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population were chiefly the working of coal and iron, with capital furnished by Ohio men. Hence, the people were generally hostile to the South. Marshall's force, when he reached Paintsville, was 2,240 in number; but his effectives were only 1,967 on January 3, 1862. The following is his force in detail: Triggs's Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment578 Williams's Kentucky Regiment594 Moore's Twenty-ninth Virginia Regiment327 Simms's Mounted Battalion360 Jeffries's battery (four guns)58 Worsham's company50 Total1,967 This force was still further reduced to about 1,600 effectives, by mumps and measles, before the engagement with the enemy. About the same time that Marshall advanced into Kentucky, Buell organized an expedition up the Big Sandy, under Colonel J. A. Garfield. This officer moved up that river, on December 22d, with the Forty-second Ohio Regiment, the Fourteenth Kentucky, and McLaughlin's battalion of Ohio Cavalry, about 1,500 strong. After delaying a week at Ge
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
Wingfield, M. A., Ga., Macon, Ga., 1861. Winston, J. E., Va., Manassas, Va., 1862. Withers, A. J., Ala., Pensacola, Fla., 1861. Withers, J. T., Surg., W. Va., Richmond, Va., 1862. Wolfe, W. H., S. C., Congaree River, S. C. Wonack, G. W., La., Jonesboro, Ga., 1864. Wood, J. D., Capt., Va., Shiloh, Tenn. Wooding, G. W., Capt., Va., Chancellorsville, Va., 1862. Woodley, G. C., S. C., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Woodson, J., Maj. and Q. M., Va., Lynchburg, Va., 1864. Worsham. P. H., Va., 1863. Wray, G., Col., Va., Texas, 1864. Wrenn, A. J., Capt., Va., 1864. Wrenn, W., Capt., Va., Manassas, Va., 1862. Wren, F. E., Lt., Va., Gettysburg, Pa., 1863. Wright, J. D., S. C., Richmond, Va. Wright, W. A., Capt., Va., Fredericksburg, 1862. Wright, S. S., Va., Patterson's Creek, W. Va., 1864. Wright, W. S., Va., Orange C. H., Va., 1863. Wyatt, R. O., Capt. Art., Va., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Wyatt, J. W., Surg., Va., Albemarle Co., Va., 1861.
aughn G N Vanwert F Venable R M Van Buren P Vanderhoek P Vandabakl N Vaden J R Vermillion C Veleiski T Walsh Jas Walis Wm T Withy Wm H 2 Williams Wm P Williamson Wm Wade Wm E Willetts S Winston P P Walker R J Wills P C Warren P T Woodward R B 2 Woodward R G Wilder R T & Co. Woods R V Weems S Williams Dr T F J Walker L B Whiteford T Whitlock T Weems T Williamson T West A H Wilson Chas White C J Weed C R Wilson C Isaac Warrick D Wood D J 2 White E Wheat F Williamson G Watson G P Winston G W Walter H Wernsing H Watt Henry L Wood J C Wingfield J T Whitrock J West T Wright Joe Jr Welch J H Wadkins Z P Waddill Wm L Wright W Worsham J H Wesley J Ford 2 Werton J Williams J Watson J W Walker J Younger H Yarha R Yerby Geo W Young J E Initials: Ble — Teb — Rpe. fe 9--1t T B. Bigger. P.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.the Fourth at Fort Powhatan. Fort Powhatan, July 5, 1861. The Fourth was pleasantly celebrated at Fort Powhatan. The ceremonies of the day were interesting, commencing by the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Lieut. Lewis, from the Brunswick Guard. After which, Lieut. Foster, from the Prince George Artillery, read the Secession Ordinance. The oration was delivered by Lieut. McBowin, from Capt. Ally's company. Dr. Worsham, from Dinwiddie, being then called upon, responded by an eloquent address, and was followed by Dr. Harrison, from Prince George.--A number of ladies were present, cheering with their beauty and encouraging with their blessings, as they always do when a good work is on hand. Speck.
n, Fletener, Vermillion. Executive Expenditures--Messrs. George, Anderson of Albemarle, Damel, Richardson, Payne, Thrash, Gillespie, Carpenter, Baker. Lunatic Asylum--Messrs. Rives, Curtis, Tate, McGruder, Nelson of Fluvanna, Clockett, Worsham, Hopkins, Anderson of Albemarle, Lockridge, Woolfolk, Bradford, Vaden, Vernmillion, Clarke. Enrolled Bills--Messrs. Hunt, Kyle, Wootten, Gillespie, Booten, Taylor, Prince, Worsham, McDonald of Logan, Woolfolk, Nelson of Louisa, Cecil, FletcWorsham, McDonald of Logan, Woolfolk, Nelson of Louisa, Cecil, Fletcher, Rowan, Bayse. Banks--Messrs. Robertson, Edmunds, Ward, Davis of Campbell, James, Wilson of Norfolk, Buford, Grattan, Lundy, McDonald of Hampshire, Orgain, Dunn, Rives, Walker, Cazenove, Baker, Carter, Wilson of Isle of Wight. Treasurer's Accounts--Messrs. Matthews, Cazenove, Walker, Bass, Curtis, Noland, McGrader, Ewing, McDonald of Hampshire. First Auditor's Office--Messrs. Johnson, Woodson, Wilson of Isle of Wight, Tate, Spady, Franklin, McKinney, Flood, McLaughlin, Wooten
ief of the Charleston sufferers was taken up and passed — ayes 83, noes 13. Mr. Wynne offered a joint resolution, which was adopted, authorizing the appointment of a committee to consider what arrangements should be made for the purpose of accommodating the Senate and House of Representatives of the Confederate States. The order of the day, being a bill to encourage the production of salt from sea water, came up. The bill was discussed by Messrs. McCamant, Sheffey, Robertson, Worsham, Collier, and Steger; after which a vote was taken thereupon, but failed to pass. A bill constituting a part of New River a lawful fence, was read a third time and passed. On motion of Mr. Cazenove, the vote on the salt bill was reconsidered. After a long and desultory debate, a motion was made to table the bill, but failed to carry. Another debate ensued which was put an end to by the previous question being sustained, and the bill being again voted on, passed by the follow
rifling articles, the names of which we did not hear. It was a big fire, and, as a matter of course, a big crowd assembled to see it. The flames roared and crackled as, one after another, the massive mahogany legs and other members of the body of King Faro were pitched into the devouring element, and the grim executioners stirred up the glowing coals with malignant joy, unmoved by the grief of sympathizing spectators. When nothing remained but a mass of red-hot embers, the officers retired, and then young Richmond, white and black, made an effort to secure some relic of the departed monarch. "I've got a fine dollar chip!" said one--"I've got a copper on the ace!" said another; but they crumbled at the touch, and nothing now remains but ashes of what was once so gorgeous and mischievous. We were about to add that this is the last of the faro banks; but we remember that the apparatus taken from Worsham and Burns is still in litigation, and thus reserved for a future conflagration.
The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1862., [Electronic resource], "Sawery" Bennett's opinion of old Abe. (search)
erfoord, P. C. Saunders, R. C. Saunders, Shannon, Sheffey, Sherrard, Spady, Small, Staples, Steger, Tate, Taylor, Thomas, Thrash, Tomlin, Treadway, Tyler, Vermillien, Ward, West, J. L. Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Woodhouse, Woodson, Woolfolk, Wooten, Worsham, Wright, Wynett-- Total 105. For Mr. Preston--Messrs. Baker, Barbour, Baskervill, Bouldin, Brooks, Buford, Burks, Carter, Cazenove, Cecil, J. J. Coleman, M. N. Coleman, Crockett, Custis, Dabney, J. D. Davis, R. J. Davis, Eggleston, Evans, George, Green, Gillespie, Hunter, Johnson, Kaufman, Laidley, Lively, A. W. McDonald, J. E. McDonald, orgain, Pitman, Rutherfoord, Robinson, Sherrard, Small, Tate, Thomas, Vaden, Vermillien, Walker, Ward, West, Williams, James L. Wilson, Wooten, Worsham, Wynne — Total 39. For Mr. Rives.--Messrs. F. T. Anderson, Barbour, J. J. Coleman, Ewing, Harrison, Noland, Reid, Richardson, Vaden, Walker, Williams — total 11. For Mr. Floyd--Messrs. Bayse, Clarke, Dunn, Ewing, Grattan, Richardson, S
On motion of Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, the resolution offered a day or two ago, and laid upon the table, for the prolongation of the session, was made the order of the day for to-day. The Military bill. On motion of Mr. Saunders, the bill authorizing the Governor to organize and call out certain forces for the defence of the State, was called up. The pending question upon it being to reconsider the vote by which a clause of the bill relative to the enrollment of citizens in the counties between the ages of 45 and 65, and of 18 and 16, was stricken out at the previous consideration of the bill. After considerable debate, in which the motion to reconsider was advocated by Messrs. Worsham, Richardson, and Anderson, of Botetourt; and opposed by Messrs. Anderson, of Rockbridge, Price, Bradford, and Booten, it was negatived by a vote of ayes 38, nays 54. Pending the discussion upon the second section of the bill, the House adjourned until 7½ o'clock this evening.
ttle, James F Johnson, Robt M Wiley, Chas B Ball. John R. Garnett, Wm Frazier, Wm D Hart, Chas W Newton, W. W. Newman, Ch Massie, Wm W Carraway, Jr., J A. Alderson. House of Delegates. Samuel M. Wilson, Nath'l Riddack, Valentina Thrash, P W McKinney, Andrew Hunter, M R Kautman, R U Crockett, W G T Nelson, Jas W. Cuslis, H B Woodhouse, Albert Leidfey, John Orgain, Jr., Colin Buss, Peter Saunders, Jr., S McCaman, John H Hopkins, H C Worsham, Wm A Bradford, George Tyler, Geo T G. Triton. Chas J. Shannon, Wm Eggleston, Richard H Baker, Jr. Jas B Roer, John C Rutherfoord, Willoughby Newton, Charles Grattan, John R Edmunds, Wm M Tate, Jno T Anderson, Thos H Flood, Mason Mathews, Charles Blue, Samuel McB Reid, Matthew Harrison, D H Gordon Jno L Woolfolk, A L Carter, W Biskervill, Jr, R R Nelson Jno O Stener Warnes Anderson, A B Evans, Richard Liby, C W Murdaugh, Robert J Dav
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