced against the culprit.