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Hamburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
l's army. gunboats keep up an incessant shelling.> As the Federal troops lay encamped, Sherman's and Prentiss's divisions stretched from the Owl Creek bridge, on the Purdy road, to the ford of Lick Creek, on the Shore road, from Pittsburg to Hamburg. Sherman's 1st brigade, under Colonel McDowell, was on the extreme right; his 4th, under Colonel Buckland, west of and resting on the Shiloh meeting-house; his 3d, under Colonel Hildebrand, east of and resting also on the Shiloh meetinghouse. ear of this line, and between Sherman and Prentiss, lay McClernand's division; and two miles in rear, towards the Tennessee River, C. F. Smith's division, now under General W. H. L. Wallace; while on Wallace's left was Hurlbut's division, on the Hamburg road, about a mile and a half in rear of Stuart. Before five o'clock A. M., on the 6th of April, General Hardee's pickets, driving in those of General Prentiss, encountered some companies of the Federal advanced guard, and a desultory firing
Donelson (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
to the rear. Johnson's two right regiments, which had become temporarily detached by reason of the features of the ground, were ordered separately into action by General Bragg, and unfortunately remained separated from the rest of the brigade and their commander during the day. General Bushrod Johnson's Report. Wallace's and Hurlbut's divisions, deliberately posted and handied with skill, maintained a stubborn resistance to the attack. Consisting mostly of troops who had served at Donelson, they gallantly formed their lines, notwithstanding the surprise and disorder through which they had been ushered into the conflict. Shortly after ten o'clock, the enemy being reported very strong in the centre—that is, along Wallace's front—General Beauregard reinforced that point by Trabue's brigade, See Major Brent's Report, in Appendix. of General Breckinridge's division, which he had held near his headquarters. A little before that time Stuart's forces had also been reached. Ag
Shiloh, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
ving more particular attention to the conflict on the left. Reports of General Beauregard's Staff, in Appendix. Here General Ruggles's division, of General Bragg's corps, the second line of attack, had come into position on General Hardee's left, and was ready to grapple with General Sherman, who, supported now by all of McClernand's division and Wright's regiment of Wallace's second brigade, Colonel Wright's Report, Rebellion Record, p. 370. was endeavoring to cling to the position of Shiloh. The severity of the contest, thus far, was attested by the large number of wounded found on the way. A great many stragglers were also met, whom General Beauregard's staff Reports of General Beauregard's Staff, in Appendix. and escort present were at once employed in reorganizing and leading forward to their regiments. As General Ruggles's division, the left of General Bragg's line, was inclining to the right before making its direct movement forward, an interval occurred between the
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
he right flank, General Johnston led Chalmers's and Jackson's brigades back across the ravine and southeast thrascertained. Generals Withers's, Chalmers's, and Jackson's Reports, Confederate Reports of Battles, pp. 235, who planted a battery there and shelled his lines, Jackson's brigade opening the conflict under General Johnstabout three quarters of a mile, Withers's division (Jackson's and Chalmers's brigades), of Bragg's corps, carry8. Meanwhile Withers's division (Chalmers's and Jackson's brigades) had been gradually forcing back Stuart'als Breckinridge and Crittenden called earnestly on Jackson and Chalmers for assistance. Report of General Jes, p. 258. and, extending to the Tennessee bottom, Jackson's brigade followed, without ammunition, the bayonetng officer, Colonel Deas, was formed on the left of Jackson's brigade. This latter brigade was led, under a heer's regiments became separated from each other, Jackson's Report, Confederate Reports of Battles, p. 266. a
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
n's Report, p. 266. As Stuart's force, winding its way through ravines to Pittsburg Landing, went out of view, and no other enemy appeared in that quarter, the divisamps, but, to avoid being cut off, fell back, at about four o'clock, upon Pittsburg Landing, thus allowing Chalmers and Jackson to move upon the flank of the line fout sixty guns (some of them 24-pounder siege guns) along a ridge covering Pittsburg Landing, and reaching out to the camps of Wallace, a portion of which was still hthe Ohio was also now arriving from Savannah, on the opposite bank, below Pittsburg Landing, and Ammen's brigade, of Nelson's advance division, had been thrown acrosking the narrow valley of the Tennessee River, on which, and near by, was Pittsburg Landing. Having been halted here for more than an hour, we endured a most terrifes. They reported that large bodies of troops were crossing the river to Pittsburg Landing and that much confusion existed among them. Colonel Forrest so advised
Owl Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
olonel Everett Peabody, consisting of the 25th Missouri, 16th Wisconsin, and 12th Michigan infantry, were advanced well to the front. I forthwith, at this juncture, communicated the fact of the attack in force to Major-General Smith and Brigadier-General S. A. Hurlbut. His position was a prolongation of the elevated ground where stood the Shiloh meeting-house, held by General Sherman; the whole bounded in front by a ravine and watercourse which, rising near the left of Prentiss, fell into Owl Creek, near the Purdy road bridge, occupied by Sherman's right. The Confederate lines of attack soon appeared, driving before them the skirmish line formed of the troops of the guard. Prentiss's whole force was now thrown forward and became the first engaged, as his position was slightly in advance of General Sherman's, and the difficulties of the ground in front of the latter caused our line to oblique still more to the right. Shortly after six o'clock General Prentiss's command was fallin
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
Federal camp. General Sherman's Report, see Record of the Rebellion, p. 407. The regiments of his division, all then under arms, were thrown into line of battle. Taylor's and Waterhouse's batteries were posted, the former at the Shiloh meeting-house, and the latter on a ridge to the left, with a front fire over open ground between Mungen's and Appler's regiments of his left (Hildebrand's)brigade. General McClernand, responding promptly to General Sherman's call, had sent forward three Illinois regiments, which were posted in rear of Waterhouse's battery and of Appler, upon whom General Sherman impressed the necessity of holding his ground at all hazards. Veatch's brigade, of General Hurlbut's division, took position on General Sherman's left. General Hurlbut's Report, Record of the Rebellion, p. 400. As the heavy roll of musketry soon extended to the left, General Beauregard ordered General Polk to move two of his brigades to the left rear of General Bragg's line and to k
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 21
nd pushes them forward. battle still raging. capture of General Prentiss and of his command. our troops reach the Tennessee river. Colonel Webster's batteries. arrival of Ammen's brigade, Nelson's division, of Buell's army. its inspiriting effn rear of this line, and between Sherman and Prentiss, lay McClernand's division; and two miles in rear, towards the Tennessee River, C. F. Smith's division, now under General W. H. L. Wallace; while on Wallace's left was Hurlbut's division, on the ops of the second and third, or reserve lines. With a general direction from northwest to southeast, oblique to the Tennessee River, and its right thrown back, the order of the Federal forces was, from right to left, as follows: Sherman's remainingdes, was occupying the front line, being on the crest of the hill (or highland) overlooking the narrow valley of the Tennessee River, on which, and near by, was Pittsburg Landing. Having been halted here for more than an hour, we endured a most ter
Florence, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
ral Beauregard's promise, that the Confederate army should sleep in the enemy's camps, was fulfilled; and, reorganized for the next day, it would undoubtedly have given the finishing stroke to the entire Federal forces, had Buell marched towards Florence, Colonel Helm had telegraphed to General Beauregard that Buell's army was marching on Florence; it proved to be Mitchell's division, and not Buell's army. as it had just been reported that he had done, instead of effecting his junction with GFlorence; it proved to be Mitchell's division, and not Buell's army. as it had just been reported that he had done, instead of effecting his junction with Grant, on the evening and night of the 6th, as was actually the case. A despatch was sent to Richmond, announcing the day's victory and the hope of its completion on the morrow, and the corps commanders were dismissed with instructions to reorganize their respective forces as thoroughly as possible, and hold them in readiness to take the offensive at break of day. The night had closed with heavy clouds, and, about midnight, a cold, drenching rain set in, which made it the more difficult to
Snake Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
e movement was vigorously executed, though a part of the force, carried too far by its ardor, and coming upon an unseen body of the enemy in a wood, was repulsed; but the remainder, under Morgan, charged and drove back the retreating battalions, capturing a number of guns. At two o'clock, General Beauregard again sent orders to General Hardee Ibid. to push the enemy's right with vigor, and Sherman's and McClernand's troops now rapidly gave way, the larger part of them retiring towards Snake Creek, where they remained aside from the scene of conflict; another part retreating upon Wallace's camps, while Veatch's brigade fell back towards the landing, where, later, it reunited with Hurlbut's division. The way was now open for an advance of the Confederate left against Wallace's division, which was, at that time, the advanced Federal right. Posted on a ridge under cover of a thicket, and supported by artillery, this division had unflinchingly held its ground, repelling with slaug
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