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reserve battery of eight pieces was temporarily placed in rear of Bonham's extreme left. Major Walton's reserve battery of five guns was in position on McLean's farm, in a piece of woods in rear In the meantime, about 7 o'clock A. M., Jackson's brigade, with Imboden's, and five pieces of Walton's battery, had been sent to take up a position along Bull Run to guard the interval between Cockh had been handled with marked skill, but whose men were almost exhausted, and the two pieces of Walton's battery under Lieut Richardson, being threatened by the enemy's infantry on the left and frontmmands, in the centre by four regiments of Jackson's brigade, with Imboden's four six- pounders, Walton's five guns, (two rifled,) two guns (one piece rifled) of Stanard's and two six-pounders of Rogeendicton, (Rockbridge Artillery,) and Alburns's, of the army of the Shenandoah, and five guns of Walton's, and Heaton's section of Roger's battery, of the army of the Potomac, alternating to some exte
maintenance of their positions, they held, virtually, paralyzed all day, two strong brigades of the enemy, with their batteries (four) of rifle guns. As before said, two regiments of Ronham's brigade, 2d and 8th South Carolina volunteers, and Kemper's battery, took a distinguished part in the battle. The remainder, 3d Williams's, 7th Bacon's South Carolina volunteers; 11th (Kirkland's) North Carolina regiment; six companies 8th Louisiana volunteers; Shield's battery, and one section of Walton's battery, under Lieutenant Garnett, whether in holding their post or taking up the pursuit officers and men discharged their duty with credit and promise. Longstreet's brigade, pursuant to orders, prescribing his part of the operations of the centre and right wing was thrown across Bull Run early in the morning, and under a severe fire of artillery, was skillfully disposed for the assault of the enemy's batteries in that quarter, but were withdrawn subsequently, in consequence of the c