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ittle force was halted in consequence of the presence of a considerable body stationed on the otherside. Lieut. Col. Lee brought in one prisoner. How many of the enemy were killed and wounded, is not known. None of our command were hurt. Soon after Lieut. Col. Lee left, a citizen came dashing in with the information that 75 marauders were on the Back River road. I called for Capt. McDowell's Company E, of the 1st Regiment N. C. Volunteers, and in three minutes it was in hot pursuit. Lieut. West, of the Howitzer Battalion, with one piece, was detached to join them, and Maj. Lane, of my regiment, volunteered to assume command of the whole. After a weary march, they encountered, dispersed and chased the wretches over New Market Bridge — this being the second race on the same day over the New Market course, in both of which the Yankees reached the goal first. Major Lane brought in one prisoner. Reliable citizens reported that two cart loads and one buggy load of wounded were broug
ciating the motive which prompted his publication of our names, we deeply regret that he should have thought proper to do so. Being unconscious of any gallant conduct on our part, more than duty and duty alone required, we esteem it our especial gratification to share our fortunes alike with our brother Howitzers, and claim for all of them as much as we ourselves receive or deserve. Engaged in the same holy struggle, and striving for the same happy results, our fates are linked together for that victory which must ultimately crown our noble cause. Hoping to be understood, We are, respectfully, Stephen B. Hughes, Reuben B. Pleasants, Samuel H. Pendleton, William M. Caldwell, George W. Hobson, Wm. H. McCarthy, L. W. Timberlake, George P. Hughes, David B. Clark, John B. Langhorne, John M. West, Frank Botto, 2d Company Howitzer Battalion. P. S.--We but follow the example of our fellow soldier, John Werth, now in Richmond, whose card you published on yesterday.