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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Williams, Ephraim 1715- (search)
Williams, Ephraim 1715- Military officer; born in Newtown, Mass., Feb. 24, 1715; was a mariner in early life, and made several voyages to Europe. From 1740 to 1748 he served against the French, in Canada, as captain of a provincial company. He joined the New York forces under Gen. William Johnson, in 1755, and, falling in an Indian ambush, was killed near Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755. Before joining in this expedition he made his will, bequeathing his property to a township west of Fort Massachusetts, on the condition that it should be called Williamstown, the money to be used for the establishment and maintenance of a free school. The school was opened in 1791, and was incorporated a college in 1793, under the title of Williams College (q. v.).
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Williams, William 1731-1811 (search)
Williams, William 1731-1811 Signer of the Declaration of Independence; born in Lebanon, Conn., April 18, 1731; graduated at Harvard College in 1757, and was on the staff of his relative, Col. Ephraim Williams, when he was killed near Lake George in 1755. An active patriot and a member of the committee of correspondence and safety in Connecticut, he was sent to Congress in 1776. He wrote several essays to arouse the spirit of liberty in the bosoms of his countrymen, and spent nearly all his property in the cause. He had been speaker of the Connecticut Assembly in 1775, and in 1783-84 was again a member of Congress. He was also a member of the convention of Connecticut that adopted the national Constitution. Mr. Williams married a daughter of Governor Trumbull. He died in Lebanon, Conn., Aug. 2, 1811.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Winslow, John 1702-1774 (search)
Winslow, John 1702-1774 Military officer; born in Plymouth, Mass.. May 27, 1702; was the principal actor, under superior orders, in the tragedy of the expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia in 1755. It is said that, twenty years afterwards, nearly every person of Winslow's lineage was a refugee on the soil from which the Acadians were driven. In 1756 Winslow was commander-in-chief at Fort William Henry, Lake George, and a major-general in the expedition against Canada in 1758-59. In 1762 he was appointed presiding judge of the court of common pleas of Plymouth, Mass., and councillor and member of the Massachusetts legislature during the Stamp Act excitement. He was an original founder of the town of Winslow, Me., in 1766. He died in Hingham, Mass., April 17, 1774. See Acadia.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Yankee Doodle, (search)
th the great migrations? A secretary of the American legation at Madrid says a Spanish professor of music told him that Yankee Doodle resembled the ancient sword-dance of St. Sebastian. Did the Moors bring it into Spain many centuries ago? A Brunswick gentleman told Dr. Ritter, Professor of Music at Vassar College, that the air is that of a nursery-song traditional in the Duchy of Brunswick. A surgeon in the British army, who was with the provincial troops under Johnson at the head of Lake George, being impressed with the uncouth appearance of the provincial soldiers, composed a song to the air, which he called Yankey, instead of Nankey, Doodle, and commended it to the motley soldiers as very elegant. They adopted it as good martial music, and it became very popular. The air seems to have been known in the British army, for it is recorded that when, in 1768, British troops arrived in Boston Harbor the Yankee Doodle tune (says a writer of that time) was the capital piece in the b
ay. The varnishing and coloring of the surface is done by a machine at the rate of 120 per minute, or 72,000 per day, and they are polished by a machine at the rate of 106 per minute, or over 63,000 per day. All of these machines are attended by girls about twelve years of age, one to each, no skilled labor being required. The granular formation of graphite is more easily prepared than the foliated. The Dixon Company has extensive mines at Ticonderoga and a large mill at the outlet of Lake George into Lake Champlain, where the pure foliated graphite is manipulated very cheaply. Colored pencils are made in the same way as black, except that the little bars cannot be baked like the black leads. Heating destroys the color. In making them, coloring-matter of the kind desired is used with the clay, instead of graphite, and they are boiled in wax before being placed in the wood. The Florida cedar is used by all of the principal pencil-makers in the world, on account of its fine
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Florida, 1864 (search)
Total, 1,861. March 1: Skirmish, McGirt's CreekMASSACHUSETTS--4th Cavalry (Battalion); 40th Mounted Infantry. UNITED STATES--Battery "B," 1st Arty. Union loss, 1 killed, 4 wounded, 5 missing. Total, 10. March 1: Skirmish, Cedar CreekMASSACHUSETTS--4th Cavalry (Battalion); 40th Mounted Infantry. UNITED STATES--Battery "B," 1st Arty. March 10: Occupation of PalatkaMASSACHUSETTS--55th Colored Infantry. NEW YORK--1st Engineers (Co. "I"); 47th, 48th and 115th Infantry. March 11: Affair on Lake GeorgeCapture of C. S. Steamer "Sumpter" by U. S. Gunboat "Columbus." March 16: Affair, PalatkaPicket attack. Union loss, 2 missing. March 31: Affair, PalatkaPicket attack. April 1: Exp. from Palatka to Ft. GatesNEW YORK--115th Infantry (Detachment). April 2: Exp. from Jacksonville to Cedar Creek and skirmish, Cedar RunMASSACHUSETTS--4th Cavalry (Battalion). NEW YORK--169th Infantry. OHIO--75th Infantry. UNITED STATES--Battery "B," 1st Arty. Union loss, 8 wounded. April 2: Skirmish, Cow For
of great age. They belong to those captured by Ethan Allen at Crown Point in 1775, which were ordered to be transported to Cambridge to be used in the siege of Boston. General Knox was a great favorite of Washington, and to him was given the execution of the order to remove one hundred of the heavy cannon, captured by Allen, from Crown Point to Cambridge. The cannon and mortars were loaded on forty-two strong sleds, and dragged slowly along by eighty yoke of oxen. The route was from Lake George to Kinderhook in New York, and thence by way of Great Barrington to Springfield, where fresh oxen were provided. The roads were bad, and the train could not proceed without snow. Fortunately, the roads soon became passable, and the strange procession wound its tedious way through the hills of western Massachusetts down to the sea. The cannon were too cumbersome for field use, but were especially adapted for siege-guns, which Washington stood greatly in need of for the seven miles of red
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 1: travellers and observers, 1763-1846 (search)
in of a Company of Provincial Troops during the Late War with France ; and he probably was captured with Burk's company of rangers in 1757, when he was wounded in his Leg at the bloody Massacree of the unhappy Garrison of Fort William Henry at Lake George. The war over, he says he began to think of exploring the most unknown parts of England's new territory. In the opinion of a severe critic, Professor Edward G. Bourne, Carver's actual journey was limited to this: he went from Boston to Michi. In the first, the Introduction, he recounts the voyage by packet from Philadelphia to Savannah, whence he proceeds to the Alatamaha River. The second describes East Florida, and the ascent of St. John's River in a small canoe. On reaching Lake George, which is a dilatation of the River St. Juan, his vessel at once diminished to a nutshell on the swelling seas. The Indian whom he engaged to assist him on the upper river becoming weary, Bartram continues on alone, to encamp at an orange gro
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 4: College Life.—September, 1826, to September, 1830.—age, 15-19. (search)
and magazines under ground. The form of the fort we could not distinctly discern, as several parts of it were entirely wanting. Its great extent, however, was very evident. Thence they walked about three miles to the hotel at the foot of Lake George, and visited both the Lower and the Greater Falls. The last were a most splendid sight. The water came dashing over the rocks in a complete foam, and making a roaring noise. From this I can have a pretty good idea of a cataract. The next deld-pieces were ever carried up its sides to surprise General St. Clair. He was unable to trace the British works on the summit; but enjoyed the fine view. The two classmates embarked at one in the afternoon. The scenery all the way through Lake George was most beautiful, and the number of islands with which the water was interspersed very much heightened it. Arriving at Caldwell at six in the evening, they at once walked to Glen's Falls, seeing, on their way, the remains of the forts Willi
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 24: Slavery and the law of nations.—1842.—Age, 31. (search)
ake you forget some of your Southern and Western life. From Montreal descend Lake Champlain,—observe the beautiful boats on this lake; pass by Crown Point and Ticonderoga, places famous in the French war and that of the Revolution; then cross Lake George, a lake of silver; from Lake George to Saratoga you will pass over the Flanders, the debatable ground in American history, fought over in two wars; see Saratoga and Ballston, then return to Burlington, on Lake Champlain, and from there wind thLake George to Saratoga you will pass over the Flanders, the debatable ground in American history, fought over in two wars; see Saratoga and Ballston, then return to Burlington, on Lake Champlain, and from there wind through the Green Mountains; see Montpelier, in the lap of the mountains; cross the Connecticut River, pass through what is called the Gap in the White Mountains to Portland, Me., and thence to Boston; then, on the Western Railroad, to Berkshire, in the western part of Massachusetts; again to Trenton Falls (you will not miss another sight of them); thence back to the North River; and, descending the river, stop at Catskill and at West Point. Is this not a good plot? Cannot you be present at t
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