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nor of this latter despatch and its date, which corresponds with the arrival of Kilpatrick near Lancaster, are proof sufficient that the delusion so complacently referred to by General Sherman existed more in his own mind than in General Beauregard's. While these movements were being executed Fort Fisher and the other Confederate works at the mouth of Cape Fear River, after a short but glorious resistance, were captured by the Federal forces operating against them. It was there that General Whiting redeemed his reputation, and, after receiving a mortal wound behind the shattered ramparts of Fort Fisher, died in the hands of the enemy. Wilmington surrendered to General Terry on or about the 22d of February, and General Bragg, with nearly eight thousand men, retreated towards Goldsboroa, to form a junction at last with General Johnston's forces. The wisdom of the policy advocated by General Beauregard weeks before, but which had been disapproved of by the War Department, was here
. Cooper, A. and I.-G., Richmond, Va.: General Whiting calls urgently for one 10-inch gun. Send n, N. C., May 1st, 1864:9 A. M. Major.-Genl. W. H. C. Whiting, Comdg., etc., Wilmington, N. C.: S Telegram. Weldon, N. C., May 5th, 1864. Genl. Whiting, Wilmington, N. C.: Hurry Hagood's brighere on my way; coming as fast as I can. W. H. C. Whiting, Major-Genl. Telegram. Petersburg, Vae any miscarriage of your instructions to General Whiting, or any misunderstanding as to their impouarters during the night, and accompanied General Whiting in the morning upon his advance. His forf battle and your special instructions to General Whiting. He also began to show considerable uneang his advance. We repeatedly approached General Whiting on the subject, together, but got no satistantially what I have stated above as to General Whiting's position, and I recollect distinctly stly on any advance being made that day by General Whiting. My impression is that you had already a[32 more...]
orps Army of the Potomac; afterwards in command of the First division in General J. E. Johnston's Army of Virginia; subsequently relieved General Holmes of the command at Fredericksburg; at Yorktown commanded division composed of the brigades of Whiting, Hood, Hampton, Pettigrew and Hatton, &c., &c. 6Theophilus H. HolmesN. Carolina Oct. 7, 1861.Oct. 7, 1861.Dec. 13, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant-General October 10, 1862; assigned to the command of Confederate forces in North Carolina; subsequentlymmand'g Army of Tenn.Feb. 4, 1864.Jan. 20, 1863. Feb. 4, 1864. Promoted Lieutenant-General February 28, 1865; commanding cavalry in Tennessee, consisting of the divisions of Wharton, Martin and Kelly, and the brigades of Roddy and Morgan. 48W. H. C. WhitingMississippiLt. Gen. LongstreetApril 22, 1863.Feb. 28, 1863. April 22, 1863. Commanding at Wilmington, North Carolina, in 1864; division composed of the brigades of Hood and Law, and the light batteries of Reilly and Balthis. 49Edward Johnson
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Brigadier-Generals of the Confederate States Army, alphabetically arranged. (search)
on, Gibson's Light Battery, &c. 458Wheeler, JosephGeorgiaGen. B. BraggOct. 30, 1862.Oct. 30, 1862. April 22, 1863. Promoted Major-General Jannary 20, 1863; Chief of Cavalry in General Bragg's army, and commanding brigades of Hagan, Forrest, Wharton and Morgan. 459Whitfield, F. E.Mississippi      Acting Brigadier-General. 460Whitfield, J. W.TexasGen. J. E. JohnstonMay 9, 1863.May 9, 1863. Jan. 25, 1864. Brigade composed of Whitfield's Legion and the 3d, 6th and 9th Texas cavalry. 461Whiting, W. H. C.Mississippi Aug. 28, 1861.July 21, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861. Promoted Major-General February 28, 1863; brigade in 1861 composed of the 2d and 11th Mississippi, the 4th Alabama and the 6th North Carolina regiments, Army of the Potomac; at one time in command of the 3d brigade, Army of the Shenandoah. 462Wickham, W. C.VirginiaGen. R. E. LeeSept. 2, 1863.Sept. 1, 1863. Jan. 25, 1864. Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th regiments Virginia cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia. 463Wigf
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 54. the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
l Blackman's regiment, were immediately pushed down the Point to Battery Buchanan, whither many of the garrison had fled. On reaching the battery all of the enemy who had not been previously captured were made prisoners. Among them were Major-General Whiting, and Colonel Lamb, the commandant of the fort. About four o'clock in the afternoon Hoke advanced against our north line, apparently with the design of attacking it; but if such was his intention he abandoned it after a skirmish with out of the work, a shell exploded near him, taking off his left arm and seriously injuring his throat. He was afterward shot in the right arm. For his services on this occasion, as well as those on a former one, I most earnestly urge his promotion. Captain Dawson was disabled by a wound in the left arm. To Captain Lockwood, General Whiting and Colonel Lamb surrendered with the garrison at Fort Buchanan. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. Ames, Brigadier-General Volunteers.
horse, which they brought off, killing the orderly, who was the bearer of a despatch from the Chief of Artillery of General Whiting to bring a light battery within the fort, and also brought away from the parapet the flag of the fort. This was dd D. Porter, Rear-Admiral. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C. Confederate reports. General Whiting's report. headquarters, Wilmington, December 31, 1864. Colonel — For the information of the General commandire, for the favor of Almighty God, under and by which a signal deliverance has been achieved. Very respectfully, W. H. C. Whiting, Major-General. Lieutenant-Colonel A. Anderson, A. A. and I. G., Headquarters Department of N. C. P. S.--I wit to be understood that in no sense did I assume the command of Colonel Lamb. I was a witness simply, confining my action to observation and advice, and to our communications, and it is as a witness that I report. W. H. C. Whiting, Major-General
on, I assumed command of the city, while my brigade, Colonel Noble commanding, made a march to the rear, through Summerfield, to Johnson's Ferry, returning on the sixth instant. With the army this brigade moved from Selma, April tenth, arriving at Montgomery on the twelfth, near which city we remained until the fourteenth. Major Crukendoll, with six companies Third Iowa cavalry, was here detailed as Provost Guard, and did not rejoin the command until after the capture of Columbus. Captain Whiting, with Companies H and M, Fourth Iowa cavalry, was sent to Grey's Ferry, Tallapoosa river, with directions to destroy the bridge over the Coosa at Wetumkee. He was unable to do this, but in conjunction with Major Weston, Fourth Kentucky, captured and took to Montgomery three steamboats. While the command was marching to Columbus, Captain Young with two hundred men, Tenth Missouri cavalry, was detached from the column at Crawford, and proceeded to Clapp's factory, three miles above Colu
obert, I, 91. Weir, Mrs., Robert, 1, 96. Weiss, Charley, I, 215, 437. Weld, Allan H., I, 25. Welles, Gideon, I, 139. Wellington, Duke of, I, 612; II, 24, 495, 496. Wells, Spencer, I, 27. Wesells, Henry W., I, 229. Wever, Clark R., II, 64. Whaley, William, II, 238. Wheeler, Joseph, I, 541, 542, 579, 601, 602, 605, 606, 608, 609; II, 7, 14, 28, 30, 47, 74, 78, 80. Whipple, A. W., I, 157, 333. White, Julius, I, 273, 275, 276. Whiting, Henry, I, 143. Whiting, W. H. C., I, 225, 226, 239, 241. Whiting, William, II, 438. Whittaker, J. C., II, 485, 486. Whittier, John Greenleaf, II, 414. Whittle, D. W., II, 62, 570, 671. Whittlesey, Eliphalet, I, 187, 298, 309, 310, 327, 366; II, 215, 217, 233, 279, 283, 352, 353, 398-400 430, 446. Wiedrich, Michael, I, 364, 476. Wiggin, Sullivan D., I, 254. Wilcox, John, I, 22. Wilder, Charles B., II, 175. Wilkinson, M. C., 11, 461, 464, 468, 470, 566. Willard, John, I, 426, 436. Willc
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1852. (search)
he Rebel officer or the exchange would ever be heard of again. But Major McAlexander was a gentleman of personal honor; and he successfully accomplished his mission. On May 1st Major Revere was en route to rejoin his regiment, then in the lines before Yorktown, Virginia. He reported for duty on May 2d, in season to move with the general advance of the army which followed the Rebel evacuation of Yorktown. On May 7th he was present with his regiment at West Point, when the Rebel General W. H. C. Whiting made his unsuccessful attempt to force the position occupied by Franklin's division and Dana's brigade. The army was greatly hindered in its advance by the condition of the roads; and it was not till towards the last of May that General McClellan found himself within striking distance of Richmond, the objective point of the campaign. On the march up the Peninsula, Major Revere had greatly distinguished himself while in command of the skirmish line of a brigade, and intrusted with
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
ton, Miss, I. 3. Wheeler, Moses, II. 38. Wheeler, Gen. (Rebel service), II. 271. Wheelwright, Charles Henry, Surgeon, Memoir, I. 29-37. Wheelwright, H. B., I. 346. Wheelwright, Lot, I. 29. Wheelwright, Susannah Wilson, L 29. White, B. H., II. 56, 57;. White, Caroline Story, I. 20. White, D. A., Hon., I. 358. White, Eliza Amelia, I. 150. White, J., Brig.-Gen., II. 139,141. White, Moses, Major, I. 150. White, Stephen, I. 20. White, William, I. 252. Whiting, W. H. C., Gen. (Rabel serrice, I. 213. Whittemore, Anna, I. 379. Whittemore, B. F., Rev., I. 69. Whittemore, George, I. 379. Whittemore, George, Jr., Memoir, I. 379, 388;. Whittemore, G. H., II. 389. Whitwell, Lucy C., II. 294. Willard, Captain, II. 463. Willard, Joseph, I. 235. Willard, Robert, Dr., II. 159, 160;. Willard, Sidney, Major, Memoir, 295-251. Also, II. 304. Willard, Simon, Major, I. 235. Willard, Susanna H., I. 235. Willett, Major, I. 93
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