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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 11, line 749 (search)
re that he became a bird, of royall race might vaunt. And if thou covet lineally his pedegree to seeke, His Auncetors were Ilus, and Assaracus, and eeke Fayre Ganymed who Jupiter did ravish as his joy, Laomedon and Priamus the last that reygnd in Troy. Stout Hectors brother was this man. And had he not in pryme Of lusty youth beene tane away, his deedes perchaunce in tyme Had purchaast him as great a name as Hector, though that hee Of Dymants daughter Hecuba had fortune borne to bee. For Aesahoe, a poore mans daughter that With spade and mattocke for himselfe and his a living gat. This Aesacus the Citie hates, and gorgious Court dooth shonne, And in the unambicious feeldes and woods alone dooth wonne. He seeldoom haunts the towne of Troy, yit having not a rude And blockish wit, nor such a hart as could not be subdewd By love, he spyde Eperie (whom oft he had pursewd Through all the woodes) then sitting on her father Cebrius brim A drying of her heare ageinst the sonne, which hange
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 12, line 1 (search)
Did keepe an Obit. Paris was not at this obsequye. Within a whyle with ravisht wyfe he brought a lasting warre Home unto Troy. There followed him a thowsand shippes not farre Conspyrd togither, with the ayde that all the Greekes could fynd: And vent Calchas, Thestors sonne, who knew what meening was in that, Sayd: We shall win. Rejoyce, yee Greekes, by us shall perish Troy, But long the tyme will bee before wee may our will enjoy. And then he told them how the birds nyne yeeres did signifie Which they before the towne of Troy not taking it should lye. The Serpent as he wound about the boughes and braunches greene, Became a stone, and still in stone his snakish shape is seene. The seas continewed verry rough and suffred not theyr hoste Imbarked for to passe from thence to take the further coast. Sum thought that Neptune favored Troy bycause himself did buyld The walles therof. But Calchas (who both knew, and never hilld His peace in tyme) declared that the Goddesse Phebe must Ap
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 12, line 146 (search)
This labour, this encounter brought the rest of many dayes, And eyther partye in theyr strength a whyle from battell stayes. Now whyle the Phrygians watch and ward uppon the walles of Troy, And Greekes likewyse within theyr trench, there came a day of joy, In which Achilles for his luck in Cygnets overthrow, A Cow in way of sacrifyse on Pallas did bestowe, Whose inwards when he had uppon the burning altar cast And that the acceptable fume had through the ayer past To Godward, and the holy rytes had had theyr dewes, the rest Was set on boords for men to eate in disshes fynely drest. The princes sitting downe, did feede uppon the rosted flesh, And both theyr thirst and present cares with wyne they did refresh. Not Harpes, nor songs, nor hollowe flutes to heere did them delyght. They talked till they nye had spent the greatest part of nyght. And all theyr communication was of feates of armes in fyght That had beene doone by them or by theyr foes. And every wyght Delyghts to uppen
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 15, line 745 (search)
away, I meene the thing that only now remayneth unto mee Of Jule the Trojans race. Must I then only ever bee Thus vext with undeserved cares? How seemeth now the payne Of Diomeds speare of Calydon to wound my hand ageyne? How seemes it mee that Troy ageine is lost through ill defence? How seemes my sonne Aenaeas like a bannisht man, from thence To wander farre ageine, and on the sea to tossed bee, And warre with Turnus for to make? or rather (truth to say) With Juno? What meene I about harmeles the heavenly spheres, And all the tryple shaped world. And our Augustus beares Dominion over all the earth. They bothe are fathers: they Are rulers both. Yee Goddes to whom both fyre and swoord gave way, What tyme yee with Aenaeas came from Troy: yee Goddes that were Of mortall men canonyzed: thou Quirin whoo didst reere The walles of Rome: and Mars who wart the valeant Quirins syre And Vesta of the household Goddes of Caesar with thy fyre Most holy: and thou Phebus whoo with Vesta als
T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 5, scene 1 (search)
, for what reason the Greeks used to say that Hecuba was a bitchHecuba was a bitch: Hecuba was the daughter of Cisseus or of Dymas, and the wife of Priam, King of Troy. In the distribution of the spoil, after the siege of Troy, she fell to the share of Ulysses, and became his slave, but lied soon after in Thrace. Servius alleges,Troy, she fell to the share of Ulysses, and became his slave, but lied soon after in Thrace. Servius alleges, with Plautus, that the Greeks circulated the story of her transformation into a bitch, because she was perpetually railing at them to provoke them to put her to death, rather than condemn her to the life of a slave. According to Strabo and Pomponius Mela, in their time the place of her burial was still to be seen in Thrace. It waSICLES Just as well as CalchasAs well as Calchas: Calchas, the son of Thestor, was a famous soothsayer, who accompanied the Grecian army in the expedition against Troy. do I know him; I have seen him on that same day on which I have seen yourself before this present day. THE WIFE OF MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. Do you deny that you k
Phaedrus, The Fables of Phaedrus (ed. Christopher Smart, Christopher Smart, A. M.), book 3, Of Doubt and Credulity (search)
Of Doubt and Credulity 'Tis frequently of bad event To give or to withhold assent. Two cases will th' affair explain- The good Hippolytus was slain; In that his stepdame credit found, And Troy was levell d with the ground; Because Cassandra's prescious care Sought, but obtain'd no credence there. The facts should then be very strong, Lest the weak judge determine wrong: But that I may not make too free With fabulous antiquity, I now a curious tale shall tell, Which I myself remember well. An honest man, that loved his wife, Was introducing into life A son upon the man's estate. One day a servant (whom, of late, He with his freedom had endu'd) Took him aside, and being shrewd, Supposed that he might be his heir When he'd divulged the whole affair. Much did he lie against the youth, But more against the matron's truth: And hinted that, which worst of all Was sure a lover's heart to gall, The visits of a lusty rake, And honour of his house at stake. He at this scandal taking heat, Prete
Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard), BOOK V, line 324 (search)
Besides all this, If there had been no origin-in-birth Of lands and sky, and they had ever been The everlasting, why, ere Theban war And obsequies of Troy, have other bards Not also chanted other high affairs? Whither have sunk so oft so many deeds Of heroes? Why do those deeds live no more, Ingrafted in eternal monuments Of glory? Verily, I guess, because The Sum is new, and of a recent date The nature of our universe, and had Not long ago its own exordium. Wherefore, even now some arts are being still Refined, still increased: now unto ships Is being added many a new device; And but the other day musician-folk Gave birth to melic sounds of organing; And, then, this nature, this account of things Hath been discovered latterly, and I Myself have been discovered only now, As first among the first, able to turn The same into ancestral Roman speech. Yet if, percase, thou deemest that ere this Existed all things even the same, but that Perished the cycles of the h
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Nero (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 38 (search)
and dedicated by the kings of Rome, and afterwards in the Punic and Gallic wars: in short, everything that was remarkable and worthy to be seen which time had spared.This destructive fire occurred in the end of July, or the beginning of August, A. U. C. 816, A. D. 64. It was imputed to the Christians, and drew on them the persecutions mentioned in c. xvi., and the note. This fire he beheld from a tower in the house of Maecenas, and, "being greatly delighted," as he said, "with the beautiful effects of the conflagration," he sung a poem on the ruin of Troy, in the tragic dress he used on the stage. To turn this calamity to his own advantage by plunder and rapine, he promised to remove the bodies of those who had perished in the fire, and clear the rubbish at his own expense: suffering no one to meddle with the remains of their property. But he not only received, but exacted contributions on account of the loss, until he had exhausted the means both of the provinces and private persons.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 1, line 158 (search)
urrets crowned: Torn were her locks and naked were her arms. Then thus, with broken sighs the Vision spake: What seek ye, men of Rome? and whither hence Bear ye my standards? If by right ye come, My citizens, stay here; these are the bounds; No further dare.' But Caesar's hair was stiff With horror as he gazed, and ghastly dread Restrained his footsteps on the further bank. Then spake he, ' Thunderer, who from the rock Tarpeian seest the wall of mighty Rome; Gods of my race who watched o'er Troy of old; Thou Jove of Alba's height, and Vestal fires, And rites of Romulus erst rapt to heaven, And God-like Rome; be friendly to my quest. Not with offence or hostile arms I come, Thy Caesar, conqueror by land and sea, Thy soldier here and wheresoe'er thou wilt: No other's; his, his only be the guilt Whose acts make me thy foe.' He gives the word And bids his standards cross the swollen stream. So in the wastes of Afric's burning clime The lion crouches as his foes draw near, Feeding his wra
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage of the Susan of London to Constantinople, wherein the worshipfull M. William Harborne was sent first Ambassadour unto Sultan Murad Can, the great Turke, with whom he continued as her Majesties Ligier almost sixe yeeres. (search)
on the maine over against it, called Modon . The same day by reason of contrary windes we put backe againe to Prodeno, because we could not fetch Sapientia. The ninth we came from thence, and were as farre as Sapientia againe. The tenth we were as farre shot as Cavo Matapan; and that day we entred the Archipelago, and passed thorow betweene Cerigo and Cavo Malio. This Cerigo is an Iland where one Menelaus did sometimes reigne, from whome was stollen by Paris faire Helena , and carried to Troy , as ancient Recordes doe declare. The same day we had sight of a little Iland called Bellapola, and did likewise see both the Milos , being Ilands in the Archipelago. The 11 in the morning we were hard by an Iland called Falconara, and the Iland of Antemila. The 12 in the morning we were betweene Fermenia and Zea, being both Ilands. That night wee were betweene Negroponte and Andri, being likewise Ilands. The 13 in the morning we were hard by Psara and Sarafo, being Ilands nine or ten
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