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his regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Turner, of same regiment, was wounded, also Captain E. P. Guilliet, of General Adams's staff. Colonel Daniel Gober and Major C. H. Moore, of Sixteenth and Twenty-fifth Louisiana; Colonel L. Von Zinken and Captain E. M. Dubroca, of Thirteenth and Twentieth Louisiana; Captain John W. Labouisse, A. I. G.; Major J. C. Kimball, Thirty-second Alabama, and Lieutenants S. L. Ware and Scott Yerger, were distinguished for their gallantry and bravery. Major James Wilson, A. A. G.; Captains Cabell, Breckinridge, Clay, Coleman, and Maston, of General Breckinridge's staff, also won additional distinction. The brave and chivalrous Colonel Hewitt, of the Second Kentucky, and Lieutenant-Colonel Inge, of the Eighteenth Alabama, were killed. Bate's brigade, of Stewart's division, retook a gun and confederate flag which had been captured by the enemy the evening before. General Bate had two horses shot under him, suffering considerably from the fall of th
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 19: battle of the forts and capture of New Orleans. (search)
. K. Mitchell, 1st-Lieutenant J. N. Wilkinson, 2d-Lieutenant W. H. Ward, 3d-Lieutenant W. C. Whittle, jr., Lieutenant A. F. Warley, Surgeon John D. Grafton, Lieutenant F. M. Harris, ex-naval officers of the United States; Purser L. E. Brooks, Gunner Wilson, Boatswain Jones, Carpenter Cherry, Captain's Clerk George Taylor, Captain's Clerk W. Clark, Chief Engineer W. Young-blood, 2d Assistant Engineer James Harris, 2d Assistant Engineer M. Parsons, 3d Assistant Engineer Theo. Hart, 3d Assistant E Engineer James Waters, 2d Assistant Engineer Orvel Culver, 2d Assistant Engineer George W. Weaver, 3d Assistant Engineer T. A. Menzis, 3d Assistant Engineer William Newman, Engineer Henry Fagin, Engineer J. H. Toombs, Engineer J. H. Dent, Gunner James Wilson, Boatswain Samuel Jones, Carpenter Virginius Cherry, Paymaster's Steward D. Porter. I make the above statement in consequence of having learned informally that all such officers would be paroled on a representation of the fact to you.
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 48 (search)
avid B. Sargent, Paymaster's Clerk; S. E. Hartwell, Captain's Clerk; Frank A. Graham, Gunner; James C. Walton, Boatswain; William H. Yeaton, Charles H. Danforth and Ezra Bartlett, Acting-Master's Mates. Petty officers and crew. George A. Tittle, Surgeon's-Steward; C. B. De Witt, Yeoman; J. N. Watrus, Master-at-Arms; Chas. Jones, Seaman; Daniel Charter, Landsman; Ed. ward Williams, Officer's-Steward; George Williams, Landsman; Charles Butts, Quartermaster; Chas. Bedding, Landsman; James Wilson, Coxswain; William Gowan (died), Ordinary Seaman; James Saunders, Quartermaster; John W. Dempsey, Quarter-Gunner; William D. Chapel, Landsman; Thomas Perry, Boatswain's-Mate; John Barrow, Ordinary Seaman; William Bond, Boatswain's-Mate; James Haley, Captain-of-Forecastle; Robert Strahn, Captain-of-Top; James O. Stone, First-Class Boy; Jacob Barth, John H. McCarthy and James F. Hayes, Landsmen; John Hayes, Coxswain; James Devine, Landsman; Geo. H. Russell, Armorer; Patrick McKeever, Nathan
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Petty officers and crew. (search)
Petty officers and crew. George A. Tittle, Surgeon's-Steward; C. B. De Witt, Yeoman; J. N. Watrus, Master-at-Arms; Chas. Jones, Seaman; Daniel Charter, Landsman; Ed. ward Williams, Officer's-Steward; George Williams, Landsman; Charles Butts, Quartermaster; Chas. Bedding, Landsman; James Wilson, Coxswain; William Gowan (died), Ordinary Seaman; James Saunders, Quartermaster; John W. Dempsey, Quarter-Gunner; William D. Chapel, Landsman; Thomas Perry, Boatswain's-Mate; John Barrow, Ordinary Seaman; William Bond, Boatswain's-Mate; James Haley, Captain-of-Forecastle; Robert Strahn, Captain-of-Top; James O. Stone, First-Class Boy; Jacob Barth, John H. McCarthy and James F. Hayes, Landsmen; John Hayes, Coxswain; James Devine, Landsman; Geo. H. Russell, Armorer; Patrick McKeever, Nathan Ives and Dennis McCarty, Landsmen; John Boyle and John C. Woodberry, Ordinary Seamen; Geo. E. Reed, Seaman; James Morey, Ordinary Seaman; Benedict Drury and William Giles, Seamen; Timothy Hurley, Ship's Coo
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 51 (search)
. Reilly; Acting-Second-Assistant, T. Galloway; Acting-Third-Assistants, Wm. Cornell, F. M. Dykes and T. H. Cross; Acting-Carpenter, J. C. Tier. Steamer Yankee. Acting-Volunteer Lieutenant, Edward Hooker; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, S. T. Brown; Acting-Ensign, G. D. Gilderdale; Acting-Master's Mates, H. C. Borden and Robert Robinson; Engineers: Acting-Third-Assistants, W. H. Hughes and John F. Costar. Steamer Commodore Read. Acting-Master, G. E. Hill; Acting-Assistant-Surgeon, James Wilson; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, J. J. Duffield; Acting-Ensigns, G. E. McConnell, C. Ainsworth and L. Wold; Acting-Master's Mates, Guy Morrison, E. K. Howland and G. A. Patchke; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, A. K. Gaul; Acting-Third-Assistants, John Westinghouse, Wesley J. Phillips and George Smith. Steamer Currituck. Acting-Master, W. H. Smith; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Henry Johnson; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Frank Clark; Acting-Ensigns, Thomas Nelson, Ambrose Felix and J. A. H
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 50: Second attack on Fort Fisher. (search)
nt Paymaster, Thomas Jernegan; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistants, Hiram Warner; Acting-Second-Assistants, C. B. Culver and D. S. Leffler; Acting-Third-Assistants, F. G. Shannon and David Reed. Shokokon--Fourth rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, W. B. Sheldon: Acting-Ensigns, P. C. Asserson, A. O. Kruge and D. W. Lakin; Acting-Master's Mates. R. S. Proudfit and F. Bradley; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, C. J. Todd; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant,W. D Forbes; Acting-Third Assistant, James Wilson. Dunbarton--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer Lieutenant. Henry Brown; Acting-Master, Hamilton Bingham; Acting-Ensigns, O. A. Thompson, C. T. Somes, Daniel Merrill and J. A. Williams; Acting-Master's Mate, H. M. Guilford; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, J. W. Holmes; Engineers: Acting-Second Assistant, Charles Bremon; Acting-Third Assistants, J. W. Mead, G. L. Shoemaker, Clark Thurston and J. T. Boyd. Clematis--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer Lieutenant, E. D. Bruner; Acting Ensigns, C
mpanied by 125 recruits. The Ninth served during the Atlanta campaign in Osterhaus's (1st) Division, Fifteenth Corps, losing in that campaign,--from May 1st to September 1st,--14 killed, 70 wounded, and 6 missing. While on the March to the Sea, it was in Stone's Iowa Brigade, C. R. Woods's (1st) Division, Fifteenth Corps. Thirteenth Iowa Infantry. Hall's Brigade — Giles A. Smith's Division--Seventeenth Corps. (1) Col. Marcellus M. Crocker; Brig.-Gen. (2) Col. John Shane. (3) James Wilson; Bvt. Brig.-Gen. companies. killed and died of wounds. died of disease, accidents, in Prison, &c. Total Enrollment. Officers. Men. Total. Officers. Men. Total. Field and Staff 1   1 1   1 15 Company A   15 15   19 19 118   B 1 12 13 2 22 24 115   C   12 12   23 23 103   D   8 8   25 25 118   E   9 9   21 21 102   F 1 3 4   22 22 95   G 1 19 20   21 21 120   H   10 10   15 15 114   I 1 11 12 1 19 20 116   K   15 15   18 18
Quartermaster's Sergeant John H. Sphar; Orderly Sergeant Jacob Deitrick; Sergeants Peter Cummings, Robert Taylor, John Ruse; Corporals William Weston, Daniel Nerhood, James D. Wolf, Henry Barkholder, Peter Schiele; Privates: Joseph Hinsey, William McDowell, Adam Barr, Henry Deihl, McFarland Marks, John Pink, John Flimswick, John Steele, James Craft, John Higgins, Henry Campbell, Gustavus Seyforth, Oscar French, George W. Welsh, Simon Flory, John Young, William Lawrence, Horatio Houston, James Wilson, Francis M. Peters, Michael J. Crooney, Robert Carman, Reuben Bixler, John Berkholder, Joseph Williams, John B. Daly, Robert Evans, Christian Kant, Charles Lutzinger, Geo. Martin, James Ingram, Nathaniel Staubs. List of the Officers and men recommended for reward by the commanders of regiments for gallant conduct at the battle of Dranesville, December 20, 1861, and belonging to the Third Brigade, (McCall's Division:) Tenth regiment.--Captain Thomas McConnell, Co. B; Sergeant Major O
f life. They were of exceedingly vigorous physical organization; so much so that there was added to them great length of days. The first planters in Londonderry lived to an average of eighty years; some lived to ninety, and others to one hundred. Among the last was William Scovy, who died at the age of one hundred and four. The last two heads of the sixteen families who first settled that town died there in 1782, aged ninety-three years each. In Chester, an adjoining town, there died James Wilson, aged one hundred years; James Shirley, 1754, aged one hundred and five, and his relative of the same name aged ninety-one; and William Cragy and wife in 1775, each aged one hundred years. Col. James Davis was one of these emigrants, and he was a man of remarkable stature as well as years. He died in 1749, aged eighty-eight Birthplace of Benj. F. Butler at Deerfield, N. H. years. Samuel, ninety-nine years; James, ninety-three years; Thomas, eighty-eight years; Daniel, sixty-five years
, severely; Privates John Toucher, severely; John Kipple, slightly. Company B.--Killed, Color-Corporal S. G. Paye ; Private J. Guthrie. Wounded, Lieut. J. G. Huntingdon, in right shoulder; Privates J. B. Scott, thigh; G. W. Scott, head; A. W. Scott, leg; G. Rosenberg, shoulder; A. Drucker, shoulder and arm; George Parkinson, mouth; Corporal A. H. Clark, leg; Privates J. H. Tracey, leg; A. Seimsmith, thigh; S. Todd, shoulder; O. E. Dyke, shoulder; S. H. Spencer, leg; J. Bertichi, arm; J. Wilson, slightly; George Minney, slightly; John McCrelius, slightly; W. H. Nicholls, slightly; J. H. Howe, slightly; H. H. Post, slightly; E. M. Manning, severely; John Linden, slightly; Corporal A. H. Barnes, slightly; Privates Thomas Morrow, slightly; James Buckeratter, slightly; William Moller, slightly; Corporal R. M. Lyth, slightly. Company C.--Killed, Capt. J. C. Slaymaker; Privates G. H. Howill, C. H. Lenhart, J. Myers, Ed. Peterson. Wounded, First Lieut. W. F. Holmes, leg broken; Se
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