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Your search returned 28 results in 15 document sections:
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The First North Carolina Volunteers and the battle of Bethel . (search)
Recorder's Court.
--The Recorder yesterday continued the case of Jas. R. Lawrence, arrested as a suspicious person, to the 15th, and that of David Johnson, arrested for the same offence, to the 12th.--Austin Gibbons, arrested for using incendiary language, while drunk gave bail and I was let off.--Edw'd Hill, was acquitted of uttering threats against a Mr. West, she not appearing.--Wm. R. Snow, arrested as a suspicious person, committed until 13th inst.--Jas. Summers, for assaulting Mary Moore, dismissed, complainant not appearing.--Mitchell Marshall, charged with interfering with negroes in the street, failing to furnish a voucher for his good behavior, was sent to jail and ordered to work in the Chain-Gan for thirty days.
--The Third Company of Richmond Howitzers, now stationed at Yorktown, held an election on the evening of the 24th for officers — John M. West, 2d Lieutenant, being chosen 1st Junior Lieutenant, and Sergeant R. H. Smith, Jr., 2d Lieutenant.
The Howitzers seem to have adopted the very good rule of making office the reward of meritorious service.
Both of the above gentlemen served with ability in the battle of Great Bethel, and took part in the operations of our army before and after the affair, which resulted in so much glory to our arms.
We may as well add here that the order for the march of the First Company of Howitzers from Manassas Junction to Yorktown has been countermanded.
The Daily Dispatch: September 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], A New Wrinkle for the Faculty . (search)
Lieut. John M. West, of the Howitzers, has returned to this city on furlough, being quite sick.
The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Yankee Indigent on. (search)
Military election.
--An election of officers for the Third Company of Howitzers, rendered necessary by the death of Capt. R. C. Stanard, was held on the Peninsula. November 16th, with the following result: Senior 1st Lieutenant Moseley elected Captain; Junior 1st Lieutenant John M. West, 1st Lieutenant; B. H. Smith, Junior 1st Lieutenant; H. C. Carter, 2d Lieutenant.
The Daily Dispatch: May 8, 1862., [Electronic resource], The gunboats. (search)
Commercial Refranchisement.
--This is the title of a tract, published by Messrs West &Johnston, which should be read both by members of Congress and Legislature, and by every merchant and planter in the Confederate States.
Within forty or fifty pages, costing twenty five cents, the reader has as much material for reflection and study as can be found in as many volumes since the questions of an embargo — an exchequer — new weights, measures and coins and tree trade, with novel and brilliant suggestions on an entire charge in all the arrangements respecting the arrival and departure of vessels from our ports, are discussed.
The articles respecting a new commercial language is of a truly philosophical and striking character.
The facts presented upon our tobacco interests are new, and must be as interesting as almost any matter which can be obtained from any sour