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The Somerville Directory; containing the names of the heads of families. Their Occupations, and dwelling houses, with a list of the town public officers. Somerville, Edmund Tufts, Printer. 1851. Population of the towns in Middlesex According to the Census taken in 1850, by the authority of the Government of the United States. Census of Middlesex County. Towns. Acton,1,605 Ashby,1,218 Ashland,1,304 Bedford,975 Billerica,1,640 Boxborough,396 Brighton,2,356 Burlington,547 Cambridge,15,215 Carlisle,719 Charlestown,17,216 Chelmsford2,098 Concord,2,249 Dracut,3,503 Dunstable,590 Framingham,4,235 Groton,2,515 Holliston,2,428 Hopkinton,2,801 Lexington,1,894 Lincoln,632 Littleton,991 Lowell,33,385 Malden,3,520 Marlborough,2,941 Medford,3,749 Melrose,1,260 Natick,1,744 Newton,5,258 Pepperell,1,754 Reading,3,108 Sherburne,1,043 Shirley,1,158 Somerville,3,540 South Reading2,407 Stoneham,2,085 Stowe,1,455 Sudbury,1,578 Tewksbury,1,042 Townse
next east of this, and nearly opposite the old upper schoolhouse, for turning and grinding edgetools, where his son Aaron Cutter had a mill previous to 1817. The privilege is now the property of Theodore Schwamb. In 1805 Abner Stearns, of Billerica, bought land here of Ephraim Cooke, victualler, which Stearns, in 1808, sold to John Tufts, with a wool-factory thereon and machinery, and established himself on the site since Schouler's. Tufts sold these premises to Ezra Trull, of Boston, in 2. The yarn spun was taken elsewhere and made into broadcloth. The peace of 1815 broke up the business, owing to the excessive importation of British cloths. Stearns left West Cambridge in 1816, and was of Bedford in 1817. Abner Stearns, of Billerica, gentleman, sold to James Schouler, of Lynn, calico-printer, James Schouler, born in Scotland 13 July, 1786, died Westchester, N. Y, 24 Feb. 1864, aged 77; Margaret C, wife of same, died 24 July, 1851, aged 63 —gravestones Arlington. Father
1740, I bought one acre of ground of Mr. Jason Russell for house, which was raised July 17, at the expense of the people; the frame being given, and the cellar and well dug and stoned gratis, and the boards and shingles carted from Sudbury and Billerica free of charge to me. Probably about 1740, common snakes were so abundant and annoying, that the farmers met, and appointed a day for a general snakehunt and extermination.—Letter of Mr. John Brooks Russell. Mr. Russell adds: A French Pro 1740, I bought one acre of ground of Mr. Jason Russell for house, which was raised July 17, at the expense of the people —The frame being given, and the cellar and well dug and stoned gratis, and the boards and shingles carted from Sudbury and Billerica free of charge to me. I married Oct. 2, 1740, Miss Sarah Porter, daughter of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Anne Porter, of Hadley, and on Oct. 16, I brought her to my house. Cambridge, 27th Sept. 1740. These may certify whom it may concern that the
mber yard in the place, as well as a dry goods and grocery store. There were seven groceries in the town at this period, kept by William Locke, Tufts & Adams, Thomas Russell, Walter Russell, William S. Brooks and Miles Gardner, besides the Factory Store kept by William Whittemore & Co., though more business was done by Colonel Russell than by all the others combined, his store having been established before the Revolution, and having a large country trade in Lexington, Bedford, Carlisle, Billerica, &c. I do not suppose the Postmaster's salary, now about twelve hundred dollars per annum, then amounted to twenty. J. B. R., Reminiscences. 1811 Voted that the selectmen and town clerk be directed to cause a printed statement of the expenses of the town to be made, and to furnish each family with one of the same. A copy of this statement is appended. Statement of the expenses of the town of West Cambridge, from May 1810, to May 1811. Poor. Amount of Overseers' draf
c. 1733, and d. a. 25; the second w. was of Billerica origin). William and w. Mehitable were adm. nday, Oct. 27, 1879. Crosby, Rebecca, of Billerica, m. Gershom Cutter, Jr., 15 Mar. 1757—Cutterter, Jonathan M., and w. Betsey, from ch. in Billerica, adm. here——1815. Had Henry, bap. 21 Mar. 1man, 422. Goss, Mehitable—from the ch. in Billerica—adm. to Pct. ch. 7 Aug. 1796. Gould, Sar.), bap. 24 Sept. 1780, m. Joseph Stearns of Billerica, 11 May, 1828; Mrs. Elizabeth Stearns of Billerica—Joseph's wife and daughter of George Prentice—d. 26 Sept. 1835, a. 55.—Damon. Zechariah ad's Wat., 472-3. In 1806 Abner Stearns of Billerica bought a lot of land of Ephraim Cook, which from West Cambridge to his old homestead in Billerica, where he died in 1838. He was an ingeniousLeonard, d. 27 Mar. 1840, a. 43. Joseph, of Billerica, m. Elizabeth Prentiss, of W. Camb., 11 May, 1828. Mrs. Eliza-Beth, of Billerica, wife of Joseph, and dau. of George Prentice, d. 25 S
sion of Rev. Sewall Harding (Congregationalist) by the majority of the parish of the Second Religious Society, and the withdrawal with him of his church, a new church was formed under Rev. Bernard Whitman (Unitarian), as appears from the following from a book of records of the society. The second church was gathered on the 8th day of January, 1826, in presence of the Rev. Dr. Lowell of the West Church, Boston. A covenant was read and signed by Bernard Whitman from the Church of Christ in Billerica, Ebenezer Hobbs and Mary Hobbs from the First Church in Waltham, Jonathan Weeks and Sarah Weeks from First Church in Marlboroa, Henry Moore and Mary Moore from First Church of Christ in Bolton, and Cyrus Jones from First Church in Weston. Dr. Lowell then pronounced these persons members of the Second Congregational Church in Waltham, gathered according to gospel order. Recorded by me, Bernard Whitman, pastor elect of the Second Religious Society in Waltham, Jan. 9, 1826. Then follows a
no offence during its delivery; but at the motion for appointing an orator for the ensuing year to commemorate the horrid massacre, they began to hiss. The assembly became greatly exasperated, and threatened vengeance for the insult; but Adams, with imperturbable calmness, soon restored order; the vote was taken, and the business of the meeting was regularly concluded. The event of that day maddened the army, and both officers and soldiers longed for revenge. An honest countryman from Billerica inquiring for a firelock, bought an old one of a private; but as soon as he had paid the full price, he was seized by half a dozen of a company for having violated an act of parliament against trading with soldiers, and confined during the night in the guard-room. The next day he was labelled on his back, American liberty, or a specimen of democracy, was tarred and feathered, and carted through the principal streets of the town, accompanied by all the drums and fifes of the fortyseventh,
t quarter of the town, crossed the pasture known as the Great Fields, and acting each from his own impulse, placed themselves in ambush a little to the eastward of the village, near the junction of the Bedford road. There they were reinforced by men who were coming in from all around, and at that point the chase of the English began. Among the foremost were the minute men of Reading, led by John Brooks, and accompanied by Foster the minister of Littleton as a volunteer. The company of Billerica, whose inhabitants, in their just indignation at Nesbit and his soldiers, had openly resolved to use a different style from that of petition Chap. XXVIII} 1775. April 19. and complaint, came down from the north, while the East Sudbury company appeared on the south. little below the Bedford road, at Merriam's corner, the British faced about; but after a sharp encounter, in which several of them were killed, they were compelled to resume their retreat. At the high land in Lincoln, the
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., The Medford blacksmith of 1775. (search)
ht, as he pursued his calling at the forge. The old shop, like the village tavern, had long been the rendezvous of the loungers of the neighborhood, and here many of the patriots gathered to discuss the troubled affairs of the country. But a little farther up the street stood the Royall House, where were wont to gather the Tories and adherents of the King. It was a time when neighbor was to be arrayed against neighbor. For several days prior to June 16, 1775, farmers from Woburn, Billerica, Burlington, and Bedford had passed through Medford over the turnpike on their way to Charlestown neck, where they congregated at the old tavern located where Sullivan's Square Park now stands. As they passed the smithy many stopped to replace a shoe lost by their horse on the way thither. This increased patronage obliged Harry Bond to continue his work late into the night, so that it afforded a good excuse for the gathering of so many citizens at the shop where was being discussed in
le, and it is interesting to compare his figures with those of Mr. Thompson. As calculated by the latter, the ascent from Medford bridge to the Concord river at Billerica was found to be 68 1/2 ft.; the actual difference in level, as found by Weston, was 104 ft. By Thompson's survey there was a further ascent of 16 1/2 ft. to the end. Some of the land was never paid for, as the owners refused to accept the sum awarded. The compensation ranged from about $150 an acre in Medford to $25 in Billerica. The numerous conveyances are all in Sullivan's handwriting. Labor was not easily procured, probably from the scarcity of laborers, as the wages paid, averagbringing great business ability and unquenchable zeal to this task, the perishable wooden locks were gradually replaced with stone, a new stone dam was built at Billerica, and the service brought to a high state of efficiency. The new dam was the occasion of a lawsuit brought by the proprietors of Sudbury meadows, claiming damage
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