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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 22 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 22 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 20 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 20 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 18 0 Browse Search
D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 16 0 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 16 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 14 0 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 12 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 12 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Causes of the Confederate defeat at Gettysburg. (search)
s position, and later I learned that it was to be led by Pickett's division and directed on Cemetery Hill. Some of the batteries had gone back for ammunition and forage, but they were all brought ue attack with General A. R. Wright, who said that the difficulty was not so much in reaching Cemetery Hill, or taking it — that his brigade had carried it the afternoon before-but that the trouble wa heard it said that morning that General Lee had ordered every brigade in the army to charge Cemetery Hill, and it was at least certain that the question of supports had had his careful attention. Be wounds were from artillery fire. General A. S. Webb, U. S. A., who commanded a brigade on Cemetery Hill, told me, after the war, that a Federal battery, coming into action on the Hill, lost from oatteries or parts of batteries in this way, when Pickett's division appeared on the slope of Cemetery Hill, and a considerable force of the enemy were thrown out, attacking his unprotected right flan
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Second paper by Colonel Walter H. Taylor, of General Lee's staff. (search)
two divisions of Longstreet's corps gallantly advanced, forced the enemy back a considerable distance, and captured some trophies and prisoners. Ewell's divisions were ordered forward, and likewise gained additional ground and trophies. On Cemetery Hill the attack by Early's leading brigades was made with vigor. They drove the enemy back into the works on the crest, into which they forced their way, and seized several pieces of artillery; but they were compelled to relinquish what they had staff, says: On the morning of the third of July, General Pettigrew, commanding Heth's division, was instructed to report to General Long-,street, who directed him to form in the rear of Pickett's division, and support his advance upon Cemetery Hill, which would be commenced as soon as the fire from our artillery should have driven the enemy from his guns and prepared the way for attack. And I presume that it was in consequence of this having been the first plan settled on, that the er
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
no earthly reason why the failure to seize Cemetery Hill that afternoon should rest exclusively on Gen. Ewell, by going on, could have seized Cemetery Hill, or that the seizure of that hill on the as passing to the right of the town towards Cemetery Hill, had got out of reach. Elated with the suwooded hill east of the town and adjoining Cemetery Hill, as the position Johnson should take when the propriety of pushing on and capturing Cemetery Hill. He then asked me to ride with him up thennoitre the position, and he adds: I found Cemetery Hill occupied by a considerable force — a forces defeat. The most that the capture of Cemetery Hill on that day could have accomplished would len back to a commanding position known as Cemetery Hill, south of Gettysburg, and quickly showed already mentioned, not far from the base of Cemetery Hill, so as to be ready at the earliest moment.e intervening between them and the base of Cemetery Hill, fought their way up the face of that hill[18 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Supplement to General Early's Review.-reply to General Longstreet. (search)
t, where it would not be exposed to the enemy's fire, and would be in position to advance on Cemetery Hill when a favorable opportunity should occur. This movement was made, and Hays formed his brigosition until the afternoon. On page 405, Hancock says: I was placed on the line connecting Cemetery Hill with Little Round Top Mountain, my line, however, not extending to Round Top, probably only cted to connect with my left and the Round Top Mountain, thus forming a continuous line from Cemetery Hill (which was held by Gen. Howard) to Round Top Mountain. These arrangements were not made uhaving arrived, and got back just as Hays' and Hoke's brigades were moving to the assault of Cemetery Hill. The repetition of this statement is simply ridiculous, and shows how hard. General Longste wooded and exceedingly rugged. This part of the line confronted Johnson's division, while Cemetery Hill itself was held by the First and Eleventh corps, which Butterfield sbows in his testimony nu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
nt, and as one of the enemy's batteries on Cemetery Hill was doing us some damage, I ordered the bry forces out that I found myself attacking Cemetery Hill with a single line of battle against not lllows: He then began a heavy fire on Cemetery Hill. It must not be thought that this wrathfus. IHe replied, pointing with his fist at Cemetery Hill: The enemy is there, and I am going to strbattle can take that position, pointing to Cemetery Hill. General Lee in reply to this ordered me third day, instead of making the attack on Cemetery Hill, we would have been successful. I cannot ommanding position that was known to us as Cemetery Hill, south of Gettysburg, and quickly showed arps, having been halted to let them pass. Cemetery Hill was not assailable from the town, and I de to my left, on a line with and commanding Cemetery Hill. Before Johnson got up the Federals were him after sunrise looking at the enemy on Cemetery Hill. I rode then into Gettysburg and was gone
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
, Smith's of Steinwehr's division, left on Cemetery Hill as a reserve,) and Baford's two brigades o of the Eleventh corps as they passed over Cemetery Hill, but it had not been very successful. I pbattalions in mass, it is my recollection) Cemetery Hill, to the left of the Taneytown road. I aleventh corps, which occupied that part of Cemetery Hill immediately to the right and left of the Bfrom in front of the town, and reformed on Cemetery Hill, I have seen a statement in Bates' Battle h, with one battery remained in reserve on Cemetery Hill; Costar's brigade, of the same division, w of the Eleventh corps as they passed over Cemetery Hill, but it had not been successful; and that f the War). The Eleventh corps occupied Cemetery Hill with the artillery attached to the First ae 3rd day, instead of making the attack on Cemetery Hill, we would have been successful. These ln, whose battery was one of the nearest to Cemetery Hill, writes me, My battery was put in position[8 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Steuart's brigade at the battle of Gettysburg.--a narrative by Rev. Randolph H. McKim, D. D., late First Lieutenant and Aide-de-camp, Confederate army. (search)
heir arrival may be fixed by the circumstance which I distintly remember, viz: the arrival of General Lee upon the field, his survey of the enemy's position on Cemetery Hill with his glass, and the dispatch of one of his staff immediately in the direction of the town. Passing over the scene of conflict, where the line of battle re turnpike, which I think it commanded. Its capture was a breach in the enemy's lines through which troops might have been poured and the strong positions of Cemetery Hill rendered untenable. General Howard says: The ground was rough, and the woods so thick that their generals did not realize till morning what they had gained. left of the Baltimore pike [McAllister's Hill], followed the signal, and one after another opened up, till every little crest between Slocum's headquarters and Cemetery Hill began belching its thunder. . . . Still no artillery response from the rebels. --Page 143.--Atlantic Monthly, July, 1876, page 66. But all the efforts of th
e pike, is the key to the whole position — Cemetery Hill. This constitutes our extreme front, liesokening a general engagement. Standing on Cemetery Hill, which, but for its exposed position, consg the whole line of the left. Meantime, Cemetery Hill is raked at once from front and left, and posted along the heights from a point near Cemetery Hill to the point in their line opposite to the threatening the enemy in his positionn on Cemetery Hill; but these were mere feints, to cover and of the Potomac the commanding position on Cemetery Hill, from which the battles of the two succeedtwo corps were placed in line of battle on Cemetery Hill at evening, having withstood during the enortion of our forces who witnessed it from Cemetery Hill will linger forever. From its crest the m began a terrific and concentrated fire on Cemetery Hill, which was held, as I have previously statcorps arrived by the Taneytown road, below Cemetery Hill, at day-break. The Fifth corps arrived tw[16 more...]
, led by Colonel Seaver, of the Third Vermont. I also placed the division artillery in favorable range, and where they could have an effective fire upon the enemy's works, at the same time allowing the most practicable lines of advance for our assaulting columns, so that they would not interfere with the line of artillery fire. As soon as the fire was heard on my right I opened my artillery fire with full force, and advanced the two columns under Neill and Grant with the bayonet on Cemetery Hill. This point was gallantly carried without any check to our columns. From this point Neill's and Grant's columns were moved to assault, on our right, the main work on Marye Hill. I at once brought all the division artillery to bear upon the works on those heights, and advanced the column led by Colonel Seaver to make an assault, on our left, of the same work. Neill's column charged and successfully carried the strong covered way leading from the first work on Marye Heights to Haze
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 8.77 (search)
n my left, warned us that the battle had begun. As the morning wore on the firing grew heavier and heavier, until Elk Mountain, to the eastward, gave back an incessant echo. About 9 o'clock an order was brought by a staff-officer of General Lee, directing me to hurry to the left to reinforce Jackson, who was being hard pressed. Hastily recalling my skirmishers, I hurried forward, left in front, along the rear of the whole Confederate line of battle. As I passed what is now known as Cemetery Hill, I saw General Lee standing erect and calm, with a field-glass to his eye, his fine form sharply outlined against the sky, and I Burnside's Bridge — ii. This picture, after a photograph taken in 1885, is a view of the Union position from the hill where Confederate artillery was planted to enfilade the bridge. From a point below, the 2d Maryland and the 6th New Hampshire charged up the road, but they were swept by such a mourderous fire that only a few reached the bridge and sought
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