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Murder of an American. --Hon. Joseph L. White, of New York, formerly a member of Congress from Indiana, was killed at Realejo. Nicaragua, on the 5th ultimo, by a Canadian named Gavett. Mr. White had gone to Central America on professional busMr. White had gone to Central America on professional business, and the difficulty was caused by some misunderstanding in relation to business matters connected with a large India rubber contract with an American company, of which Mr. White was counsel and agent. Mr. White was shot in the knee, on the evMr. White was counsel and agent. Mr. White was shot in the knee, on the evening of the 5th of January, soon after landing from the Pacific steamer.--The wound was so severe that amputation was found to be necessary, but was ineffectual as a cure. He lingered for a few days, and died on the 12th of January. Mr. White was shot in the knee, on the evening of the 5th of January, soon after landing from the Pacific steamer.--The wound was so severe that amputation was found to be necessary, but was ineffectual as a cure. He lingered for a few days, and died on the 12th of January.
The Daily Dispatch: February 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Military Organizations rather Costly. (search)
Northern Markets. New York, Feb. 5. --Stocks active and better under the Virginia news. New York Centrals $77½; Virginia 6's $72½; Missouri 6's $65. Cotton dull; sales of 3,000 bales at 12 cents. Flour firm; Southern unchanged. Wheat easier — Western Red $1.30@1.32. Corn lower — Mixed 67@68½ cents. Lard dull, at 9½@9¼ cents. Whiskey unchanged. Orleans Sugar 4½@5 cents. Coffee steady, at 10½@13 cents. Other articles unchanged. Baltimore, Feb. 5.--Flour steady — Howard, Ohio and City Mills $5.25. Wheat dull — Red $1.27@1.32; White $1.40@1.60. Corn steady -- Mixed 55@65 cents; Yellow 60@61 cents. Provisions active and firmer at previous rates. Coffee steady, at 12½@13½ cents. Whiskey fir