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ed and fifty killed, wounded, and missing. Eleven pieces of heavy ordnance and a large quantity of camp equipage was taken from the rebels, who lost two hundred men in casualties.--General Gillmore's Report. At New York the draft was begun and carried on without any disturbance.--the First National Bank of Pennsylvania announced business Gen_james Longstreet. at Philadelphia.--Lieutenant A. L. Sanborn, of the First regiment of colored volunteers, was killed at Norfolk, Va., by Dr. David M. Wright, a prominent rebel physician of that place — A Grand torchlight procession took place at New Orleans in honor of the capture of Port Hudson and Vicksburgh, and to celebrate the redemption of the South-West from treason and rebellion. --Vernon, Indiana, was visited by the rebels under John Morgan.--(Doc. 47.) The rebels evacuated Hagerstown, Md., last evening, but returned to the town again to-day.--A sharp engagement took place on the Hagerstown road, resulting in the defeat and
ransport steamer Arago, under the command of Captain Gadsden.--the bombardment of Charleston was renewed this morning, and continued all day, except for a short time, during which a flag of truce visited the rebel authorities and perfected an exchange of prisoners.--Brashear City, La., was occupied by the National forces.--A fight took place at Wapping Heights, near Manassas Gap, Va., between a brigade of National troops under the command of General Spinola, and a brigade of rebels under General Wright, resulting in the defeat and rout of the latter.--(Doc. 104.) The battle of Big Mound, Dakotah, was fought this day.--(Doc. 110.) Major-General J. G. Foster, at Newbern, N. C., made the following report to headquarters at Washington: I have the honor to report that the cavalry raid, having for its object the destruction of the railroad bridge at Rocky Mount, has returned completely successful. The expedition consisted of the Third regiment New York cavalry and a squadron
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The execution of Dr. David Minton Wright (search)
commission, of Dr. David M. Wright, in the city of Norfolk, on the 23d day of October, 1862; and whereas, it is fit and proper that Virginia should place upon permanent record her high appreciation of a son whose courage, zeal and devotion marked with blood the first effort to establish upon her soil an equality of races, and introduce into our midst the levelling dogmas of a false and pretended civilization; be it Resolved (by the General Assembly of Virginia): 1. That in the death of Dr. Wright this Commonwealth recognizes another addition to the long and illustrious catalogue of martyrs, whose stern inflexible devotion to liberty have rendered historic the history of the people of the present struggle. 2. That, as the proudest tribute which Virginia can offer to his memory, she would earnestly invoke her children, whether in or beyond the enemy's lines, to imitate his example and emulate his high resolve. 3. That the Governor of the State be requested to transmit a copy o
ont Yankee,) Co., B, 1st regiment U. S. volunteers." in Norfolk, Va, by D. David M. Wright, a prominent physician there, has been published. The affair occurred on the Yankeeside of the particulars of the highly meritorious deed performed by Dr. Wright. He says: A company of colored soldiers, recruited here, was parading dly coward" rang out upon the air. The company, and personally addressed Dr. Wright, who had the most prominent position in the door way, asking him whether he mark. A reply in the affirmative was given, whereupon Lieut. Sanborn informed Dr. Wright that he was under arrest for interfering with an officer who was clothed with it not been for the intervention of some white officers who were present. Wright was immediately arrested, and under a strong guard escorted to the office of thew facts that we have gained in relation to the personal history of Dr. David M Wright are briefly these: He is a man midway between fifty and sixty years, of a
The Daily Dispatch: November 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], The execution of Dr. Wright at Norfolk — further particulars. (search)
The execution of Dr. Wright at Norfolk — further particulars. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer furnishes that paper with a detailed account of the execution of Dr. D. M. Wright, of Norfolk, Va., on the 23d ult. It appears that at one time Dr. W. had nearly effected his escape from prison.--The letter says: On Wednesday Dr. Wright made a request that a light should be furnished him in his cell that evening. Strange as the request was, no one regarded it with any suspicionmined by Dr. Conover, the Medical Director, Dr. J. H. Lee, of the 21st Connecticut, and several other surgeons, who pronounced life extinct. The body was then cut down and placed in the coffin, to be delivered to his family. Thus has Dr. David M. Wright paid the forfeit of his life for shooting, in cold blood, Lieut. Sanborn, of the United States colored troops, in the early part of July last. Since the commission of the deed he has endeavored to justify himself in it. He was a man of st
the regiment should never go out of the department. There is great mortality among the negro troops; and the Macon House, once a well known hotel in Portsmouth, has been converted into a hospital for them. Regiments of negroes, numbering at their organization 1,000, are now reduced to six hundred. Those is North Carolina have suffered as severely. Wm. R. Houghton, a citizen, was arrested for appearing in Federal uniform. He had been confined in Fort Norfolk for having a Confederate Major's commission in his house. He "took the oath" and was released. Among the Court proceedings we see a suit of Geo. H. Merriam, of Norfolk, against Wm. Webster, of Newport News, for $14, 1000. The property of Webster had been attached. The remains of Sanborn, the Yankee lieutenant killed by Dr. D. M. Wright, had been disinterred and sent North. The pastor of a negro church delivered a discourse over it from the Custom- House steps. Miss Susan Denin is playing at Norfolk.
The Daily Dispatch: December 18, 1863., [Electronic resource], The family of the late Dr. D. M. Wright, of Norfolk. (search)
The family of the late Dr. D. M. Wright, of Norfolk. --The Petersburg (Va.) Intelligencer says that any remittances in aid of the family of Dr. D. M. Wright, who died the death of a martyr at Norfolk, may be mailed to that office, and will reacDr. D. M. Wright, who died the death of a martyr at Norfolk, may be mailed to that office, and will reach its proper destination. The Intelligencer adds: Among all the afflictions brought upon families and individuals by this war, we have heard of no case which presents so many horrors as that of the family of the late Dr. David M. Wright, latelDr. David M. Wright, lately murdered by the Yankees in Norfolk. Since his cruel murder by hanging, his widow has died of distress of mind, and one of his daughters, a most interesting young lady, has gone mad. The eldest son of Dr. Wright having been killed at the battle ofDr. Wright having been killed at the battle of Gettysburg, his family are now left in indigent circumstances and without a protector. Under these circumstances, it has been determined to make an effort to raise in the Confederacy, by subscription, a sum of money sufficient to bring the family o