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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Pennsylvania. (search)
randy Station the hostile lines are mixed in such a melee as was never before witnessed in America: cannon are wrenched from each other's possession, changing hands several times. On both sides the losses are heavy; Colonels Hampton, Butler, and Young are wounded on the Confederate side, and three superior officers in Wyndham's brigade alone. Yet in the presence of forces twice as numerous as its own Gregg's division maintained itself with difficulty north of the railroad. There was no assakness of his force, is seriously wounded. But Lee's efforts are not in vain, for he has delayed the march of Pleasonton, and the combat at Brandy Station will come to an end without the latter being cognizant of the fact. A final charge by General Young has driven Kilpatrick's brigade beyond the railroad, and almost at the same time Wyndham, after having lost the five pieces of artillery so long disputed, has been obliged to abandon Brandy Station. Kilpatrick's regiments return several time
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
ed as skirmishers, with the infantry on the slopes of the hill. While Stuart makes Gordon's brigade, also on foot, confront them, he places himself at the head of Young's cavalry, and, making a detour, arrives on their flank at a gallop. The soldiers of the One-hundred-and-twentieth New York are the first exposed to his blows: alurn, to take part in the battle, which, thus engaged on all sides at the same time, becomes a real melee. Clouds of dust soon envelop the combatants. Gordon's and Young's brigades are pressing the Federals on the north of the railway; the brigade of Jones charges them near the road; Fitzhugh Lee, who has called all his forces togve his adversaries by ordering his men to fight on foot, as if they were the skirmishers of an army corps. The ruse does not succeed, despite the reinforcement of Young's brigade, which comes in haste from James City. Buford vigorously pushes the Southern cavalry until he is in sight of Culpeper and assures himself that there is