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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations about Lookout mountain. (search)
of November, the positions of the troops of his command were assigned by the Lieutenant-General--Walker's division (commanded by Brigadier-General Gist) to occupy that portion of the line which lay we by Brigadier-General Jackson), that known as the Craven house slope, extending from the left of Walker's line to Smith's trail, on the western side of the mountain; and the defence of the top of the ouse slope practicable for him. His manoeuvre had the desired effect, for during that evening Walker's entire division was removed from its position to the extreme right, and the force west of Chatps west of Chattanooga creek. To fill, as far as possible, the vacancy caused by the removal of Walker's division, Jackson's brigade, of Cheatham's division, was removed from the Craven house slope, een desired, and they accomplished all that could have been expected of them. The withdrawal of Walker's division, on the night of the 23d, in my opinion, rendered the position on the left untenable,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Hardee and the Military operations around Atlanta. (search)
rmed as follows: Bate's division on the right; Walker's in the centre; Cheatham's, commanded by Brigattack in echelon of division from the right. Walker's division, in consequence of the circular forburne (whose division had been substituted for Walker's beaten troops) to attack. At the moment wherough dense timber to find and turn his flank; Walker's division, temporarily disabled in the first Adjutant-General. Your division follows Walker's. Respectfully, T. B. Roy, Assistant Adju a pond ten feet deep and a mile long, and General Walker's comment upon the man's idea of military r. Meanwhile the right divisions — Bate and Walker — unexpectedly encountered the Sixteenth corpstlanta, and accidentally in the position where Walker and Bate struck it. This corps was fresh, and an's Memoirs, volume II, page 74). Bate and Walker attacked this strong and fresh force with troomber of the staff (Colonel Samuel Black) about Walker's division, when Cleburne rode up and reported
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gettysburg. (search)
Gettysburg. Report of Colonel R. L. Walker, Chief of artillery of Third corps, army of Northern Virginia. headquarters artillery of Third corps, army of Northern Virginia. Major Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General: Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the artillery of the Third which I. refer for the more particular account of the part borne by each in the campaign to Pennsylvania and back. Respectfully, &c., your obedient servant, R. L. Walker. Colonel and Chief of Artillery, Third Corps. Report of Major W. T. Poague. headquarters Poague's battalion artillery, Culpeper county, Va., July 30th, 1863. Colonel R. L. Walker, Chief of Artillery, Third Corps: Colonel — I have the honor to submit the following account of the operations of the battalion under my command from the time of leaving Fredericksburg, Virginia, to the present date. Without referring in detail to each day's marching, which made up by far the larg
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Cleburne and his division at Missionary ridge and Ringgold gap. (search)
eet's corps and Johnson's division, and of Grant's strength about being increased by the arrival of Sherman's fresh corps, no doubt induced General Bragg's recall of Cleburne's division to take part in the battle now evidently impending. General Hardee, who since his return from Mississippi, had been three several times shifted from one extreme of the army to the other, as exigencies required, was now again in command of the right, consisting on the 25th (the day of battle) of Cleburne's, Walker's, Cheatham's, and Stevenson's divisions. During the forenoon of the 24th Cleburne's division remained in reserve, in sight and hearing of the battle progressing on Lookout Mountain, which the volume of musketry and report of artillery indicated to be of serious dimensions. The summit of the mountain was visible but the middle was veiled by thick mist and smoke, whence the enemy's shells emerged, and describing graceful curves burst above the clouds, throwing white puffs of smoke against t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lookout Valley, October 28, 1863. (search)
enning, swept down the railroad between the hills mentioned to the Trenton road, capturing a few pickets or stragglers. I then changed direction to the left, and advanced down the Trenton road with four regiments: the Palmetto Sharpshooters, Colonel Walker; Second rifles, Colonel Thompson; First South Carolina volunteers, Colonel Kilpatrick; and Fifth regiment, Colonel A. Coward. The Sixth, Major White, was ordered to advance to the Trenton road and throw its pickets out to watch the Selly's fthen extinguishing. I immediately threw three regiments, Second rifles, Colonel Thomson; First, Colonel Kilpatrick, and Fifth, Colonel Coward, upon them, with orders not to fire until they passed our skirmishers. The Palmetto Sharpshooters, Colonel Walker, were ordered to advance and take position on the railroad on what was supposed to be the enemy's flank. The three regiments had not advanced far before a very heavy fire was developed, so heavy on the Second rifles as to cause it to halt an
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations before Charleston in May and July, 1862. (search)
emy at Legare's, in which Lieutenant-Colonel Capers drove back for a half mile or more, the enemy's troops in his front, though very much outnumbering him; took twenty-three prisoners, and retired only on the appearance of the enemy in heavy force on the field, supported by a cross fire from gunboats in the Stono and in Folly river. Enemy engaged, said to have been Twenty-eighth Massachusetts and One-hundredth Pennsylania volunteers. Our loss, several wounded, and one taken prisoner. Lieutenant Walker. adjutant Charleston battallion, wounded in the leg, in an endeavor to bring off whom, it was said, private Bresnan, Irish volunteers, was mortally wounded. Gallantry and discretion of Lieutenant-Colonel Capers marked. Captain Ryan, Irish Volunteers, Charleston Battalion, distinguished himself by his dashing courage. Lieutenant J. Ward Hopkins, Sumpter Guard, Charleston battalion, wounded in shoulder. Our companies first engaged were reinforced during the action by several others.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of operations of Bratton's brigade from May 7th, 1864 to January, 1865. (search)
ion of my line, my right regiment (the P. S. S., under Colonel Walker), only participated in this fight in which the enemy wogs and rails. My three right regiments, First S. S., Colonel Walker, Second Rifles, Colonel Bowen, Sixth South Carolina re, during which time one of my regiments, the P. S. S., Colonel Walker, was ordered to report to General Hoke, as a support t object for which they were given. My right regiment, Colonel Walker, was streaming along at a run, unable to gain its posild be. My regiments were in line thus, from right to left: Walker's on the right, Steadman, Hagood, Bowen, and Coward's on t(190). Nearly half of them occurred in the right regiment (Walker's); more than half in my two right regiments (Walker and SWalker and Steadman's). I lost some of my best officers and men. Captain Quattlebaum, P. S. S., a most faithful officer, who has signall resisting assaults of the enemy. You are referred to Colonel Walker for a report of these actions. I found it, on my retu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The defence of battery Gregg-General Lane's reply to General Harris. (search)
, when the honor really belonged to my brigade, Chew's battery, and Walker's supernumerary artillerists, and not to Harris's brigade --not meafence of Fort Gregg. So far from it, we admit that Chew's battery, Walker's supernumerary artillerists, some of Harris's brigade, of Mahone'snt defence in general terms. I expected Generals Harris, Thomas and Walker to do the same, and that as we had all done our best for our lost buter line of works; that he witnessed no such fighting by General R. Lindsay Walker and his artillerists as that mentioned in General Walker'General Walker's letter to General Harris, and that Harris's brigade, of Mahone's division, was subsequently on our right. General Wilcox in his article so his right or left. And, what is still more remarkable, General R. Lindsay Walker in his letter to General Harris, after he had been to see under General N. H. Harris, of Mahone's division. I wonder if General Walker remembers the conversation which he and I had at Fort Gregg!
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battery Gregg-reply to General N. H. Harris. (search)
army, was invited to express an opinion as to the composition of the command. He regretted he could give no information in regard to the garrison of the fort. It will be seen that General Harris was industrious in beating up evidence — writing to those who were not present, as well as to those of the other side. He could not accept my statement of the case, though present and having control of the whole affair. I have omitted, unintentionally, up to this point, reference to Brigadier-General R. L. Walker's letter. He was Chief of Artillery of Hill's corps. He writes: On the morning of the 3d of April, 1865, I was at Rice's salient until about sun up, when it was reported to me that the lines in front of Fort Gregg had been broken. He was not at Rice's salient on April 3d, 1865. He repaired at once to Battery Gregg, a distance, I should think, the way he would have to go, of at least three or four miles. The lines, he says, had been broken, and directly in front of Gregg they
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 10.92 (search)
ral E. P. Alexander, Chief of Artillery, First corps, and General R. Lindsay Walker, Chief of Artillery, Third corps. Owing to the demonst supernumeraries of the artillery, Third corps, who had been by General Walker, Chief of Artillery of that corps, armed with muskets, deservesus. These arrangements were at length effected; and on the 5th General Walker moved to the right, and west of the line of march of the army, pomattox Courthouse. I pushed on in person to communicate with General Walker and found him with his command parked about two miles beyond ththe aid, especially, of the two gallant artillery companies of Captains Walker and Dickenson, under command of the former, which, being at themy's sharpshooters in a brushwood near and enabled a number of General Walker's pieces to play with effect while the remainder of his train wand increasing force. And the inference became inevitable that General Walker and his guns must be, if not already, captured. These facts an
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