Browsing named entities in HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). You can also browse the collection for Calvin Turner or search for Calvin Turner in all documents.

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tleman, wise, good, zealous, honored, and rich, may be regarded, before any other individual, as the founder of Medford. There is no record of settlements earlier than those connected with him. He was singularly cautious in selecting his workmen; and such an extensive establishment for fishing as he designed, supposes many collateral branches of trade. In 1631, his agent, Mr. Davison, had become so settled as to build a ship on the bank of the Mystick. The place probably was where Mr. Calvin Turner built his first ship, or at Rock Hill. Providing his fishermen with vessels as fast as possible must have made Medford a place of brisk trade and commercial consequence. These first movements of Mr. Cradock here were in keeping with his expansive mind and great wealth. We have proof of his wide enterprise in the following record: Feb. 1, 1634: Mr. Cradock's house at Marblehead was burnt down about midnight before, there being in it Mr. Allerton and many fishermen, whom he employed t
n Wait,Selectmen. Fitch Hall, Jonathan Brooks, Luther Stearns, Benjamin Tufts, Joseph Manning, Treasurer. Caleb Brooks,Assessors. Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Swan, Nathan Wait,Constables. Joseph Wyman, Jeduthan Richardson,Surveyors of Highways. Samuel Tufts, jun., Gersham Teel,Tything-men. James T. Floyd, Andrew Blanchard,Cullers of Hoops and Staves. William Bradbury, Benjamin Tufts,Fence-viewers. Jeduthan Richardson, Joseph Wyman, Jonathan Harrington,Surveyors of Lumber. Calvin Turner, Thatcher Magoon, Timothy Dexter, John Dixen, Darius Wait, Jonathan Harrington,Measurers of Wood. Timothy Dexter, John Burrage, Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Church, Jonathan Warner, David Willis, Clerk of the Market. Fitch Hall,Fire-wards. John Hosmer, Jeduthan Richardson, Andrew Blanchard, Abner Bartlett, Richard Hall,To audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Fitch Hall, Nathaniel Hall, Hezekiah Blanchard,To execute the Fish Act. Nathan Wait, Andrew Blanchard, Seth Tufts,Field
ful remembrance for many generations. Mr. Calvin Turner was esteemed as one of the most skilful n all cases. This yard was owned first by Messrs. Turner & Briggs, then by Mr. Turner, afterwards bMr. Turner, afterwards by Messrs. Rogers, and now by Mr. Lapham.C. Turner & E. BriggsJohn C. JonesBoston237.74 3 ShipOtisT.oston236.27 24 ShipNorfolk PacketS. Lapham'sC. TurnerJohn C. JonesBoston360.18 25 ShipMarcellusS. Magoun  135 29 BrigEdward FosterS. Lapham'sC. TurnerEdward CruftBoston184.34 30 BrigVentrosaS. LoddardBoston195.39 31 BrigRamblerS. Lapham'sC. TurnerBenjamin RichBoston268.24 32 ShipArgonautS. Lapham'sC. TurnerThomas W. WardBoston306.83 331813BrigLarkT. Magoun'sT. MagounLee & CabotBoston175 thirty-six days for privateering.S. Lapham'sC. TurnerBenjamin RichBoston317.65 401814BrigReindeeroseph LeeBoston320 48 ShipAugustaS. Lapham'sC. TurnerE. Brigham, J. & W. WilliamsBoston344.38 49 BrownDuxbury148.30 53 ShipParagonS. Lapham'sC. TurnerBixby, Valentine, and othersBoston & Ipswich3[22 m
Newhall, 1751; Nutting, 1729. Oakes, 1721-75. Page, 1747; Pain, 1767; Parker, 1754; Penhallow, 1767; Polly, 1748; Poole, 1732; Powers, 1797; Pratt, 1791. Rand, 1789; Reed, 1755; Richardson, 1796; Robbins, 1765; Rouse, 1770; Rumril, 1750; Rushby, 1735; Russul, 1733. Sables, 1758; Sargent, 1716; Scolly, 1733; Semer, 1719; Simonds, 1773; Souther, 1747; Sprague, 1763; Stocker, 1763; Storer, 1748. Tebodo, 1757; Teel, 1760; Tidd, 1746; Tilton, 1764; Tompson, 1718; Trowbridge, 1787; Turner, 1729; Tuttle, 1729; Tyzick, 1785. Wait, 1725; Waite, 1785; Wakefield, 1751; Walker, 1779; Ward, 1718; Waters, 1721; Watson, 1729; White, 1749; Whitney, 1768; William, 1762; Williston, 1769; Winship, 1772; Witherston, 1798; Wright, 1795. As to the strangers who are mentioned on our records, I find that Adrian Lubert Andriesse, of Batavia, was born in Boston, Feb. 9, 1799, and baptized at Medford, July 7, 1805. Charles Dabney's child, which Mr. Albree had to nurse, was baptized July 4,