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James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 7: (search)
John Fraser & Co., the head of which, Trenholm, was for some time the Confederate Secretary of the Treasury. The Liverpool house was the authorized depositary of Confederate funds in Europe, and it conducted, on the other side, the blockade-running and other enterprises in which the Government at Richmond took a large part. There were other agents, with greater or less responsibilities at various points, North and Huse in England, Barron, whom Semmes designates our Chief of Bureau in Paris, Helm in Cuba, Heyliger at Nassau, and Walker at Bermuda. These, or most of these, acted directly for the Government, and their authority was generally understood and recognized. Besides these, there were others, foreign subjects, sometimes merchants in good standing, who were ready to act when a third person was required to carry out a fictitious transfer, or to perform some part in a transaction which was too delicate for the principals. Sometimes two or three intermediaries would be employed
off, a while before daybreak on the morning of the 5th. The three gunboats were on the river. Before the day would be out, the Arkansas would be there among them! With this hope strong in him, Breckinridge waited for the dawn. While waiting in the darkness, an independent sortie of the Louisiana partisan rangers provoked an exchange of shots between the pickets. Galloping back, the rangers caused some disorder and were followed by a storm of bullets from the enemy in the town. Brigadier-General Helm was dangerously wounded by the fall of his horse; A. H. Todd, his aide-de-camp, was killed, and Captain Roberts, Fourth Kentucky, wounded. Several enlisted men were killed or wounded. Two of Captain Cobb's three guns were rendered, for the time, useless. But order was soon brought out of disorder. The force was placed in position on the right and left of the Greenwell Springs road. Breckinridge, with a single line of battle, a small regiment of infantry and one piece of artiller
ng the rear, being shelled by the artillery of Buell's advance while the last trains of stores were being loaded. On leaving, Colonel Shaver, by order of Colonel Hardee, burned the depot and took down the telegraph wires. It was during the worst month in that climate, with rain and snow and the thermometer at night below zero, when this retreat was made. The Seventh was caused to stand to arms all night by a report that a large force of Buell's army was on its heels, which turned out to be Helm's Kentucky cavalry coming in the rear by an unexpected order of march. General Johnston, at Nashville, dispatched General Shaver that the enemy's cavalry was advancing upon his rear. This was made known to Gen. Dan Wood, of Alabama, who had taken command of the brigade on the retreat. General Wood refused to wait for the rear guard, and for this reason Colonel Shaver applied for and secured a transfer of the Seventh to Hindman's brigade. The regiment reached Nashville ten days after the
d off by the right flank, leaving us somewhat detached from the brigade, but I continued to advance in order to clear the strip of woods on our left of the enemy's sharpshooters and prevent their firing on our rear and flank, while we would otherwise have occupied a position in the open field with no enemy in our immediate front. After emerging from the woods and advancing a little beyond the main Chattanooga road, I found that I was considerably in advance and to the left of the brigade. Helm's brigade, falling back from my left, abandoned a piece of captured artillery, which Company A, Lieutenant Owens commanding—detached from my regiment— rescued and carried off the field. This left my regiment exposed to a heavy fire of grape and canister and I moved it by the right flank to join the rest of the brigade, but at the instance of Major Graves, chief of artillery, Breckinridge's division, I went to the support of a battery a little in our front. Here I was notified to join the br
en. Marcus Wright and Colonel Hunt, successively, commanded the Kentucky brigade, but in May, 1863, it was assigned to General Helm, and moved to Tullahoma in Breckinridge's army. The regiment was engaged in the operations for the relief of Vicksburmen who went into battle, 147 were killed and wounded, several of them officers. Again it lost its brigade commander, General Helm being killed in this battle. In November, we find the regiment brigaded with the Forty-third Alabama and the First, Sd to report to Colonel Hunt at Manchester. (703) Colonel Hunt, Manchester, April 22d, assumes command of brigade. (847) In Helm's brigade, Breckinridge's division, May 21st. (849) Moved to Tullahoma by command of General Hardee. No. 37—(654) Before Jackson, Miss., July, 1863, 1 killed. No. 38—(912) General Helm ordered to move direct to Tullahoma, May 23, 1863. No. 51—(13) Assignment as above, at battle of Chickamauga. (197-201) Mentioned in General Breckinridge's report. (2
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Chickamauga. (search)
ire of small arms and artillery was so constant and deadly that it seemed a hopeless task to carry it by assault with a single line. The gallant Kentuckians under Helm, and Lucius E. Polk's brigade on their left, made desperate assaults upon this strong position, and stubbornly held their ground for some time in the face of a fire of artillery and musketry, before which it seemed impossible for a man to live. But they were forced back with heavy loss, General Helm being among the killed. After being repulsed from every attack, our troops were withdrawn beyond the fire of the enemy, and for a considerable period after noon there was almost a cessation leburne's command was to the right of the angle in the Federal works-Lucius E. Polk's brigade being placed, if I remember correctly, somewhat to the right of where Helm had made his assault. Preparatory to the assault a heavy artillery fire had been concentrated on the strongest point of Thomas's defences. In replying to our art
k for protection. The unexpected battery on Morris' Island has cut off all hope of escape by running the vessel aground near Sumter and taking to the boats. Is it possible that Fort Sumter has been taken by the South Carolinians? If it has not, why does not Major Anderson show that he will protect us, or at least recognize us in some way? To go within the range of the guns of Fort Moultrie is to expose vessel, men and stores to almost instant destruction, or to capture by the enemy. "Helm out of port!"shouts the captain, and the Star of the West is turned about without any great loss of time, as you may well imagine. We turn without accident and steam away, with the Stars and Stripes still floating and the batteries still playing upon us by way of a parting salute. As we steam away the steamer near Moultrie, having the hostile cutter in tow, steams away into Swash channel, evidently with the intention of cutting off our retreat; but she soon abandons the chase, and we s
fortifications on the river, below Washington, were very extensive; that Beauregard had given orders to close the navigation of the Potomac to our vessels. Information received to-night from Gen. Banks's column represents all quiet on the Upper Potomac. The war in Kentucky. Louisville, Sept. 30. --Gen. Buckner is said to be at Greenville, Muhlenburg county, with five thousand two hundred men, and is supposed to be on the road to destroy the locks on Green river. Harder Helm has taken possession of Rochester, on Green river. The number of his troops is estimated at 4,000, including a Mississippi regiment. The Glasgow turnpike bridge has been burned. Judge Ventrees, of Harden county, has been arrested for aiding the rebels. The rebel force under Humphrey Marshall have disbanded and gone home. Active preparations for a great battle. Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 1. --General Fremont preserves strict silence regarding his plans, but is activel
outrages and robberies of Southern-rights families, in which pursuit he has an able adjutant in Brigadier. General T. L. Crittenden, who is similarly employed in the town and county of Henderson, he having some 3,000 Lincolnites in that section, mainly brought from Indiana and Illinois. Both these leaders have signally failed in obtaining recruits in Kentucky. Since my last another accident, the result of the careless handling of fire-arms, has occurred, the victim being a member of Col. Helm's cavalry, whose name I did not learn. The wound is dangerous, a ball passing entirely through his foot. A portion of the Federal force is now in the immediate vicinity of Bacon creek, eight miles north of Green river. Right before last a scouting party from Green River camp, a detachment from Capt. Polk's Tennessee cavalry, numbering four, crossed the river, reconnoitering the country along the upper turnpike leading towards Louisville, when they were intercepted by a strong p
e extracts shadow forth correctly their plans and every effort should be made to prepare a strong force to meet them on the right and rear. No time should be lost. Gin. J. Pillow, Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Comd'g. Gen.Breckinridge in pursuit of Tom Crittenden. From the Bowling Green correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune, under date of November 22, we take the following extract: Gen. Breckinridge, with Hanson's, Thompson's, and Trabge's Kentucky incky infantry regiments, and Col. Helm's Kentucky cavalry, left here Sunday morning for the purpose of attending to Gen. Crittenden, who was understood to be at or near Rochester, threatening Russellville. He proceeded over the old dirt road direct to Russellville, which he reached on Tuesday, and from that place he proceeded directly towards Rochester. He has not been heard from since. Strong hopes are entertained here by many that General Crittenden will make a stand, and give our boys an opportunity to do some work. It i
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