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ort and sending an open bill of lading. Captain Wells' account of the manner in which Semmes disk were, at the command of Semmes, taken by Captain Wells on board the Alabama. There was no Americand looking at the seal, Semmes called upon Captain Wells, with an oath, to explain. It was evident, when he came on board my vessel, replied Captain Wells. Is he an Englishman—does he look likehe vessel of whatever he wanted, including Captain Wells' property to a considerable amount; put thst. Some interesting facts are given by Captain Wells in regard to the Alabama, to which, howeveer. It is scarcely necessary to say, that Captain Wells of the Lauretta, took a custom-house oath, the bark Lauretta, of which the veracious Captain Wells was master, and of which the reader has al as much dispatch as possible, and robbing Captain Wells, as he states—by which he means, probably,e was any of that discontent, spoken of by Captain Wells, it was not visible to the eyes of the off
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
Stephen 27, mar.; laborer; W. Chester, Pa. 4 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Washington, William Henry 21, sin.; laborer; W. Chester, Pa. 3 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Wells, Augustus 20, sin.; laborer; Philadelphia. 18 Feb 63; Aug 20, 64; Morris Id, S. C; dis. —— Wentworth, Charles B. 45, —— —— Woodstock, Vt. 19 Dec 63; 13 Jly 65 er, Edward 24, sin.; laborer; Harrisburg, Pa. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. weeks, John 19, sin.; cook; Chatham, Can. 4 Apl 63; missing 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Wells, William 30, mar.; laborer; Monterey. 30 Nov 63; died 29 May 64 Gen. Hos. Beaufort, S. C., consumption. $50. white, Addison 41, sin.; saltmaker; Mechanicsburg, .; laborer; Stockbridge. 12 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Stockbridge. welcome, clay 19, sin. ; laborer; Galesburg, Ill. 26 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Hannibal, Mo. Wells, Samuel Corpl. 23, sin.; laborer; Galesburg, Ill. 26 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 16 Jly 63 James Id. S. C. $50. West, Peter 39, sin.; cook; Chicago. 21 Ap
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 22 (search)
nce in the action of the government. When I was here a year ago, I said I thought the President needed the advice of great bodies of prominent men. That has taken a year. The New York Chamber of Commerce, the Common Council, and the Defence Committee, have just led the way. Some of the Western Councils have followed, it is said. Let us hope that they may have decisive effect at Washington; but I do not believe they will. I do not believe there is in that Cabinet — Seward, Chase, Stanton, Wells, or the President of the country — enough to make a leader. If McClellan should capitulate in his swamp, if Johnston should take Washington, if Butler should be driven out of New Orleans, if those ten fabulous iron ships from England at Mobile could be turned into realities, and Palmerston acknowledge the Confederacy, I should have hope . for I do not believe these nineteen millions of people mean to be beaten; and if they do, I do not believe they can afford to be beaten. I think, when w
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 3: Apprenticeship.—1818-1825. (search)
pt. 13, 1880. forms for the press. He also attended to the job-work, and was noted for his good taste in this department. He was the most rapid compositor I ever knew, excepting one, and more correct than this one. With fair copy before him he would easily set a thousand ems an hour for several successive hours, and there would hardly ever be more than two or three slight errors in a column of his matter, when it was proved. He was an excellent pressman on the old Ramage and the then new Wells iron press. In recalling his apprenticeship days in after years, Mr. Garrison said: I always endeavored to do my work thoroughly, if I could, Speech at Dinner given by Franklin Club, Boston. Oct. 14, 1878. without any errors, and therefore my proofs were very clean, as the technical phrase is. I recollect with great pleasure one who was in the office for a considerable portion of my apprenticeship, who has now gone to his reward, who was, I think, a journeyman at that time; bu
starving time. But he was of the stuff from which triumphant immigrants have ever been made, and it is our recognition of the presence of these qualities in the Captain which makes us think of his books dealing with America as if they were American books. There are other narratives by colonists temporarily residing in the Virginia plantations which gratify our historical curiosity, but which we no more consider a part of American literature than the books written by Stevenson, Kipling, and Wells during their casual visits to this country. But Captain Smith's True Relation impresses us, like Mark Twain's Roughing it, with being somehow true to type. In each of these books the possible unveracities in detail are a confirmation of their representative American character. In other words, we have unconsciously formulated, in the course of centuries, a general concept of the pioneer. Novelists, poets, and historians have elaborated this conception. Nothing is more inevitable than
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 10: death of Mrs. Garrison.—final visit to England.—1876, 1877. (search)
a Bright McLaren, Mrs. Fawcett, Miss Helen Taylor, Thomas Hughes, Professor James Bryce, Justin McCarthy, and George J. Holyoake. But he was glad at last to leave the great metropolis for the rural quiet and beauty of Somersetshire, whither he now went to visit Mr. Bright's daughter, Mrs. Helen Bright Clark, and her husband. With them he spent a delightful Sunday in William S. Clark. their home at Street, near Glastonbury and its ruined July 1. Abbey. Thence he drove with them by way of Wells July 2. (whose cathedral, with its Bishop's Garden and ancient moat and wall, he greatly admired) and Cheddar to Sidcot, where he enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Margaret A. Tanner, a staunch supporter of Mrs. Butler, in her beautiful home overlooking the Bristol Channel and Welsh hills. In Bristol he was to have been the guest of the well-known philanthropist, Miss Mary Carpenter, but her letter making the arrangements for his coming had reached June 14. him at Oxford simultaneously with
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 13: England.—June, 1838, to March, 1839.—Age, 27-28. (search)
nd, by invitation of the judges, the circuits, and to visit places of interest on the way. His route was from London to Guilford, where Lord Denman was holding the Home Circuit, Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, and Bodmin in Cornwall, where the Western Circuit was then in session, and where, with Wilde and Follett, he was the guest of the bar; then to Plymouth in the carriage of Crowder, Queen's counsel, afterwards judge; to Combe Florey, where he was for two days the guest of Sydney Smith; to Wells, where he met the Western Circuit again, Bristol and Cheltenham; to Chester, where Mr. Justice Vaughan, then holding court, called him to his side upon the bench; and reaching Liverpool Aug. 11, during the session of the Northern Circuit, where he met with the same courtesy from Baron Alderson. He dined with the bar and the court, and responded to toasts at Bodmin, and more at length at Liverpool. To Judge Story he wrote, Aug. 18: Never did I enjoy so much happiness as has been my lot with
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
f on the other side of the world, by a gentleman as honorable and as enlightened as yourself. Very truly yours, Sydney Smith. Mr. Sumner. Combe Florey, where I passed a good part of two days, and most reluctantly left in order to go north to Wells, to meet the Western Circuit again; here I dined one day with the bar, and the other with the judges,—Baron Parke and Mr. Justice Coltman. From Wells I passed to Bristol and Cheltenham; and then, by a ride of one hundred and twenty-five miles onWells I passed to Bristol and Cheltenham; and then, by a ride of one hundred and twenty-five miles on the outside of the coach, between six o'clock in the morning and six at night, to Chester, where Mr. Justice Vaughan was holding the Assizes. On my coming into court that evening, his Lordship addressed me from the bench, and called me to his side, where I sat for two hours. In the mean time, orders had been given to have lodgings provided for me in the castle, with the judges. This I firmly declined, but dined with them; and all this after my long ride. From Chester I have come to Liverpoo
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States. (search)
na and the policy of territorial expansion. A general glance at the attitude of the two parties on the constitutional questions will, however, conduce to a clear comprehension of the sectional aspects of the contest. The first battle came in the Senate. (Annals of Congress, 1803-1804, p. 308.) The treaty was confirmed in executive session, October 20th, by a vote of 24 to 7. Those voting against confirmation were Messrs. Hillhouse and Tracy, of Connecticut; Pickering, of Massachusetts; Wells and White, of Delaware; Olcott and Plumer, of New Hampshire; all Federalists and from the Northeast. The public debates occurred on the resolutions and acts for taking possession of the territory, providing for the expenses of the treaty, and establishing a temporary government. (Ibid, p. 488.) The test vote in the House was taken October 25th, on the resolutions to provide for carrying out the treaty. The resolutions were adopted by a vote of go yeas to 25 nays. Of these 25 nays 17 we
n until the summer of 1868. In that year, without any solicitations on his part, he was nominated as the conservative candidate for lieutenant-governor, and had canvassed several counties before the election was postponed by order of the military authorities, and Congress commenced reconstructing the State. When later it was found expedient to nominate a Northern Democrat and Gilbert C. Walker's name was mentioned, General Walker withdrew his name and canvassed the State for Walker against Wells. In 1871 he was elected to the house of delegates. In 1876 he was made lieutenant-governor on the ticket with Governor Holliday. During the debt controversy in Virginia, General Walker sided actively with the debt-paying element. After his term as lieutenant-governor expired, he took, for several years, little part in State politics, being kept busy by the demands of a large law practice. He was also much interested and very active in the development of the mineral resources of Virginia
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