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The Daily Dispatch: December 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia — a Proclamation. (search)
City Council. --The Small Pez Excitement.--A called meeting of this body was held at the City Hall at 12 o'clock yesterday. Present; Messrs D. J. Sounders, N. B Hill James A. Scott, Thos as H. Wynne, Thomas C. Epps, David J Burr. Richard H. Haskins, Fleming Griffin, E. H. Stokes, and P. R. Gratten. The President announced that the object of the meeting was to consider what means were best adapted to prevent the spread of small-pox amongst the inhabitants of this city. The Mayor being present, on motion of Mr. Scott he was permitted to address the Council relative to the subject. He expressed the opinion that it was entirely competent for the city, through her constituted authorities to curtail the spread of small-pox by removing directly to the City Hospital, or without the corporation limits, all persons afflicted with the disease, and announced his readiness to perform any duty enjoined on him in regard thereto. A long discussion ensued between the members as to the propr
City Council. --A called meeting of this body was hold yesterday at 12 o'clock at the City Hall. Present: Messrs. D. J. Saunders, Fleming Griffin, Thos. C. Epps, Peachy R. Grattan, L. W. Glazebrook, Thomas H. Wynne, James A. Scott, N. B. Hill, R. O Haskins, and George K Crutchfield. The President stated the object of the meeting was to concert some plan of action by which the city would be enabled to retain the services of certain men now employed by her and necessary to the administration of government in the corporation limits. After a discussion of the plan to be pursued, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, by an act of the last Congress all men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years are subject to military duty except such as are by that act exempted, and as said act exempts no city officers, and it is of the utmost importance to the interest of the city that certain officers, firemen, &c., should be retained in her service: Th
sent D J. Saunders, Richard F Walker. David J. Bure, Samuel D. D. noon Richard O. McReed, Larkin W. Glazebrook, E. A. J. Cropton. Gen. K. Crutonfield, Wm. Holt Richardson, George W. Randolph, Nath, B. Hill, Fendals 4-riffle, Allen Y. Stokes, James A. Scott, and Thomas C. Epps. The President announced the melancholy tidings of the death of the lamented Lieut. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, spoke briefly of the invaluable services rendered to the Confederacy by the departed hero, and the duty of thto draft suitable resolutions, and he would move that one be appointed, to consist of three or five members, as might seem best. The President adopting the suggestion for the larger number, appointed as sail committee Messrs. Randolph, Hill, Scott, Haskina, and Glazebrook. The committee, after a brief retirement, returned, and through their chairman offered the following resolutions, which were mously adopted: Resolved by the Council of the city of Richmond. That profoundly impresse
--A called meeting of the Council was held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Present: Messrs. Saunders, Hill, Crutchfield, Walker, Epps, Clopton, Richardson, Burr, Scott, Haskins, Glazebrock, and Griffin. Mr. Burr, from a special committee appointed to present a plan for the establishment of a depot or depots where the necessaat any moment when the Board of Supplies, or their agent, is prepared to purchase, and the amount of appropriation can be better ascertained." On motion of Mr. Scott, the report was adopted. On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee, as provided for by the above report: Messrs. L. W. Glazebrook, R. O. Haskins, James A. Scott, David J. Burr, David J. Saunders, Thomas W. McCance, Richard G. Morriss, and Wm. J. Yarborough--five members of the Council and three citizens. On motion, an appropriation of $50,000 was made, to be applied to the relief of the poor of the city. After some other unimportant business, the Co
s generally, was postponed for examination till this morning. The charge preferred against Mary Curry, of using abusive and threatening language to Wm. F. Peters, was dismissed on account of the non appearance of the complainant. Lee Maltory and Henry McGee were each fined $5 for permitting water to waste from their hydrants, in violation of a city ordinance. Logan Waller was also fined $5 for permitting a servant in his employ to throw stones in the street. Tom, slave of James A. Scott, arrested without a proper pass, and having a pair of pants in his possession supposed to have been stolen, being unable to prove his claim to them, was whipped. The same punishment was administered upon Aaron, the property of John A. Belvin, arrested with a lot of tea and sugar in his possession which he could give no good account of. Two slaves, named Ben and Washington, were ordered to be whipped for being out after hours without a proper pass. Wilson, slave of Joseph Angle, cha
tunate as to get together a difficulty is sure to ensue. Maurice claims that Mrs N curses and abuses him on all occasions, and on Monday morning she gouged him in the eye; while the accused alleges that the reverse has been the case. The Mayor was on the eve of requiring both of them to give accuracy, when Maurice asserted that he could bring to prove what he had said, and the matter was therefore referred over till this morning. John, slave of John H. Gentry, and Edgar, slave of James A. Scott, were arraigned on the very indefinite charge of ; but as the matter had not been fully worked up, it was continued till the 30th inst. About this case there is some involved, as from repeated application to the parties having it in hand, none of the particulars could be obtained. Robert, slave of Mary J. Phillips, and Daniel, slave of William Court, charged with stealing a piece of bacon from the Jackson Hospital, were ordered to be whipped. Similar punishment was inflicted upon
The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource], From Georgia — the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. (search)
hat county. Jerry Dunnavant and Lee Whitehurst, charged with stealing one breastpin from Lieut. Col. James Nelligan, were called up. On account of the inability of the Mayors to procure the attendance of Nelligan as a witness, he being with his command, the parties were discharged of the crime; but, in consideration of the previous bad character of Dunnavant, he was required to give security for his good behavior in future. Whitehurst was sentenced to the penitentiary on Friday, in Judge Lyons's Court, for forgery. The following cases were continued for reasons deemed satisfactory by his Honor: Daniel, slave of Andrew L. Ellett, charged with entering the dwelling house of Hammond Geering, on Friday morning, and stealing one barrel of French brandy, valued at $1,000, $400 in Confederate money, and a lot of groceries, Ben, slave of John H. Gentry, and Edgar, slave of James A. Scott, charged with felony. A fine was imposed upon Elenore Stack for obstructing the sidewalk.
Heavy Robbery. --A few nights since the residence of L. V. Meyer, on Marshall at., between 4th and 5th. was broken into and robbed of about $2000 in State Bank notes, $1000 in C. S. notes, $300 in gold and silver, one gold watch, and one pair of gold car-rings. Two negroes — Ben, slave of John H. Gentry, and Edgar, slave of James A. Scott — were arrested on suspicion; but a search of their trunks only implicated Ben, as in his were found a large portion of the stolen articles, while Edgar had nothing in his. Ben will be examined by the Mayor tomorro
mall vote was polled, as will be seen from the following statement: candidates.Jefferson Ward.Madison Ward.Monroe Ward.Total. Colonel Wyatt M Ethott140230163542 Colonel Thomas P. August,200238319757 David L Burr.150303238711 James A. Scott160303302765 Richard F. Walker205184170568 David J. Saunders.150215337732 Samuel C. Tardy4797114258 Richard Reins265444121 John H Parkhill423483159 From indications it seems that Colonel August has been successful for the seat in the Senate, and that Messrs. Scott, Saunders and Burr are elected to the lower House. The army vote, however, may reverse that of the city, and we must await the returns therefrom before announcing definitely the names of the successful candidates from this city. Henrico county. The vote of Henrico county, as far as heard from, shows a decided majority in favor of Mr. Joseph J. English. At the court-house, English received 343, Mayo 184. English's majority, 159. In the First Vi
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