Browsing named entities in William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. You can also browse the collection for Woodruff or search for Woodruff in all documents.

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es, however, the losses represent a long series of battles in which they rendered effective service, and participated with honor to themselves and the arm of the service to which they belonged. Among the light batteries of the Regular Army, equally heavy losses occurred in the following famous commands: B - 4th U. S. Artillery - Gibbon's or Stewart's.     K - 4th U. S. Artillery - Derussey's or Seeley's.     I - 1st U. S. Artillery - Ricketts' or Kirby's or Woodruff's. D - 5th U. S. Artillery - Griffin's or Hazlitt's.     C - 5th U. S. Artillery - Seymour's or Ransom's or Weir's. H - 5th U. S. Artillery - Gunther's or Burnham's.     A & C 4th U. S. Artillery - Hazzard's or Cushing's or Thomas'. The foregoing pages show accurately the limit of loss in the various regimental organizations in the civil war. The figures will probably fall below the prevalent idea as to the number killed in certain regiment
At Gettysburg, young Cushing shouts to his general that he will give them one shot more, and falls dead as Pickett's men surge up to the muzzles of his pieces. Of the noted batteries mentioned in the accompanying list of casualties, Kern, Woodruff, Burnham, Hazzard, DeHart, Dimmick, Rorty, Hazlitt, Leppien, McGilvery, Geary (of Knap's), Simonson, Erickson and Whitaker (of Bigelow's)--were killed in action. When closely pressed by a charge of the enemy, the gunners, though unarmed, woulBrown's B, 1st Rhode Island Gettysburg 7 19 2 28 Dillon's -- 6th Wisconsin Corinth 5 21 -- 26 Kern's G, Appears twice in this list. 1st Pennsylvania Manassas 3 23 8 34 Houghtaling's C, 1st Illinois Stone's River 5 20 -- 25 Woodruff's I, 1st United States Gettysburg 1 24 -- 25 Turnbull's F & K, 3d United States Gettysburg 9 14 1 24 Bush's -- 4th Indiana Stone's River 5 19 -- 24 Edgerton's E, 1st Ohio Stone's River 3 20 25 48 Adams's G, 1st Rhode Island