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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
pounds of bacon, worth $260; the flour received, and to be received, 160 pounds, $320; and we expect to get 6 gallons molasses, $30 per gallon, $180: total, $760; and only $200 invested. This shows the profits of the speculators! Gov. Yates, of Illinois, has declared Richmond will be in the hands of the Federals before the 8th of November. This is the 1st. It may be so; but I doubt it. It cannot be so without the effusion of an ocean of blood! I learned to-day that every tree on Gov. Wise's farm of any size has been felled by the enemy. What harm have the poor trees done the enemy? I love trees, anywhere. The President attends to many little matters, such as solicitations for passports to leave the country, details or exemptions of husbands and sons; and generally the ladies who address him, knowing his religious bias, frame their phraseology accordingly, and often with effect. The following is his last proclamation: Proclamation appointing a Day for Public Wo
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 47 (search)
of achieving independence, if they only had capable men in all departments of the government. The President was at St. Paul's to-day, with a knit woolen cap on his head. Dr. Minnegerode preached a sermon against the croakers. His son has been appointed a midshipman by the President. January 2 Cold, and indications of snow. Offered the owner of our servant $400 per annum. He wants $150 and clothing for her. Clothing would cost perhaps $1000. It remains in abeyance. Saw Gen. Wise dancing attendance in the Secretary's room. He looks seasoned and well, and may be destined to play a leading part in human affairs yet, notwithstanding his hands have been so long bound by those who contrive to get possession. It is this very thing of keeping our great men in the background which is often the cause of calamities, and if persisted in, may bring irretrievable ruin upon the cause. The government has forbidden the transportation of freight, etc. (private) from Georgia t
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 48 (search)
w impulse-and War will rage with greater fury than ever. Mr. Stephens will go into Georgia, and reanimate his people. Gen. Wise spoke at length for independence at the Capitol on Saturday night amidst applauding listeners, and Governor Smith speak-morrow. Every effort will be made to popularize the cause again. Hon. Mr. Foote is at Washington, in prison. Gen. Wise's brigade has sent up resolutions consenting to gradual emancipation-but never to reunion with the North. There is esterday some progress was made with the measure of 200,000 negroes for the army. Something must be done-and soon. Gen. Wise sent me a letter of introduction to Gen. Breckinridge yesterday. I sent it in to-day. I want the system of passports the Negro bill. It will pass, of course, without some unforeseen obstacle is interposed. A letter from Gen. Lee to Gen. Wise is published, thanking the latter's brigade for resolutions recently adopted, declaring that they would consent to grad
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 49 (search)
al enemies have been persecuted, conscription has been converted into an engine of vengeance, of cupidity, and has been often made to subserve the ends of the invader, until at last we find ourselves in a deplorable and desperate condition. Gen. Wise, who has been here a few days on sick furlough, has returned to his command, still coughing distressfully, and distressed at the prospect. Miers W. Fisher, member of the Virginia Secession Convention, neglected by the government, and rackedwith disease, is about to return to the Eastern Shore of Virginia. He may submit and die. He might have done good service, but the politicians who controlled the Confederate States Government ignored him because he had once been a supporter of Gov. Wise for the Presidency. There is a report that Sheridan's force has crossed the James River. If this be so, the Danville Road is in danger, and the President and his cabinet and Congress are all in a predicament. No wonder there is some commo
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 17: Roanoke Island.-Mr. Davis's inauguration. (search)
federates. Its possession by the enemy would give them access to the country from which Norfolk drew its supplies. On January 22, 1862, General Henry A. Wise was placed in command. The defence of this island consisted of six land batteries, and after manning the guns there were not one thousand effective men for duty. Seven gunboats were in the Sound to aid in its defence. On February 8th, General Burnside attacked the defences of the island, and with overwhelming numbers outflanked them, and captured almost the entire force. In this action Captain O. Jennings Wise, of the Richmond Blues, was killed. When he fell on the field, with a mortal wound, one of his men inquired if he was much hurt. His answer was, Never mind me; fight on, men, fight on, and keep cool. As he was being borne from the field a random shot struck and killed him. Nothing could have been more pathetic than the moan of his old father, Oh, my brave boy, you have died for me; you have died for me,
rd either flank of the enemy's position, without attracting his attention. A desperate attempt soon afterwards was made to turn the right flank of the central column of attack; and a very spirited encounter between parties from the Twenty-third and Twenty-seventh Massachusetts regiments and the Second Battalion of the Wise Legion, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Anderson, resulted in the utter repulse of the latter with heavy loss, including Captain Robert Coles, killed, and Capt. O. Jennings Wise, mortally wounded. During this engagement the two flanking columns approached the works. That on the right (General Parke's) passed the right of the central column, when the Ninth New Yorkers (Hawkins' Zouaves) were ordered to charge. Major Kimball headed the storming party, and with the peculiar cheer of the regiment, the men dashed forward. Almost at the same moment, General Reno, commanding the left column of attack, ordered the Fifty-first New Yorkers (Shepard Rifles) and
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), An Acrostic: in memory of O. Jennings Wise. (search)
An Acrostic: in memory of O. Jennings Wise. Written in California, on reading an account of the battle of Roanoke Island. O'er his cold brow, Just touched by time's soft, silvery tracing, Entwine immortelles with the unfading laurel, Nor fear the mildew of the grave will blight their fragrance, Nor the rustle of the icy worm ‘mid its green leaves Impair the freshness of the dead soldier's coronal. Not for the grave is the wreath woven, but, Glorious dust! when the last loud reveille Shall wake thee from thy slumbers, as one of those Whose flitting wings reflect heaven's opening light, In the full blaze of glory, shalt thou rise, Soaring on high, with earth's long line of heroes, Enwreathed with this, the patriot's fadeless crown. Miria
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
e mean time, taken chief command of his own and Wise's troops, in the region of the Gauley River. Wise was so great a boaster, and so poor. a performer, that his signal failures as a military leadville, the capital of Nicholas County. He left Wise with his force, called Wise's Legion, at PicketWise's Legion, at Pickett's Mills, to prevent a flank movement from Hawksnest, a mountain on the southern side of the Gauley their camps, and as Cox moved steadily onward, Wise, as we have observed, becoming alarmed, See eason for his inability to hold that position. Wise, at that time, according to Pollard, was endeavthwestern country to us, and enabling Floyd and Wise to drive Cox with ease out of the Kanawha Valleentrated his own forces, and those of Floyd and Wise, and found himself in command of an army of at Wise, advising him to fall back without delay. Wise hesitated, and invited General Lee to visit him ordered him to remain. This tacit approval of Wise's insubordination offended Floyd; but the conce[12 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
e from the Island to Nag's head. Among these was Captain O. Jennings Wise, son of the General in command, and editor of onederate historian of the War, says, that records showed that Wise, who assumed the command there on the 7th of January, had pnt to capture or pass Roanoke Island in Twenty-four hours. Wise also asked for re-enforcements from Huger's fifteen thousanrom the outraged people. in his Report to General Huger, Wise said Roanoke Island was the key to all the defenses of Norfguarded four-fifths of the supplies for Norfolk. Its fall, Wise said, gave lodgment to the Nationals in a safe harbor from sland escaped to Nag's head, and thence, accompanied by General Wise and the remainder of his Legion, they fled up the coast toward Norfolk. on the 18th of February, Wise issued a characteristic special order no. 1, from Canal Bridge, Currituck nty, N. C., informing the public that the flag of Captain O. Jennings Wise would be raised for true men to rally around. the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
Valley. Movements to this end had been made very soon after the close of the campaign in Western Virginia, recorded in Chapter IV. Early in January, the gallant and accomplished General Lander, who was suffering from a wound received in a skirmish at Edwards's Ferry, a few days after the battle of Ball's Bluff, in October, took command of a force to protect the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. He had a wily and energetic opponent in Stonewall Jackson, who was endeavoring to gain what Floyd, and Wise, and Lee had lost, and to hold possession of the Shenandoah Valley. Lander, with a force of about four thousand men, made a series of rapid movements against him. With only four hundred horsemen, he dashed upon him in the night at Blooming Gap, in the middle of February, Feb. 14. captured Frederick W. Lander. seventeen of his commissioned officers and nearly sixty of his rank and file, and compelled him to retire. Lander also occupied Romney, but fell back on the approach of Jackson's s
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