Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for White or search for White in all documents.

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Mrs Nancy Mason's. Here they found Captain G D White, of the Boydton cavalry, who has been at home leading his men in the right at Gettysburg. Capt White was on a visit to Mrs Mason, who is his grandmother. The Yankees called Captain White from the house, and threatened to take him along winty, Va.,) gave him a verbal parole, which Captain White said he would not regard, and which he didles from Mrs Mason's, and early next morning Capt White collected six of the neighbors and went in poked as appearances would seem to indicate. Capt White then made a circuit so as to avoid being seent Brooks asked for time to consult his men. Capt White replied that there was no time for parley. tune. They were so far from their arms that Capt White and his men, being mounted, could have killed the ireful Yankees threatened vengeance to Capt White and his little squad if they were ever liberir happened most opportunely for the brave Captain White, who had so far recovered from his wound t[2 more...]