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sides of the Potomac. It is a triangle, two sides being formed by the Potomac and the Shenandoah, and the Third by Furnace Ridge. The plateau thus enclosed, and the end of Furnace Ridge itself, the only defensible position, which, however, required for its adequate occupation double our numbers, was exposed to enfilade and reverse fires of artillery from heights on the Maryland side of the river. Within that line the ground was more favorable to an attacking than to a defending force. The Potomac can be easily crossed at many points above and below, so that it is easily turned. It is twenty miles from the great route into the Valley of Virginia from Pennsylvania and Maryland, by which General Patterson's approach was expected. Its garrison was thus out of position to defend that Valley, or to prevent General McClellan's junction with General Patterson. These were the obvious and important object to be kept in view. Besides being in position for them, it was necessary to be abl
Death of Major food. --The Nashville Republican and Banner, of the 20th ult., says: The citizens of Nashville were shocked last Sunday morning, on receiving the unexpected tidings of the death of Major Fogg, wounded in the late engagement at Mill Spring. It had been generally understood that his wound was not serious, though helpful, and that he was doing well. He had been conveyed from the battle field, over the mountains, near Sparta, in White county, where he breathed his last on President evening. The Potomac were brought to Nashville on Sunday afternoon, an amends assembled to receive them, in tributary homage to the decreed.
ill harass and injure us, unless we have properly- constructed land batteries. They have achieved but one victory in this war unsided by their ships, and those that the ships have gained would have been defeats if our fortifications had been properly built and provided with bomb-proof shelters. As to their land operations, they know better than to attempt it when we have anything like equal numbers. If the United States have an army of seven hundred thousand, where are they stationed? The Potomac and Kentucky are their great points of concentration. At other points we do not believe they have a hundred thousand all told. Who believes that there are three hundred thousand men on the Potomac, and three hundred thousand in Kentucky? If there are, why did they not advance during the good weather and fine roads? It is as unwise to exaggerate as it is to depreciate the strength of the enemy. They are strong enough, as we said before, to require our whole energies; but not enough to
e may reach Hanover Junction probably before they can transfer sufficient of their army to it to offer him serious resistance there; thus compelling them to fall back nearer Richmond; risking the main battle for the possession of that city almost immediately under its fortifications, which its non-combatant inhabitants will hardly relish. It is taken for granted here that our authorities will to-day abandon this (Orange and Alexandria) railroad beyond this point and soon to Fairfax.--The Potomac must so rise from yesterday's rain as to afford insurance against an attempt of Jackson to make a serious raid over into Maryland. This, in turn, will be likely to cause the return of Sigel's force nearer to Washington, from whence it can operate to much greater advantage, as the reserve of Burnside's army, than as at present posted out in the vicinity of Thoroughfare Gap. Stonewall Jackson not advancing on Cumberland. We have the best reason for believing that the apprehens
rs have any idea that Gen. Lee intends to re-cross the Potomac, nor has that intention been even hinted at by the officers commanding corp.--It was generally and distinctly understood that the falling back was caused by the difficult in obtaining provisions through so long a line of communication as that from Gettysburg to Williamsport, and no one in the army believed that it was intended to evacuate Maryland. The men were in good spirits, and ready for another fight with the enemy. The Potomac, when our informant crossed, was very high. It is proper to state that the officer from whom the above information was obtained was a very intelligent, cool, and deliberate person, and one not likely to exaggerate any fact which he might have learned. We last night conversed with two wounded soldiers of Pickett's division, who left Gettysburg at 12 o'clock on Saturday. They report that Pickett's division was with Longstreet in the centre, on Friday, and participated in the charge u
k towards Washington, and that Gen. Lee's force, at various points, is moving in the same direction. Another great pitch battle will be fought soon, and that on the soil of Maryland, of which I hope to be wholly or in part an eye-witness. Detachments (several hundred strong) of our soldiers arrive here almost daily, and are forwarded, under command of some field officer, to the army. But for this moving in bodies many of our men would be cut off and captured by the Yankee cavalry. The Potomac, lately swollen several feet by the heavy rains, is again, as I am informed, in fordable condition. Several crossed by fording at Williamsport yesterday. Most of our slightly wounded have arrived here, and are being forwarded, with all dispatch, as far as possible to the rear. Few of the badly wounded have yet arrived. Among our wounded general officers I inadvertently omitted to mention Gen. Paul J. Semines, of McLaws's division, who was struck in the thigh, a little above the kn
From our army in Maryland. Martinsburg, Va., July 12. --The telegraph wires were out near this place yesterday — Constant skirmishing is going on between the armies. The enemy occupies the line of the Antietam river, and Lee is near Hagerstown. Our army has been in line of battle since Friday evening. A fight is expected every day. The Potomac is falling at Williamsport.
lances; but they succeeded in reaching Williamsport without serious loss. They were attacked at that place on the 6th by the enemy's cavalry, which was gallantly repulsed by General Imboden. The attacking force was subsequently encountered and driven off by General Stuart and pursued for several miles in the direction of Boonsboro'. The army after an arduous march, rendered more difficult by the rains, reached Hagerstown on the afternoon of the 6th and morning of the 7th July. The Potomac was found to be so much swollen by the rains, that had fallen almost incessantly since our entrance into Maryland, as to be unfordable. Our communications with the south side were thus interrupted, and it was difficult to procure either ammunition or subsistence, the latter difficulty being enhanced by the high waters impeding the working of neighboring mills. --The trains with the wounded and prisoners were compelled to await at Williamsport the subsiding of the river and the constructi
t reside in the State he pretends to represent. Mrs. Hutchins, recently sentenced to five years imprisonment in the Fitchburg (Massachusetts) House of Correction for attempting to send a sword to Major Harry Gilmore, has been released by order of Lincoln and arrived in Baltimore. William J. Fish, of the First Connecticut cavalry, late provost-marshal of Baltimore, who was sentenced to the Albany penitentiary for one year, and to pay a fine of $5,000, has also been released. The Potomac is covered with ice and the channel is completely closed up, so that navigation is suspended and boats do not attempt either to approach or leave Washington. The ice is, at most places, between two and a half and three inches thick. Several boats, with troops, which left yesterday, are ice-bound below Giesborough. Admiral Porter reports that, within the last fifteen days, the blockade fleet off Wilmington captured or destroyed $5,500,000 worth of the enemy's property in blockade ru
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