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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises, XXIV. a half-century of American literature (1857-1907) (search)
point where we need something beyond the university. What he claims for science is yet more needed in the walks of pure literature, and is there incomparably harder to attain, since it has there to deal with that more subtle and vaster form of mental action which culminates in Shakespeare instead of Newton. This higher effort, which the French Academy alone even attempts,--however it may fail in the accomplished results,--may at least be kept before us as an ideal for American students and writers, even should its demands be reduced to something as simple as those laid down by Coleridge when he announced his ability to inform the dullest writer how he might write an interesting book. Let him, says Coleridge, relate the events of his own life with honesty, not disguising the feeling that accompanied them. Quarterly Review, XCVIII, 456. Thus simple, it would seem, are the requirements for a really good book; but, alas! who is to fulfill them? Yet if anywhere, why not in America?
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 3: (search)
tate of feeling in England was told me at Keswick, in 1819, by Mr. Southey. He said that in the spring of 1815 he was employed in writing an article for the Quarterly Review upon the life and achievements of Lord Wellington. He wrote in haste the remarkable paper which has since been published more than once, and the number of torson in the London Institution, (Gifford says he is the best Greek scholar left, since Porson's death), and Elmsley, the writer of the Greek articles in the Quarterly Review. In a note subsequently added, Mr. Ticknor stated that Elmsley was not the writer of the articles ascribed to him. He expressed to me his surprise that I en his shoulders, and one of his eyes turned outward, but, withal, one of the best-natured, most open and well-bred gentlemen I have met. He is editor of the Quarterly Review, and was not a little surprised and pleased to hear that it was reprinted with us, which I told him, with an indirect allusion to the review of Inchiquin. H
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 14: (search)
in English. It is not a great deal; if it were, I might shrink from it. I began this morning, recollecting that the longer I suffer myself to defer it, the longer I must be kept from you. The first person I went to see was Mrs. Grant. . . . . I had not yet seen her, but when she knew why I did not call, she sent me a note which touched me very deeply . . . The hour I passed with her was very pleasant to me. Afterwards I called on Dr. Anderson, the good old Doctor Anderson, as the Quarterly Review calls him, and as everybody must think him to be who has seen him even once. He is the person, perhaps, of all now alive, who best knows English literary history, to say nothing of Scotch, which was, as it were, born with him. He received me with all the kindness I had been taught to expect from him, and to-morrow morning I am to breakfast with him and explain to him all I want to do and learn here, and get what information he can give me. He is a kind of literary patriarch, almost sev
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 22: (search)
, and many letters .. . . . He read us, too, about three cantos of his Oliver Newman,—the poem on American ground,—some of it fine, but the parts intended to be humorous in very bad taste. He showed me as many curious and rare manuscripts and books as I could look at, and told me that he means now to finish his history of Portugal and Portuguese literature; and if possible write a history of the Monastic Orders. If he does the last, it will be bitter enough. He says he has written no Quarterly Review for two years, and means to write no more; that reviews have done more harm than good, etc. In politics I was surprised to find him less desponding than Wordsworth, though perhaps more excited. He says, however, that Ireland will not be tranquillized without bloodshed, admits that Sir Robert Peel is not a great man, and that England is now desperately in want of really great minds to manage its affairs. His conversation was very various, sometimes quite remarkable, but never rich or
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Republic of Republics. (search)
prevarications of right, which, after the publication of this history, will be considered to disfigure the speech upon which his fame so largely rests. These mistakes could hardly have been repeated by Story, nor dwelt upon by Curtis as law and history. Indeed, the truth seemed to be breaking in upon Webster even before his death. In reply to Calhoun he answered, not to the points taken by that master intellect, but addressed himself feebly, for him, to his resolutions. The Northern Quarterly Review, edited at Boston, admitted that Calhoun made good his positions, despite its partisan feelings and surroundings. The propositions which he exerted so much ability to make good in his contest with Hayne, he seemed even to press, or certainly maintained, with no vigor in his after life, until he finally retracted them in his speech at Capon Springs, which admitted all that the South ever claimed. When Mr. Webster, in the closing years of his life, witnessed the growing bitterness of th
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Zzz Missing head (search)
ommunity. They are not unworthy of study; but, in the language of another, I would say, Emulate Swedenborg in his exemplary life, his learning, his virtues, his independent thought, his desire for wisdom, his love of the good and true; aim to be his equal, his superior, in these things; but call no man your master. The better land. [1844.] the shapings of our heavens are the modifications of our constitution, said Charles Lamb, in his reply to Southey's attack upon him in the Quarterly Review. He who is infinite in love as well as wisdom has revealed to us the fact of a future life, and the fearfully important relation in which the present stands to it. The actual nature and conditions of that life He has hidden from us,—no chart of the ocean of eternity is given us,—no celestial guidebook or geography defines, localizes, and prepares us for the wonders of the spiritual world. Hence imagination has a wide field for its speculations, which, so long as they do not positive
The Daily Dispatch: March 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], The evacuation of Sumter at Charleston. (search)
ed a man, of vast capacity and intuitive genius, to remain unshaken, in the midst of trials to which hardly any other man was ever exposed, and at last to triumph over them all, degenerated, in the narrow intellect of his remote descendants, into stupid pertinacity? --And do the Bourbons now, and did the Stuarts formerly, owe all their misfortunes to a quality which had proved a crown of glory to the ancestor from whom they derived it?--We know not, in sooth; but in a late number of the Quarterly Review, we find an extract from a letter, addressed to Louis Philippe soon after his accession, by Ferdinand, (King Bomba,) father of Francis II., which is so exactly like the 'language habitually employed by James II. on such occasions, that one might almost venture to swear they were of kin.--Louis Philippe had written to Bomba, advising him to imitate France, and relax the rigor of his reign, for fear of being drawn into the vortex of revolution, symptoms of which had appeared in Naples. I
British Banner, and the Wesleyan Times; The Roman Catholic Church, the Tablet, and the Weekly Register. The small towns have generally their weekly gazettes, whilst such a city as Edinburgh has eighteen, and Glasgow thirty, besides their daily papers. Politically, the London Times represents the public opinion, and its wonderful mobility seems its pervading spirit. The Morning Post, the Globe, the Observer, the Edinburgh Review, and the Examiner, are the principal organs of the Whig party. The Daily News, an independent Liberal journal, represents more particularly the Russell coterie of that party. The Tory organs are the Morning Herald. the Press, Fraser's Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, the Quarterly Review, and the Constitutional Press. The Morning Chronicle represents the liberal Conservative party; the Morning Star, the so-called liberal school of Manchester; the Daily Telegraph and the Westminster Review, radicalism; the Morning Advertiser, the ultra Protestant party.
d Will Bryce (the Whips) die, we may be laid alongside master in the Mausoleum, with Ham Ashley and Paul Potter, (two hunters,) and three or four couple of his favorite hounds, in order that we may be all ready to start again together in the next world," "And thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company." Kellerman left his heart to be buried in the battle-field of Valmy, where the first repulse was sustained by the Allies. He had better have selected Marengo, where a charge of heavy cavalry, led by him without orders, retrieved the fortunes of the day. Mademoiselle Joly, a French actress of the latter part of the eighteenth century, having passed some agreeable hours on a hill near Falaise, called La Roche-Saint-Quentin, left directions in her will that her remains should be carried to this solitary hill, which was so dear to her heart. Her wishes were obeyed, and the hill has ever since been called Mont-Joly.-- Quarterly Review.
Wills and will-making. In the London Quarterly Review for October, we have a long article upon two publications which have lately been made in England, one of them a collection of Royal wills, by John Nichols, and the other a collection of ancient wills, by Sir Harris Nicholas. Both these authors are processed antiquarians, and these publications were made with the avowed object of assisting those genealogical researches which are so frequent in England, and are becoming every year more difficult to conduct with success, as we recede from the time in which the wills were made. The first confines himself to wills made by the Kings, Princes, Queens, Princesses, and other sprigs of royalty, commencing with that of Alfred the Great, the oldest on record in England. The other deals with wills generally. The writer of the review under consideration says, that "for the performance of one of the great functions of history, the stripping off the mask, and discovering the real inten
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