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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Summer campaign of 1863-report of General W. E. Jones. (search)
ounded, and the latter instantly killed. Lieutenant Simpson, of this regiment, on provost guard duty, was in the thickest of the fight from first to last, capturing many more prisoners than he had men. Captains Kuykendall and Magruder also added to their brilliant and well earned reputations. Fortunately the Seventh had a chance in a day or so and cleared its reputation. The Sixth Virginia cavalry (Major C. E. Flournoy, commanding), was next ordered to charge, and did its work nobly. Adjutant Allan and others fell at its head, but nothing daunted it passed the skirmishers, assailing and completely routing one of the best United States regiments, just flushed with victory. The fruits were many killed and wounded, among the latter Major Starr, commanding, and one hundred and eighty-four (184) prisoners taken. It is believed in open country a bold charge of cavalry will in all cases whip a line of skirmishers, and such attacks would soon reduce the Federal cavalry to its former rela
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Literary notices. (search)
Literary notices. The campaign of Chancellorsville. By Theodore A. Dodge, United States Army. Published by James R. Osgood & Co., Boston. This is one of a series of papers read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, and gotten up in the admirable style for which the house of J. R. Osgood & Co., is famous. Our friend, Colonel Wm. Allan (whose study of this compaign and general knowledge of all of the campaigns of Stonewall Jackson, on whose staff he served, peculiarly fit him for the task), is preparing us a full review of the book, which we had, hoped to have in time for this issue, and shall publish as soon as received. We can only say now that we have read the book with deep interest and do not hesitate to pronounce it one of the ablest, fairest and most valuable books which we have seen. Colonel Dodge has carefully studied the official reports, &c., on both sides, has evidently tried to be fair and accurate, and has written in a spirit of candor
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign of Chancellorsville — by Theodore A. Dodge, United States army. (search)
The campaign of Chancellorsville — by Theodore A. Dodge, United States army. A Review by Colonel William Allan, Late of Jackson's Staff. Colonel Dodge has given us a most excellent book. Amidst the mass of rubbish yearly printed about the war, it is refreshing to find an author more anxious to get at the truth than to glorify comrades, or vilify his foes; an author with the honesty, intelligence and patience to pick out the facts from the confused and often conflicting testimony, and the ability to state them clearly and fairly. Colonel Dodge is entitled to the thanks of all fair-minded men belonging to both sides in the late war, for an intelligent and comprehensive discussion of the Chancellorsville campaign, in which the merits and failures of the respective combatants are stated with impartiality, the plans of the opposing leaders criticized in a fair spirit, and the skill and gallantry of Confederate and Federal alike recognized. This book is a valuable contribution to hi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The work of the Southern Historical Society in Europe. (search)
l Papers I have translated, and commended to our German armies. Among them are the following: General Early's Relative strength of the Confederate and Federal armies. McCarthy's Detailed Minutiae of soldier life. Stuart's Report of Cavalry operations in 1863. Stuart's Report of the First Maryland campaign. General R. E. Lee's Report of the Chancellorsville campaign. Field Letters from Lee's Headquarters. General Fitz. Lee's Address on Chancellorsville. Colonel. William Allan's Address on Jackson's Valley campaign, (with maps.) Lee and Gordon at Appomattox. Hubbard's paper on Operations of General Stuart Before Chancellorsville. Pierce's Attempts at Escape from Prison. Colonel Patton's Reminiscences of Jackson's infantry. Kirkland, the hero of Fredericksburg. Major McClellan's address on The life and Campains of General J. E. B. Stuart. Two specimen cases of desertion. General J. E. B. Stuart's Report of the Gettysburg campaign (with ma
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Campaigns of the civil war — ChancellorsvilleGettysburg. (search)
Campaigns of the civil war — Chancellorsville — Gettysburg. A review of General Doubleday by Colonel Wm. Allan. No volume of this valuable series covers a period of more absorbing interest than General Doubleday's account of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. These were two of the greatest battles of the war, and the last, though not the decisive struggle it is often represented, marked the supreme point of southern effort, and was followed by unmistakable and growing signs of exhaustion. The book, as we might expect from the character and rank of its author, is a clear and painstaking narrative of events in which he bore a distinguished part. It is valuable as the carefully prepared statement of a Federal General officer who was a prominent participant, especially at Gettysburg, in the great campaign of 1863. It is well illustrated by fairly good maps, and in this respect contrasts very agreeably with most of the preceding numbers of the series. General Doubleday's stat
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The PeninsulaMcClellan's campaign of 1862, by Alexander S. Webb. (search)
The Peninsula — McClellan's campaign of 1862, by Alexander S. Webb. A review by Colonel William Allan. General Webb's book is a valuable one. It is on the whole, a clear and simple narrative of the Peninsula campaign, or rather of the actions and sufferings of the army of the Potomac during that campaign. It is written with that comprehension of the military field of operations and of the movements therein, that we might expect from an officer of the rank and distinction of the author, and who was at the same time a participant in the campaign he describes. His tone is temperate, his criticisms of the various Federal officers and authorities whom he thinks blameworthy, are judicious and moderate, though in some cases, as in that of McClellan, they are, to say the least, generous; his spirit towards his foes, the rebels is generally fair, and he has evidently taken pains to consult the authorities on both sides. The book is a pleasant contrast to the mass of misrepresentation
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Ewell's report of the Pennsylvania campaign. (search)
utenant James P. Smith, A. D. C., Colonel A. Smead and Major B. H. Greene, Assistant Inspectors General; Surgeon Hunter McGuire, Medical Director; Major J. A. Harman, Chief Quartermaster; Major W. J. Hawks, Chief Commissary of Subsistence; Major William Allan, Chief of Ordnance; Captain R. E. Wilbourn, Chief of Signals; Captain H. B. Richardson, Chief Engineer; Captain Jed. Hotchkiss, Topographical Engineer. Colonel J. E. Johnson, formerly of the Ninth Virginia cavalry, Lieutenant Elliott Jo, judgment and coolness. Captain H. D. Richardson, Chief Engineer, was severely wounded at Gettysburg, and left, I regret to say, in the enemy's hands — a loss I have very severely felt ever since that engagement. The efficiency and value of Major Allan and Captain Wilbourn in their respective departments are well known. The reports of the division commanders accompany this report; also those of the brigade commanders and the chief of artillery. To these I beg leave to refer for greater d
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Preface. (search)
ed to gather the most authentic material, and to present it, I trust, in a manner acceptable to my readers. To Colonel R. N. Scott, of the United States Army, in charge of the publication of the Official Records of the Warof the Rebellion, both of the Union and Confederate Armies, I render thanks for an opportunity to examine advance sheets of the strength and losses of the Federal and Confederate armies in the battle of Cedar Mountain, and the official reports of that battle. From Colonel Allan's valuable work, recently published, --Jackson's Valley Campaign, --I have made extracts, for which credit is duly given. I further acknowledge my obligations to this gentleman for his permission to copy those maps in his volume which represent the routes of Jackson and Ewell from Swift Run Gap in .the movement against Banks, and the battles of Kernstown and Mac-Dowell It may not be necessary to assert that I have not so much attempted to point out how the skill of General Lee and t
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 3: through Harper's Ferry to Winchester—The Valley of the Shenandoah. (search)
th, and 33d Virginia regiments. The second brigade (Burks's) consisted of the 21st, 42d, 48th Virginia and the Irish battalion; the third brigade consisted of the 23d and 37th Virginia regiments (Fulkerson). See Jackson's Valley Campaign, by William Allan, p. 39. Whatever may have been Jackson's force, we knew he could increase it from Manassas, or from further south. The disposition of our command was as follows: While our brigade moved on and to Charlestown from Harper's Ferry, General Willts brought up. Colonel John Campbell was rapidly advancing with his regiment, but night, and an indisposition of the enemy to pressfurther, had terminated the battle, which commenced at four o'clock P. M. See Jackson's Valley Campaign, by William Allan, 1880. Jackson had promised the people of Winchester that he would return to them. This time he failed to keep his word. His dead, dying, and wounded were left to our care. Too much praise cannot be awarded the Federal troops for their
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 5: return to Strasburg (continued)—Banks's flight to WinchesterBattle of Winchester. (search)
bstance in Campaign in the Valley of Virginia in 1861-1862. By William Allan, Lieutenant-Colonel, etc., A. N. V. Jackson's army at this time000 men,--completes the summing up in numbers and location. See Allan's Campaign in the Valley of Virginia, pp. 68, 69, with citations. Oded, 225; and 3 missing. Campaign in the Valley of Virginia, by William Allan, pp. 77, 78. When the Federals had safely withdrawn from thack. See Campaign in the Valley of Virginia in 1861-1862, by William Allan, from which, on page 80, this extract from Dabney's Life of JacMacDowell, I am indebted to the very clear account given by Colonel William Allan in his Campaign in the Valley of Virginia in 1861-1862. 6 in killed and wounded. See Jackson's Valley Campaign, p. 98. William Allan. At four o'clock in the afternoon of the 23d not one word oletown, Johnston's Narrative, p. 129. Jackson's Valley Campaign (Allan), p. 102. which is distant from Front Royal twelve miles. Steuart's
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