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ning, James Chestnut, Jr., William Porcher Miles, A. J. Gonzales, and A. R. Chisolm, and Colonels L. T. Wigfall, of Texas, and Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia—of the Volunteer staff. Though the openingactuated by the best of motives, but without authority from the commanding general, allowed Colonel Wigfall to cross from Cummings's Point to Sumter in a row-boat, to ascertain whether the absence ofnt directly from general headquarters, could do so. A short interview took place between Colonel Wigfall and Major Anderson, during which a demand of surrender was made by the former and acceded t L. P. Walker, Secretary of War at Montgomery, Alabama: Major Anderson understood him [Colonel Wigfall] as offering the same conditions on the part of General Beauregard as had been tendered himter III., pp. 40, 41; also Report of General Beauregard, in Appendix to this chapter. while Colonel Wigfall's impression was that Major Anderson unconditionally surrendered, trusting to the generosit
movement. instructions to brigade commanders. reconnoissances made at the end of June. McDowell's strength. General Beauregard's anxieties. his letter to Senator Wigfall. Submits another plan of operations to the President, July 11th.> The Confederate troops in northern Virginia, east of the grand chain of the Alleghanies,he needed reinforcements, and grieved also at his unsuccessful attempts to induce the government to adopt his views, wrote the following letter to his friend, Senator Wigfall. It shows General Beauregard's unrelieved anxiety, and his determination, while wishing and laboring for a better state of things, to make the most of his limited means: Manassas Junction, Va., July 8th, 1861. Colonel Wigfall: My dear Colonel,—I believe we are about to be attacked by the enemy, who has been increasing his forces rapidly in the last few days. He has doubtless at present, on this side of the Potomac, at least 30,000 men, and probably as many in or about Was
, General Beauregard asked for a junction of General Holmes's forces with his own, showing—General Holmes agreeing—the uselessness of that command in the position it then occupied. This, too, was refused. Grieved, though not discouraged, at his want of success in securing compliance with suggestions which he knew were not only wise but of the utmost importance, General Beauregard did all he could to prepare himself for the imminent conflict approaching. On the 8th of July he wrote to Senator Wigfall the letter already placed before the reader (Chapter VII.), wherein is depicted the critical strait he was in, owing to slowness, want of forethought, and general inefficiency in the management of military affairs at the seat of government. With fifteen thousand men of all arms, he was threatened and would soon be attacked by forty thousand of the enemy's forces. He was determined to give battle, however, no matter what odds there might be against him; for the Federal advance must be
e assignment of General Beauregard to Charleston has been pressed upon the government by the Governor and Council of South Carolina, we tender herewith the names of the representatives of that State, as expressive of their assent to our petition. It is but justice to General Beauregard to say that this step is taken without his knowledge or consent. Ed. Sparrow,La. T. J. Semmes, W. L. Yancey,Ala. L. C. Haynes,Tenn. H. C. Burnet,Ky. J. B. Clark,Mo. —Peyton, G. A. Henry,Tenn. L. T. Wigfall,Texas. —Mences, C. W. Bell,Mo. C. J. Villere,La. G. D. Royston,Ark. J. M. Elliott,Ky. David Clopton,Ark. G. W. Ewing,Ky. W. N. Cooke,Mo. F. S. Lyon,Ala. J. Perkins, Jr.,La. C. M. Conrad, J. Wilcox,Texas. P. W. Gray, T. B. Cexton, J. C. Atkins,Tenn. W. G. Swan, H. S. Foote, T. B. Handle,Ark. H. W. Bruce,Ky. R. J. Breckinridge, W. R. Smith,Ala. E. L. Gardenshire,Tenn. J. W. Moore,Ky. D. F. Kenner,La. L. C. Dupre, E. S. Dargan,Ala. F. J. Batson,Ark. J. B. Heis
gard for his offer, but desired no assistance. Just previous to their arrival at the fort, Colonel Wigfall, one of my volunteer aids, who had been detached for special duty on Morris Island, had, byns on the part of General Beauregard as had been tendered to him on the 11th instant, while Colonel Wigfall's impression was that Major Anderson unconditionally surrendered, trusting to the generositd Ferguson, C. S. A., and Lieutenant Legare, S. C. A.; and my volunteer staff, Messrs. Chisolm, Wigfall, Chestnut, Manning, Miles, Gonzales, and Pryor—I am much indebted for their indefatigable and vcrity and cheerfulness to the different batteries, amid falling balls and bursting shells. Captain Wigfall was the first in Fort Sumter to receive its surrender. I am, sir, very respectfully, yourigadier-General Evans, to consist of five North Carolina regiments. Fifth Brigade, Brigadier-General Wigfall, to consist of three Texas regiments and one Louisiana regiment. The particular reg