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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 3 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 13, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
William A. Crafts, Life of Ulysses S. Grant: His Boyhood, Campaigns, and Services, Military and Civil. 2 0 Browse Search
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant 2 0 Browse Search
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 2 0 Browse Search
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rise in the river broke through the embankment of the canal and overflowed the country, and the work did not answer its purpose. But Grant had not been idly awaiting the result of this experiment. He was busy in seeking other practicable routes by which he could reach the position he desired. As soon as he took command, he gave orders for cutting a way from the Mississippi to Lake Providence on the west, from which it was hoped steamers might pass into the Tensas, and thence into the Red River, and a passage thus be opened for communication with Banks, who was to cooperate from New Orleans in the opening of the river. At about the same time he sent an expedition to explore on the eastern side of the Mississippi, and to open, if possible, a practicable passage through Yazoo Pass and Steele's Bayou. At one time the latter route promised to be practicable, and to enable Grant to flank the rebel works on the Yazoo, and reach the high land in the rear of Vicksburg. But unexpected
the American troops were to prevent filibustering into Texas; really they were sent as a menace to Mexico in case she appeared to contemplate war. Grant's life in Louisiana was pleasant. He had plenty of professional duty, many of his brother officers having been detailed on special duty away from the regiment. He gave up the thought of becoming a teacher of mathematics, and read only for his own amusement, and not very much for that; he kept a horse and rode, visited the planters on the Red River; and was out of doors the whole day nearly; and so he quite recovered from the cough, and the threatenings of consumption, which he had carried with him from West Point. I have often thought, he adds, that my life was saved, and my health restored, by exercise and exposure enforced by an administrative act and a war, both of which I disapproved. For disapprove the menace to Mexico, and the subsequent war, he did. One lingers over a distinguished man's days of growth and formation, so im
day April 20. that our gunboats. under Lt.-Com'g A. P. Cooke, captured Butte à la Rose, opening the Atchafalaya to Red river; so that communication was reestablished, May 2. through the gunboat Arizona, with Admiral Farragut, at the mouth ofeamboats, and cotton, cattle, &c., &c., to an immense value. Gen. Banks's sudden withdrawal from Alexandria and the Red river, and the employment of nearly all his disposable force in the siege of Port Hudson, necessarily proffered opportunities B. directed Aug. 12; by dispatch received Aug. 27. to operate against Texas. He was advised that a movement by the Red river on Natchitoches or Shreveport was deemed most feasible, but was authorized to act as his own judgment should dictate. Natchitoches or Shreveport was deemed most feasible, but was authorized to act as his own judgment should dictate. Deeming the route suggested impracticable at that season, he decided to demonstrate by way of the Sabine, with houston as his objective point. Accordingly, an expedition, including a land force of 4,000 men, was fitted out at New Orleans, and dispat
port fight at Mansura Cotton operations on Red river Steele's advance from little Rock fight atof campaign. Its line of operations was the Red river; its object, the capture of Shreveport, withGen. Steele to cooperate with you (Banks) on Red river, with all his available forces. April 16, Iready been pushed on, 80 miles farther, to Red river region. Natchitoches April 2-3.--theNatchitoches April 2-3.--the enemy skirmishing sharply at intervals with our van, but making no stubborn resistance. Gen. A. L.h 76 guns. Shreveport was 100 miles from Natchitoches — the direct road (which was taken) passing A partisan encounter, April 4. north of Red river, between Col. O. P. Gooding's brigade of 1,5river within a day's march on one flank, and Red river as near on the other. It is surely to be rewn from operations against Sherveport and on Red river, and that operations there be continued, undreveport. He had signalized his movement up Red river by a proclamation or order claiming for the [10 more...]
Texas. Corps headquarters were in Texas, but were moved to Alexandria, La., on the 18th of April, as the Third and Fourth Divisions had accompanied Banks on his Red River Expedition of April, 1864. General McClernand was again in command of the corps; the Third Division was commanded by General Cameron, and the Fourth, by General Landram. The First and Second Divisions remained in Texas during the Red River Expedition, excepting Lawler's (2d) Brigade, of the First Division, which joined Banks' Army about the 20th of April. The Third and Fourth Divisions of the Thirteenth Corps were actively engaged at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864, n. Morristown, Tenn. Mossy Creek, Tenn. Dandridge, Tenn. Fair Gardens, Tenn. Arkadelphia, Ark. Camden, Ark. Prairie D'ann, Ark. Jenkins' Ferry, Ark. Natchitoches, La. Wilson's Farm, La. Sabine Cross Roads, La. Cane River, La. Red Clay, Ga. Resaca, Ga. Varnell's Station, Ga. Tilton, Ga. Rome, Ga. Dallas, Ga. Kings
11   23 23 129   I   12 12   20 20 104   K 1 5 6   25 25 124 Totals 9 119 128 3 212 215 1,207 128 killed == 10.6 per cent. Total of killed and wounded, 474. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Magnolia Hills, Miss. 2 Sabine Cross Roads, La. 6 Champion's Hill, Miss. 75 Rosedale Bayou, La. 1 Black River, Miss. 1 Opequon, Va. 21 Siege of Vicksburg 3 Fisher's Hill, Va. 1 Jackson, Miss. 1 Cedar Creek, Va. 13 Grand Coteau, La. 1 Guerrillas, La. 2 Nachitoches, La. 1     Present, also, at Duvall's Bluff, Ark.; Fisher's Hill, Va. notes.--Organized in August, 1862, the men having been recruited from the State at large. Leaving Iowa soon after, it proceeded to Helena, Ark., where it was stationed for a few months, and in January, 1863, took part in General Gorman's Expedition up the White River to Duvall's Bluff. In the spring of 1863, the regiment joined the army in its advance on Vicksburg, having been assigned to Slack's (2d) Brigade,
fever, which, thank heaven! did not come. When my guards were posted, I had as a reserve force less than two hundred and fifty men. My whole army was regarded by the rebels as very small, yet I held the whole of Western Louisiana east of the Red River. I sent small parties of troops when necessary everywhere in it, and no one was ever disturbed except a small party under a flag of truce, which was seized. Governor Moore, on June 12, sent the following information to President Davis:-- ad a good dinner and returned to New Orleans. From that hour I had no fear of any attack on the city by the French. I desired to organize a special brigade to capture and occupy all the western part of Louisiana and other places east of the Red River, and to control the mines of salt deposit in New Iberia. These mines could be approached by water, an advantage which Jefferson put forth as one of the reasons for the purchase of Louisiana. I could get no reply from Washington that I could
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 6: Louisiana. 1859-1861. (search)
lding was situated near Alexandria, in the parish of Rapides, and was substantially finished; that the future management would rest with a Board of Supervisors, mostly citizens of Rapides Parish, where also resided the Governor-elect, T. O. Moore, who would soon succeed him in his office as Governor and president ex officio; and advised me to go at once to Alexandria, and put myself in communication with Moore and the supervisors. Accordingly I took a boat at Baton Rouge, for the mouth of Red River. The river being low, and its navigation precarious, I there took the regular mail-coach, as the more certain conveyance, and continued on toward Alexandria. I found, as a fellow-passenger in the coach, Judge Henry Boyce, of the United States District Court, with whom I had made acquaintance years before, at St. Louis, and, as we neared Alexandria, he proposed that we should stop at Governor Moore's and spend the night. Moore's house and plantation were on Bayou Robert, about eight mile
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 16 (search)
and from Franklin, in the Teche country, either the 5th or 7th, and will march via Opelousas to Alexandria. You will meet him there, report to him, and act under his orders. My understanding with him is that his forces will move by land, via Natchitoches, to Shreveport, while the gunboat-fleet is to ascend the river with your transports in company. Red River is very low for the season, and I doubt if any of the boats can pass the falls or rapids at Alexandria. What General Banks proposes to he belt of our territory, and making the breach between the Confederate Government and its outlying trans-Mississippi Department more perfect. It is understood that General Steele makes a simultaneous move from Little Rock, on Shreveport or Natchitoches, with a force of about ten thousand men. Banks will have seventeen thousand, and you ten thousand. If these can act concentrically and simultaneously, you will make short work of it, and then General Banks will have enough force to hold as mu
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 17 (search)
about the place. I hope that he will remain thereabouts till General A. J. Smith can reach his destined point, but this I can hardly expect; yet I want him to reach by the Yazoo a position near Grenada, thence to operate against Forrest, after which to march across to Decatur, Alabama. You will see that he has a big job, and therefore should start at once. From all that I can learn, my troops reached Alexandria, Louisiana, at the time agreed on, viz., March 17th, and I hear of them at Natchitoches, but cannot hear of your troops being above Opelousas. Steele is also moving. I leave Steele's entire force to cooperate with you and the navy, but, as I before stated, I must have A. J. Smith's troops now as soon as possible. I beg you will expedite their return to Vicksburg, if they have not already started, and I want them if possible to remain in the same boats they have used up Red River, as it will save the time otherwise consumed in transfer to other boats. All is well in
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