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d Calvin, and two other active secessionists, who were arrested by a refugee Tennesseean named John Smith, who is now in the patriot ranks of our State. John Smith, when called upon to decide betweenJohn Smith, when called upon to decide between the Union and the Confederacy, lived in or near Huntsville, and loyally determined to adhere to the Stars and Stripes. Jeff. Davis' proclamation warning all to leave the Confederacy who did not sympat the same time came the blockade order of Gov. Harris, forbidding any one to quit the State. John Smith was then seized by the five men who are here as prisoners, aided by some secession cavalry, anle, which is about 60 miles from our camp, whence they started. Pushing boldly into the town, John Smith and his comrades succeeded in capturing the five prisoners, and immediately commenced their rewretches who had acted so inhumanly. The secession robbers were transferred to this city, and John Smith has gone into Tennessee again with a squad of Union soldiers, where he hopes to make more capt
eat and good Our helm of State to guide; Thy Palinurus steered our barque Safe through the seething tide; And when we spake of Washington With grateful, reverent tone, We called thine image forth, and blent Thy memory with his own. Our mother nursed thee at her breast When she herself was young; And thou shouldst still have succor'd her, Though fiery serpents stung; Virginia Dare, the first-born bud Of the true Saxon vine, And old Powhatan, hoary chief, Who led his warrior-line, And brave John Smith, the very soul Of chivalry and pride, And Pocahontas, princess pure, The font of Christ beside, Dreamed they that thou wouldst start aside, When Treachery's tocsin rang? And in her heaving bosom fix Thy matricidal fang? Thou shouldst around her fourscore years Have bent with hovering care, Who steadfast by thy cradle watched, And poured the ardent prayer. Thou shouldst not to her banded foes Have lent thy ready ear, Nor seen them desolate her joys Without a filial tear; Though all beside
S. Turpin,do. do. William Bennett, Forty-sixth Virginia. William Wilson, North-Carolina State Guards. Charles Bailey,do. do. Total killed,  16 Wounded. Fifty-Ninth Virginia.--Lieut. Walker, slight, in the leg; George Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, company B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lieut. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; James A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John Smith, severe, left eye; William E. Quigley, in head; Lieut. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty-Sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, company A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, company A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lieut. Frederick Carter, slight wound, arm; William Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, company I, slight, in neck; Charles H. Thompson, slight, head; Benjamin Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. Thi
carpenter, slightly; Alfred Reynolds, Master's Mate, slightly; George Dolliver, slightly. Total, thirty-three. On the Richmond — John Gordon, seaman, severely; Charles A. Benson, ordinary seaman, slightly; Ed. Collins, ordinary seaman, slightly; John Ford, seaman, slightly. Total, four. On the Iroquois — James Noland, seaman, mortally; Walter J. White, corporal of marines, mortally; Robert Lewis, armorer, severely; George Clark, gunner, severely; Robert Greenleaf, seaman, severely; John Smith, boy, severely; Martin Winter, boatswain's mate, severely; John Brown, captain of maintop, slightly; John Conway, ship's corporal, slightly; George Higgins, seaman, slightly; Benjamin Rockwell, seaman, slightly; Wm. Pool, ordinary seaman, slightly; Henry Walters, ordinary seaman, slightly; Wm. Morgan, landsman, slightly; Thos. Kealy, landsman, slightly; Owen Campbell, landsman, slightly; Alfred Green, boy, slightly; Alfred Jackson, marine, slightly; James Bolin, seaman, slightly; James McC
o my entire satisfaction. I would respectfully request that you appoint a board of officers to examine into and report upon the cause of the bursting of the Parrott gun. Surgeon Van Gieson's report. The following is the report of Assistant Surgeon Van Gieson, of the Galena, giving an account of the killed and wounded in the action: United States Steamer Galena.--Killed: Thomas Ready, Captain foretop; James H. Weber, third-class boy; Michael Many, landsman; Martin Milbery, do.; John Smith, ordinary seaman; Robert Boyd, do.; Richard A. Adams, seaman; John Quig, ordinary seaman; John Russell, landsman; Joseph Johnson, private marine; Jared D. Boorem, gunner; David Patterson, landsman. Wounded: John O'Conner, third-class boy, burned and wound of ankle-joint; William Stevens, seaman, not seriously; George McDonnel, slightly; Thomas Finnigan, arm seriously injured; Henry Walson, ordinary seaman, slightly; William Harrison, landsman, slightly; Thomas Clark, do.; Diedrick Vissers
amer Mississippi; was in the action with Forts Jackson and St. Philip; the Chalmettes; Vicksburgh; Port Hudson; and present at the surrender of New-Orleans; was on board the Ironsides at Charleston. Joined the Richmond in October, 1863. 18. John Smith, second, (Captain of Top,) is recommended for coolness and good conduct as captain of a gun in the action in Mobile Bay on the morning and forenoon of August fifth, 1864. He was on board the Varuna when she was sunk by the rebel vessels, afternnot be cited so as to authorize me to recommend their obtaining medals: 1. William Phinney, Boatswain's Mate, as captain of a gun, showed much presence of mind and coolness in managing it, and the great encouragement he gave the crew. 2. John Smith, Captain Forecastle, was first captain of a gun, and finding that he could not sufficiently depress his gun when alongside of the rebel iron-clad Tennessee, threw a hand holystone into one of the ports at a rebel using abusive language against
battlefields before Richmond, and in the great repulse of the rebels at Antietam. Looking along the ranks of the Eighty-eighth New-York volunteers, as I did with a mournful pride, the day after the assault, I missed, besides Major William Horgan, Lieut. Thomas Murphy, Adjutant John R. Young, and Lieut. McCarthy; and the only consolation to me in the contemplation of these losses arises from the fact that such men as Col. Patrick Kelly, Licut.-Col. Quinlan, Captain Patrick K. Horgan, Captain John Smith, Capt. Burke, Capt. Nagle, and other intelligent and brave officers like them are still to the good work. In the Sixty-third New-York volunteers I have lost, for some time at all events, the efficient services of Major Joseph O'Neill--services that were ever most promptly and heartily rendered where-ever and whenever his military obligations or patriotism required them. Had I time it would be, indeed, a pleasing duty for me to speak, in connection with the Sixty-third, of such offi
4George McClosky,PrivateB 1  Near Waynesboro, Ga., December 4, 1864. 5Luther Whitney,CorporalC 1  Near Macon, Ga., November 20, 1864. 6William L. Walker,PrivateC 1  Near Macon, Ga., November 20, 1864. 7George M. Frank,PrivateC   1Supposed captured. 8David Scott,CorporalD1   At Waynesboro, Ga., while carrying brigade-colors, Dec. 4, 1864. 9Patrick Kenyon,PrivateE 1  At Waynesboro, December 4, 1864. 10Frederick Groff,PrivateE   1Captured by enemy while on picket, November 21, 1864 11John Smith,PrivateE   1Captured December 9, 1864. 12Zach S. Buckman,PrivateF  1 Near Macon, Ga., November 21, 1864. 13Henry Owens,PrivateF  1 Near Waynesboro, December 4, 1864. 14Jacob Lamb,CorporalF 1  Near Waynesboro, December 4, 1864. 15George Ventioneer,PrivateF   1Captured while on picket. 16Joseph Drew,PrivateG 1  Near Waynesboro, December 4, 1864. 17Thomas A. Smith,PrivateG   1Captured near Jacksonville, Ga. 18John B. Doctor,PrivateH 1  Near Louisvi
sprit are excellent. Subjoined is a list of casualties and desertions: Name.Rank.Co.When.Remarks. Terence Sweeney,Priv'teDDec. 14, ‘64Wounded from enemy's battery. James Dooley,Corp'lCDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy. --Bennerman,Priv'teCDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy. John Gardner,Priv'teDDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy. Charles Chapman,Priv'teIDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy. Adam Wetzel,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy. Francis Mc Carthy,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy. John Smith,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy. Charles Wagner,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy. G. W. Mindil, Colonel Commanding Thirty-third New-Jersey Volunteers. Major Hoyt's Report. Report of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New York Volunteers, from he capture of Atlanta, Ga., September second, 1864, to the twenty-first of December, 1864, when the regiment entered the city of Savannah, Ga. September 2, 1864.--The regiment, commanded by Captain Otis Griffin, c
e is ready for service and the stage of water in the Tennessee will permit. I have sent down the Mississippi to bring up the iron-clad Neosho. The loss of the services of the four monitors sent from this squadron to Rear-Admiral Farragut will be much felt, especially as several of the iron-clads are out of order. The turtle iron-clads are still deficient of their side armor, which was removed at Alexandria, Louisiana, and are now stationed along the Mississippi, to prevent the rebel General Smith from crossing troops to the east side of the river, which it is the object of the inclosed confidential circular from General Canby, dated October eighteenth, to prevent, and which we have so far been able to do. I have organized a lively patrol of the Mississippi River, and will immediately make arrangements to keep the gunboats on the Tennessee River supplied with ammunition nearer the point of their operations than this place, on which they have heretofore depended. I have the h
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