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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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in too high praise of the coolness and accuracy with which Lieut. Dubois handled his guns, and of the valuable services he rendered throughout the entire conflict. The following named officers came under my personal observation during the day, and deserve especial mention for the zeal and courage they displayed, although it would prolong this report to too great a length if I should particularize in each individual case: Lieut. Conrad, Second Infantry, A. C. S. to Gen. Lyon, (wounded;) Major Wherry, volunteer aide-de-camp to Gen. Lyon; Major Shepard, volunteer aide-de-camp to Gen. Lyon; Mr. E. Cozzens, volunteer aide-de-camp to myself. Gen. Sweeny, Inspector-General.--This gallant officer was especially distinguished by his zeal in rallying broken fragments of various regiments, and leading them into the hottest of the fight. Assistant-Surgeon Sprague, Medical Department, attended the wounded with as much self-possession as though no battle was raging around him, not only took c
y,Clinker-built. Boats are also known by their purpose or duty; as, — Advice-boat,Snag-boat, Canal-boat,Stone-boat, Dispatch-boat,Submarine-boat, Ferry-boat,Surf-boat, Ice-boat,Tender-boat, Life-boat,Torpedo-boat, Packet-boat,Tug-boat, Passage-boat,Whale-boat, etc. Pilot-boat, Also by specific names of various imports; as, — Bateau,Keel, Coracle,Metallic-boat, Buggy-boat,Punt, Bunder-boat,Scow, Caique,Sectional-boat, Dory,Skiff, Flat-boat,Steam-boat, Folding-boat,Wherry, etc., Gondola, most of which are described under their respective heads. Boat-car. Boat-detaching hook. Boat-bridge. A boat-bridge consists of a track laid on a number of boats anchored parallel in the stream, or moored to ropes or chains which pass from bank to bank. The bridge thrown across the Hellespont by Xerxes when he invaded Greece, 480 B. C., had a length of 500 paces, and was supported on ships used as pontons. Suspension cables of flax and biblos united the ship
boat. Monitor.Snow. Monkey-boat.Steamboat. Mortar-vessel.Steam-ram. Mud-boat.Steam-vessel. Mulette.Stone-vessel. Oil-carrying vessel.Submarine battery. Outrigger.Submarine boat. Packet.Tank-vessel. Paddle-box boat.Tartan. Periaugua.Team-boat. Pink.Tender. Pinnace.Topsail-schooner. Pirogue.Torpedo-boat. Polacca.Tow-boat. Ponton.Track-boat. Portable boat.Trow. Praam.Tug. Prahu.Turret-ship. Privateer.Twin-boat. Proa.Two-topsail schooner. Pungy.Vakka. Punt.Whale-boat. Raft.Wherry. Raising sunken vessels.Xebec. Ram.Yacht. Razee.Yawl. Ves′sets. A kind of cloth. Ves′ta. A kind of wax-match. Ves′ti-bule. An ante-hall, lobby, or porch. Vet′er-i-na-ry In′stru-ment. See surgical instruments. Treating sick animals (Beni Hassan, Egypt). Fig. 6974 shows the practice of the veterinary art in ancient Egypt. Oxen and sheep and goats were kept in vast herds, and, besides these, the oryx, antelope, and other animals of the desert, were tamed an
, was killed, and he was wounded in the leg and in the head. Stunned and dazed by the blow, and his brave soul cut down by the shock, he said in a confused sort of way to those nearest, that he feared the day was lost. But he came quickly to his senses, and ordering Sturgis to rally the First Iowa, which was beginning to break badly, he mounted a horse that was offered him, and swinging his hat in the air, called out to his men to follow. A portion of Mitchell's Second Kansas, which Lieutenant Wherry had just brought again to the front, closed quickly around him, and together they dashed into the fight. The next moment Mitchell was struck down, severely wounded, and almost instantly thereafter a fatal ball pierced Lyon's breast. He fell from his horse into the arms of his faithful orderly, who had sprung forward to catch him, and in another minute he was dead. The command devolved upon Major Sturgis. He called his chief officers together. Price had already been reinforced by