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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 26: the gun-boats in the James River-battle of seven Pines. (search)
gave orders to that effect to Major-General D. H. Hill. The forward movement began about two o'clock, and our skirmishers soon became engaged with those of the enemy. The entire division of General Hill became engaged about three o'clock, and drove the enemy back, gaining possession of his abatis and part of his intrenched camp, General Rodes, by a movement to the right, driving in the enemy's left. The only reinforcements on the field, in hand, were my own brigades, of which Anderson's, Wilcox's, and Kemper's were put in by the front on the Williamsburg road, and Colston's and Pryor's by my right flank. At the same time the decided and gallant attack made by the other brigades gained entire possession of the enemy's position, with his artillery, campequipage, etc. Anderson's brigade, under Colonel Jenkins, pressing forward rapidly, continued to drive the enemy till nightfall. The conduct of the attack was left entirely to Major-General Hill. The entire success of the affair i
vine; he fell and the General was thrown heavily upon his wounded side, which bruised the wounds dreadfully and renewed the hemorrhage. Next day, when Lee and Stuart, who had succeeded Jackson in command, had joined forces, they captured the works of the enemy. General Sedgwick, after being delayed twenty-four hours by Early at Fredericksburg, marched to the relief of Hooker, threatening thereby the Confederate rear. General Lee turned with General McLaws's five brigades (including Wilcox's, who had fallen back from Fredericksburg), and General Anderson with three additional brigades, turned upon Sedgwick. General Early brought up his troops in the afternoon of the 4th, and the corps of Sedgwick was broken and driven to the river, which he crossed during the night. On the 5th, General Lee concentrated for another assault, but on the morning of the 6th he learned that Hooker had sought safety beyond the Rappahannock. General Lee's report. When General Jackson ar
ak through the enemy's centre, and for that purpose, Pickett's division, just arrived, and numbering 4,760 officers and men, with Heth's division on its left, and Wilcox's brigade on its right, and with Lane's and Scales's brigades under General Trimble, as supports, were aligned for the attack. At 1.30 P. M., at a signal of tew, and numbering about 4,300 men, and the supporting brigades of North Carolinians of Lane and Scales under General Trimble, moved forward on his left flank, and Wilcox's Alabama brigade upon his right. Some of the artillery moved forward also, and fired over the heads of the advancing troops. The charge was watched with anxades of Lane and Scales still tenaciously hold the enemy's line that they have crossed, and the close combat continues in the little clump of trees on the ridge. Wilcox with his brigade charged on Pickett's right flank up to the Federal line, but being overwhelmed by numbers, withdrew. And now the Federals massed upon Picket
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 42: President Davis's letter to General Johnston after the fall of Vicksburg. (search)
tc., (Signed) Jefferson Davis. Telegrams sent by General Johnston from Jackson, Miss., to Richmond, Va. May 28, 1863. To President Davis: It is reported that the last infantry coming leave Montgomery to-night. When they arrive I shall have about twenty-three thousand. Pemberton can be saved only by beating Grant. Unless you can promise more troops we must try with that number. The odds against us will be very great. Can you add 7,000? I asked for another Major-General, Wilcox, or whoever you may prefer. We want good General Officers quickly. I have to organize an army and collect ammunition, provisions, and transportation. June 10, 1863. To Secretary of War : Your despatch of June 8th in cipher received. You do not give orders in regard to the recently appointed General Officers. Please do it. I have not at my (disposal? Word not legible in cipher despatch.) half the number of troops necessary. It is for the Government to determine what Department
entire effective strength did not exceed 64,000 men of all arms, at the opening of the spring campaign of 1864. On May 4th General Grant began his march. It was doubtless expected that Lee would retreat before this vast army, but he, on the contrary, gave Grant such a blow in the Wilderness that he was compelled to halt and deliver battle. For two days the contest raged, and only ceased from mutual exhaustion. It was during this battle that a notable event occurred: Heth and Wilcox, who had expected to be relieved, and were not prepared for the enemy's assault, were overpowered and compelled to retire, just as the advance of Longstreet's column reached the ground. The defeated divisions were in considerable disorder, and the condition of affairs was exceedingly critical. General Lee fully appreciated the impending crisis, and, dashing amid the fugitives, called upon the men to rally. General Longstreet, taking in the situation at a glance, immediately caused his di
ved, but those 200 men had placed hors de combat 800 men of Gibbons's corps. Colonel Miller Owen: In Camp and Battle. On the day it fell, General A. P. Hill, our intrepid, skilful, handsome soldier, accompanied by a single courier, while endeavoring to join his troops at Five Forks, ran across two Federal soldiers. Upon demanding their surrender, they shot him down and then retreated. His body was brought back to Petersburg by his faithful courier, General Gibbons so informed General Wilcox at Appomattox. and the country's mourning was proportionate to her need of him, and her high estimate of his skilful generalship. Our consolation was that he was saved the pang of Appomattox. General Lee now telegraphed President Davis, that he could no longer hold the lines of Petersburg, and would leave them at night, and that this would necessitate the evacuation of Richmond. The enemy kept up an incessant fire upon the lines all day, and made many unsuccessful assaults, ceasin
milton's Crossing. Just after receiving his promotion as Lieutenant-Colonel of artillery, for gallantry and skill, he met his death, leading a squadron in a charge. Shouting Forward, boys! Forward to victory and glory! a fragment of shell penetrated his skull, and his brave spirit took its flight. Tennessee gave us Forrest, the great leader of cavalry, Frazier, Cheatham, Jackson, Green, A. J. Vaughn, O. F. Strahl, Archer, and the last, but not least, on this very incomplete list, Cadmus Wilcox, who led his brigade at Gettysburg on July 2d, right into the enemy's lines, capturing prisoners and guns, and only failing in great results from lack of the support looked for. Kentucky gave us John B. Hood, one of the bravest and most dashing division commanders in the army. Always in the front, he lost a limb at Chickamauga; John C. Breckinridge, Charley Field, S. B. Buckner, Morgan, Duke, and Preston; the latter with his fine brigades under Gracie, Trigg, and Kelly, gave the ene
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., From the Wilderness to Cold Harbor. (search)
o'clock in the afternoon was ordered to drive Hill out of the Wilderness. Cadmus Wilcox's division went to Heth's support, and Poague's battalion of artillery tookparations for battle could be heard on the Federal line, in front of Heth's and Wilcox's divisions, which had so far sustained themselves against every attack by six divisions under General Hancock. But Heth's and Wilcox's men were thoroughly worn out. Their lines were ragged and irregular, with wide intervals, and in some placesk's troops swept forward to the attack. The blow fell with greatest force upon Wilcox's troops south of the Orange Plank road. They made what front they could and rd line existing between them. Connection was established with Ewell's right by Wilcox's division, after it had been relieved by Longstreet's troops on the morning ofeld bridge on the Telegraph road; but as it moved out from the river it met Cadmus Wilcox's division of Hill's corps, and a severe but indecisive engagement ensued,
s, had halted near Williamsburg, four brigades at or in rear of the line of works, two brigades, Wilcox and Colston, on the Richmond side. About seven next morning Wilcox was ordered to return to theWilcox was ordered to return to the line of works and report to Gen. Anderson. Wilcox was placed on the right and about one thousand yards in front of Fort Magruder, and at the time held the right of the Confederate line, posted in thWilcox was placed on the right and about one thousand yards in front of Fort Magruder, and at the time held the right of the Confederate line, posted in the pine-woods with occasional clearings. He supposed that there was nothing but cavalry in his front, but, sending two companies into the woods, they captured three of our infantry soldiers; whereuponoods were held by dismounted cavalry; but now heavy firing followed, and the report came back to Wilcox that three United States brigades were there in position. These brigades composed Hooker's division. And all this must have taken place between nine and ten A. M. Wilcox immediately sent for reinforcements, and the rest of Longstreet's division gradually came up to his support, mostly being
ad been opposed by only a portion of the Confederate army, at first by a single rear-guard, which was subsequently considerably reinforced by troops brought back during the first night and the next day to hold the works as long as possible and enable their trains to escape. Longstreet's and D. H. Hill's divisions, more than half their army, were engaged. Their losses were heavy, and we captured eight guns and many caissons and wagons, which the deep mud prevented them from carrying off. Wilcox's Confederate brigade, having received no orders, found itself at half-past 10 P. M. of the 5th entirely alone, and moved back beyond Williamsburg, being the last to leave the field. It has been stated that G. W. Smith had been ordered to move at half-past 2 A. M. of the 5th and take a position north of Barhamsrille. He moved at the hour designated, just as a heavy rain commenced. The roads soon became axle-deep in mud, and extraordinary efforts were required to get the wagons along. Lat
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