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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Medford Historical Society. the Medford Historical Society was incorporated under Massachusetts laws, May 22, 1896. The incorporators were Wm. Cushing Wait, Will C. Eddy, Lorin L. Dame, Mrs. Louise G. DeLong, Miss Helen T. Wild, Miss Eliza M. Gill, Miss Mary E. Sargent, Allston P. Joyce, and Charles H. Loomis. The objects of the Society are to collect, preserve, and disseminate the local and general history of Medford and the genealogy of Medford families; to make antiquarian collections; to collect books of general history, genealogy, and biography; and to prepare, or cause to be prepared, from time to time such papers and records relating to these subjects as maybe of general interest to the members. Medford is one of the ancient and honorable communities of the country. Founded in 1630, its municipal life has been patriotic, dignified, and law-abiding, while the family history of many of its citizens is filled with facts and experiences relating to ye early tymes, wh
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Medford Historical Society. Officer. President. William Cushing Wait. Vice-Presidents. Will C. Eddy, Lorin L. Dame, Benj. P. Hollis, Mrs. H. C. Delong. Recording secretary. Helen T. Wild. Corresponding secretary. Eliza M. Gill. Treasurer. Charles H. Loomis. Librarian and Curator. Mary E. Sargent. Standing committees. Membership. Benj. P. Hollis, Benj. F. Morrison, Dr. J. E. Cleaves, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, Miss Fannie E. Bemis. Publication. R. B. Lawrence, Will C. Eddy, Walter H. Cushing, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, Charles H. Loomis. Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown, Charles N. Jones, George E. Davenport, John Ward Dean, Charles H. Morss. Historic Sites. L. L. Dame, Miss E. L. Burbank, will C. Eddy, Walter H. Cushing. Genealogy. Allston P. Joyce, Miss E. A. Black, Miss E. S. Hinckley, Charles E. Larkin, David H. Brown. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, J. Edson young, F. H. C. Woolley,
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R. (search)
guidance, and the incentive of her own interest in the work, the preliminary meetings were called, and the necessary steps taken to effect organization. The following names appear in the charter: Mrs. Mary S. Goodale, Mrs. Mary B. Loomis, Miss Helen T. Wild, Miss Adeline B. Gill, Mrs. Emma W. Goodwin, Miss Eliza M. Gill, Mrs. S. Olive Loring, Miss M. Gertrude Bragdon, Miss Bertha G. Paige, Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore, Mrs. Hannah E. Ayers, Mrs. Sarah F. E. Bruce, Miss Sarah L. Clark, Miss Mabel W.emorial Day, the graves of Revolutionary soldiers. Our present membership is thirty-seven, with a waiting list of eleven. The chapter is officered, for the year 1898, as follows: Regent.—Mrs. M. Susie Goodale. Vice-Regent.—Mrs. Mary B. Loomis. Registrar.—Mrs. Emma W. Goodwin. Secretary.—Miss Helen T. Wild. Historian.—Miss Eliza M. Gill. Treasurer.—Mss Sarah L. Clark. Board of Managers. Mrs. Asaphine De F. Manning. Mrs. Hannah E. Ayers. Miss Adeli
Sarah Bradlee Fulton. Dorchester, 1740. Medford, 1835. by Helen T. Wild, Secretary. By permission of the American Monthly, Washington, D. C. the names of the men who fought in the War of the American Revolution are carefully preserved in the archives of the State, but the women who through all those sad years endured hardship and loss, and who toiled at the spinning-wheel and in the hospitals for their country's cause, have long ago been forgotten. Only here and there a woman's name is found on the honor roll of Revolutionary days. Among the Medford women whom history has remembered, Sarah Bradlee Fulton has a prominent place. We have been proud to name our chapter for her, honoring with her all the unknown loyal women who worked and prayed in this dear old town of ours, for the cause of liberty. Mrs. Fulton was a member of the Bradlee family of Dorchester and Boston. In 1762 she married John Fulton, and ten years later they came to Medford with their little sons
S. Harlow. October 18.—Medford's Interest in the Metropolitan Park System. Mr. Sylvester Baxter, of Malden. November 15.—The Hancock-Clark House, of Lexington. Rev. Carlton A. Staples, of Lexington. December 20.—Maps of Medford at Different Periods. Mr. William Cushing Wait. January 17.—Roads and Bridges of Old Medford. Mr. John H. Hooper. February 21.—Governor Cradock's Plantation. Mr. Walter H. Cushing. To be followed. April 18.—Medford in the War of the Revolution. Miss Helen T. Wild. May 16.—The Life and Work of Mrs. Lydia Maria (Francis) Child. Mrs. Richard P. Hallowell. England, and John Winthrop succeeded to the chief executive office. From that time, Massachusetts became to a large degree self-governed. The earliest information we get concerning the circumstances under which Medford was settled comes from a letter written by Governor Dudley, March 28, 1631. After a recital of the events connected with the arrival of the colonists, he says: We be
Notes the papers by Miss Helen T. Wild, on Medford in the War of the Revolution, and Mrs. Anna D. Hallowell, on the Life and Work of Lydia Maria Child, were most admirable, and readers of the register will enjoy their perusal when published. the Membership Committee hopes to see a round three hundred names on our list by the end of this Society year. Help the committee by proposing names for membership in the Society. the Committee on Historic Sites is doing faithful and conscientious work. the Committee on Papers and Addresses is arranging for a series of interesting papers the coming fall and winter. the Committee on Library and Collections respectfully suggests that objects of historical interest and facts of historical value are quite often obtained in unexpected places. The summer vacation is a capital time for exploring and digging. Remember the Medford Historical Society. Send a copy of the July register to your friends in the country. They will enjoy read
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
Medford in the War of the Revolution. by Helen T. Wild. [Read before The Medford Historical Society, April 18, 1898.] FOR an old town, Medford is singularly devoid of traditions. Few of the old families are represented by name at the present day. Still, in unexpected places, we find stories which when compared with the records prove true. Even they are imperfect. Medford men who served during the War of Independence are not always credited to the town. The muster rolls, from 1775 t they began! A union of States none can sever, A union of hearts and a union of hands, And the flag of our Union forever. Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R. Officers for 1899. RegentMRS. Mary B. Loomis. Vice-RegentMISS Ella L. Burbank. ChaplainMRS. Sarah E. Fuller. SecretaryMISS Helen T. Wild. RegistrarMRS. Emma W. Goodwin. TreasurerMISS Sarah L. Clark. HistorianMISS Eliza M. Gill. Executive Board. Mrs. Hannah E. Ayers. Mrs. C. Edith Kidder. Mrs. A. H. Evans.
enty-seven town meetings, eleven of them being annual meetings, and has served on many committees. Mr. Hooper is not a native of Medford, but is descended from the early settlers of the place. One of his ancestors, Samuel Polley, who settled in Medford in 1708, married Elizabeth Hall, granddaughter of John Hall, who settled in Medford in 1675. Mr. Hooper is also descended from the early settlers of Marblehead, his great-grandfather being the famous King Hooper of that town. Miss Helen T. Wild, whose portrait also appears in this number, is the efficient secretary of Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A.R., as well as an active worker in the Historical Society. Her article on Medford in the War of the Revolution is of pleasing interest. the opening meeting of the season, October 17, was a social occasion. The rooms were cheerful from blazing wood fires, and brilliant from electric lights, and the same adjectives might be applied, with due discrimination, to the members, w
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Gushing. Treasurer. Charles H. Loomis. Librarian and Curator Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Membership. Dr. J. E. Cleaves, Annie E. Durgin, Fannie E. Bemis, A. H. Evans, Geo. S. Delano. Publication. E. A. Start, W. H. Cushing, R. B. Lawrence, C. H. Morss, C. H. Loomis. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Katharine H. Stone, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, John Ward Dean, Helen T. Wild, John H. Hooper. Historic Sites. L. L. Dame, W. C. Eddy, Ella L. Burbank, W. H. Cushing, John H. Hooper, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Hetty F. Wait. Genealogy. W. I. Parker, E. Adelaide black, Eliza M. Gill, Ella S. Hinckley, Hetty F. Wait, D. H. Brown, Allston P. Joyce. Heraldry. Benjamin P. Hollis, C. B. Dunham, Dr. J. Hedenberg, F. H. C. Woolley, W. F. Kingman, Dr. J. Edson young. Library and collections. Agnes W. Lincoln, Benjamin F. Fenton, C. B.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., The Royall House loan exhibition. (search)
he exhibition, and Mrs. C. H. Loomis, the regent, was made chairman of the committee of arrangements. She divided the chapter, of fifty members, into five sub-committees for special work, and the members were a committee of the whole to solicit loans. The people of Medford responded generously. To the regent the highest praise is due for unremitting effort and close personal attention to detail from the inception of the affair until every loan had been returned to its owner. On Saturdays the doors were open at nine o'clock in the morning for the benefit of school children, and some of the pleasantest remembrances of the exhibition are tours through the house with these bright-eyed, eager little people. The exhibition closed April 29. It was with feelings of real regret that the Daughters turned away from the ancient door-stone, but hope is cherished in their hearts that some day the mansion can be refurnished permanently, and remain a monument to the days of old. Helen T. Wild.
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