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n) are the cross-roads where the Connecticut regiments under General Tyler were formerly encamped. It is pleasant to recognize so familiar a place after having so long been impeded in the approach to it. Your correspondent was once taken into custody here by the Connecticut men, after a long ride near the Confederate lines, upon suspicion of being a rebel spy, so he naturally retains touching remembrances of the locality. Just beyond is the old camping ground of Captain Harrison and Lieutenant Tompkins, famed leaders of cavalry charges, and the abiding place of Captain Varian's battery, which did not fight at Bull Run. But there is here an excitement more immediate than even these lively remembrances. A turn in the road reveals the once welcome house of Webster, the wholesale entertainer of Union regiments, the hearty loyalist in the midst of the perilous contaminations which surrounded him. Webster's house was, eight weeks ago, the surest haven for traveller or soldier, and now i
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 90. battle of Bolivar Heights, Va. Fought October 16, 1861. (search)
n Volunteers, and a section of the Rhode Island battery, under Captain Tompkins, were ordered to report themselves to Major Gould for the purpe evening, accompanied by Governor Sprague of Rhode Island, and Capt. Tompkins of the Rhode Island Artillery, I went to Sandy Hook with two cout six hundred men, and two pieces of cannon, under command of Captain Tompkins of the Rhode Island battery. and two pieces of the Ninth New a well-directed fire upon the enemy's cannon in our front, and Captain Tompkins succeeded in silencing some of the enemy's guns on Loudon heig my regiment and the two guns of the New York battery, leaving Captain Tompkins' guns with Major Gould for a few days; also one company from me driven back by the Third Wisconsin boys, aided by shells from Capt. Tompkins' battery, which was upon the Maryland Heights east of the ferryise over us about like a train of cars when crossing a bridge. Capt. Tompkins at this time turned his guns upon Loudon Heights, silenced all
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 136. siege of Cotton Hill, Va., October 30 to November 7, 1861. (search)
pondent at the camp of the Second Kentucky regiment, in Western Virginia, gives the following account of the siege: camp Tompkins, Western Virginia, Nov. 8, 1861. For the past eight days the roar of artillery and musketry has been the only music we have danced to, and even while I write the booming of cannon still falls on my weary ear. The camp of our Second Kentucky regiment and the Headquarters of Generals Rosecrans and Cox are situated on top of Gauley Mount, on the farm of Colonel Tompkins, now in the rebel army, a gentleman of strong Southern proclivities, a graduate of West Point, and formerly in the United States army. This farm is his summer residence, he and his wife being residents of Richmond; she now occupies the house with her family, while he is somewhere in the neighborhood, assisting Floyd in driving the invaders from the soil. From our camp the road descends abruptly to the river bank, and runs directly along the bank to Gauley Bridge, a distance of three m
sly estimated at from seven to eight thousand, not including cavalry and artillery. Our forces must be at least thirteen thousand. The Southern forces are commanded by Generals Floyd and Henningsen, and are now situated between Cotton Mountain and Fayetteville. General Benham's brigade, some three thousand five hundred strong, are at this point, Gen. Schenck's is at Camp Ewing, near Mountain Cave; Col. McCook's brigade a few miles from them; Gen. Cox is at Gauley, and Gen. Rosecrans at Tompkins' farm. The men are all in good spirits, and anxiously awaiting the coming contest. The truth of the matter is, they are willing to meet double their number, so as to get out of Western Virginia; and if they are foiled in this attempt to capture Floyd, they will feel worse than crazy. They are all now well uniformed, and have plenty to eat. They are neat, clean, and tidy. I don't suppose that a single man is now unequipped in the whole division. Since writing the above, I have learn
as yet reached us. An exceedingly rapid march was made. We crossed the Kanawha about half-past 4 P. M., and now are again going through the daily routine of camp duties, but looking forward to the gladsome tidings form Headquarters. The general character of the expedition was an adventurous pursuit of Floyd, meeting with great success, and worthy of all praise at the hands of those in power. The report is here, that the flight of Floyd is to be attributed to some cannon shots sent from Tompkins' farm, but our sharp skirmishing and the recently deserted encampments, together with the vast amount of clothing, tents, stores, etc., thrown out of the rebel wagons on the retreat, prove too conclusively that only an actual pursuit would have driven them from Gauley. Our officers in command acted with care and military discretion, and the men endured hardships. All that is now asked is credit for what was done. We are here to do our duty, but not, in the performance of it, to be slight
overcome any opposition from the secessionists, who would be obliged to succumb. Lieutenant Coffin left General Lockwood on Sunday, and on his way to his vessel found that a number of bridges over the streams south of the Pocomoke River had been burned, and trees felled and placed over the roads, compelling him to take a circuitous route. On Saturday four boats, with armed seamen, were despatched from the gunboats Hercules and Reliance, lying in Pocomoke Bay, under the charge of Lieutenants Tompkins and Gambrill, of the Reliance, and Lieutenant Hall and Quartermsater Berry, of the Hercules, to Syke's Island, in that bay, near the mainland of Accomac County, and of which possession was taken. Formerly there were about one hundred and forty inhabitants on the island, but on account of the apprehension entertained that they would be impressed into the rebel service, all but thirty had left. These gladly received the proclamation of General Dix, and were promised the protection of