Browsing named entities in Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865. You can also browse the collection for L. Wallace or search for L. Wallace in all documents.

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day. General Bushrod Johnson's Report. Wallace's and Hurlbut's divisions, deliberately posteene of conflict; another part retreating upon Wallace's camps, while Veatch's brigade fell back toor an advance of the Confederate left against Wallace's division, which was, at that time, the advak vigorously in all quarters of the field. Wallace's right was now attacked by Looney's and Mars the flank of the line formed by Prentiss and Wallace. While all these forces were closing upon ovement of the other Federal forces, when General Wallace fell, mortally wounded, after having, by Prentiss, unaware of the movement executed by Wallace's division, still clung to his position, toge12th, and 14th Iowa and the 58th Illinois, of Wallace's division, who were endeavoring to save theiurg Landing, and reaching out to the camps of Wallace, a portion of which was still held by the remf Wallace's camps, still held by fragments of Wallace's, McClernand's, and Sherman's divisions. Th[4 more...]