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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 34: Besieging Knoxville. (search)
e support and all the force you may be possessed of in the execution of my views. It is a great mistake to suppose that there is any safety for us in going to Virginia if General Bragg has been defeated, for we leave him at the mercy of his victors, and with his army destroyed our own had better be, for we will be not only destroyed, but disgraced. There is neither safety nor honor in any other course than the one I have chosen and ordered. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, James Longstreet, Lieutenant-General Commanding. P. S.--The assault must be made at the time appointed, and must be made with a determination which will insure success. After writing the letter it occurred to me to show it to General Leadbetter, who was stopping at our Headquarters, when he suggested the postscript which was added. The assault was made by the brigades of Generals Wofford, Humphreys, and Bryan at the appointed time and in admirable style. The orders were, that not a musket
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 35: cut off from East and West. (search)
eral Bragg Wintering in East Tennessee General Longstreet given discretionary authority over the dmovements of hide-and-seek in the mountains Longstreet's position was of strategic importance thatfailure to follow up and find him: General Longstreet, however, did not attack, in consequenceter that it was of first importance to drive Longstreet out of East Tennessee and keep him out. General Grant ordered, Drive Longstreet to the farthest point east that you can. And he reported to th is still a chance of doing anything against Longstreet, to the scene of operations there. I am deend he despatched General Grant on the 11th,--Longstreet has taken the offensive against General Parkrating his corps. I intend to fight them if Longstreet comes. The failure to follow has been exigadier present. By command of Lieutenant-General Longstreet. G. Moxley Sorrel, Lieutenant-anding his troops in the field, December 26, Longstreet will feel a little timid now, and will bear [4 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 36: strategic importance of the field. (search)
strategic importance of the field. Longstreet again considers relief from service Generalin person and take command, and said, I want Longstreet routed and pursued beyond the limits of the r front, two divisions going to Longstreet. Longstreet has been reinforced by troops from the East.e propriety of the contemplated move against Longstreet. Schofield telegraphs the same views. I wihofield: No movement will be made against Longstreet at present. Give your men and animals all ttillery or other stores. If we move against Longstreet with an overwhelming force he will simply fat of the expedition was accomplished or not. Longstreet could return with impunity on the heels of o. Major-General Thomas: In consequence of Longstreet's movement in this direction I have ordered al mistake of General Burnside has permitted Longstreet's army to winter in Tennessee. It is due toto the proposed advance, General Grant said, Longstreet cannot afford to place his force between Kno[10 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter37: last days in Tennessee. (search)
Chapter37: last days in Tennessee. Longstreet's Army at Bull's Gap U. S. Grant made Lieutenant General Richmond authorities awake to the gravity of the situation Longstreet's proposition for campaign approved by General Lee Richmond authorities fail to adopt it Genhe capital orders from President Davis the case of General Law Longstreet ordered to the Army of Northern Virginia resolutions of thanks frecipients: Thanks of the Confederate Congress to Lieutenant-General James Longstreet and his command. rebellion Record, vol. XXXI. part i. P. 549. no. 42. joint resolutions of thanks to Lieutenant-General Longstreet and the officers and men of his command. Resolved by the Congress are due, and hereby cordially tendered, to Lieutenant-General James Longstreet and the officers and men of his command, for their pested to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolution to Lieutenant-General Longstreet for publication to his command. Approved February 1
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 38: battle of the Wilderness. (search)
e Wilderness the battle opened a brisk day's fighting Longstreet's command faces Hancock's on the morning of the second dounded General Jenkins falls under fire of friends, and Longstreet is seriously wounded carried from the field on a litterd A. P. Hill; two divisions and Alexander's artillery of Longstreet's (First) corps being held at Mechanicsville. Coloneral Field says in his account of the day,-- I was at Longstreet's side in a moment, and in answer to my anxious inquiry ee, was that General Lee said that he sent an officer to Longstreet to stay with and show him the roads. This, like all o: Meadow Farm, Orange Court-House, July 1, 1879. General James Longstreet: Dear General,-- Your favor of the 30th ultimored will show. Very truly yours, E. P. Alexander. General Longstreet. Colonel Venable writes,-- July 25, 1879. Dear quicker to think about it even at this distance of time .... Yours, very truly, Charles S. Venable. General Longstreet.
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 39: again in front of Richmond. (search)
Chapter 39: again in front of Richmond. Longstreet absent on leave, nursing his wounds Hears of the death of cavalry leader J. E. B. Stuart returns to Virginia assigned to command on the North side of James River affair on the Williamsburg road Lee's apprehension of Grant's march into Richmond closing scenes of the campaign of 1864 about the Confederate capital General Benjamin F. Butler's move against Fort Fisher remote effects on the situation in Virginia. From the Wildeissippi Department. The doctors give me little reason to hope to recover the use of my arm even within a year; hence my desire to be assigned for duty, or to have an extended leave of absence. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. Longstreet, Lieutenant-General. An order came assigning me to command on the north side of James River and Drury's Bluff, and Pickett's division on the south side, along Bermuda Hundred front as far as Swift Creek. On the north side were the local
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 42: Petersburg. (search)
Federals death of A. P. Hill General Lee announces to Richmond authorities that he must retreat reception of the news by President Davis at Church service Federals take forts Gregg and Whitworth the retreat harassed by continuous fighting Longstreet saves high Bridge, a vital point Ewell and others compelled to surrender General Mahone's account of interesting scenes magnitude of the disaster-is the army dissolving? General Reed mortally wounded panic occurs, but order is restored wded around General Lee while he sat on his horse with a Confederate battle-flag in his hand. I rode up and requested him to give me the flag, which he did. It was near dusk, and he wanted to know of me how to get away. I replied, Let General Longstreet move by the river road to Farmville, and cross the river there, and I will go through the woods to the High Bridge (railroad bridge) and cross there. To this he assented. I asked him then, after crossing at the High Bridge, what I should
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 43: Appomattox. (search)
l Lee's officers say to him that further resistance is hopeless Longstreet does not approve General Grant calls for surrender-not yet thef April 9 General Lee rides to meet the Federal commander, while Longstreet forms the last line of battle Longstreet endeavors to recall hisLongstreet endeavors to recall his chief, hearing of a break where the Confederate troops could pass Custer demands surrender of Longstreet reminded of irregularity, and thatLongstreet reminded of irregularity, and that he was in the enemy's lines meeting with General Grant capitulation last scenes. The beginning of the end was now at hand,--not perhapGeneral Lee, was well qualified for such an office. The names of Longstreet and some others, who did not coincide in the opinion of their asszle, and I fear I can do nothing unless I am heavily supported by Longstreet's corps. When I bore the message back to General Lee, he said,ght thousand officers and men,--viz.: General Lee and staff15 Longstreet's corps Including the parts of the Third Corps attached after t
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 44: post-bellum Pendant. (search)
, November 7, 1865. His Excellency A. Johnson, President: Knowing that General Longstreet, late of the army which was in rebellion against the authority of the Uni executive clemency before leaving, I beg to say a word in his favor. General Longstreet comes under the third, fifth, and eighth exceptions made in your proclama faithfully observe any obligation which they may take upon themselves. General Longstreet, in my opinion, stands high among this class. I have known him well for e late rebellion, I think, not one single charge was ever brought against General Longstreet for persecution of prisoners of war or of persons for their political opide, I never heard them. I have no hesitation, therefore, in recommending General Longstreet to your Excellency for pardon. I will further state that my opinion of heinvigorated by the blessings of Almighty God. Very respectfully yours, James Longstreet. I might have added that not less forceful than the grounds I gave wer
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 11: conferences after the battle of Manassas. (search)
that he had been as far forward as Centreville, where he had seen the Federal army completely routed, and in full flight toward Washington. This statement I at once repeated to Mr. Davis, General Johnston, and yourself, whom I found seated around your table-Mr. Davis at the moment writing a despatch to General Cooper. As soon as I made my report, Mr. Davis, with much animation, asserted the necessity for an urgent pursuit that night by Bonham, who, with his own brigade and that of Longstreet, was in close proximity to Centreville at the moment. So I took my seat at the same table with you, and wrote the order for pursuit, substantially at the dictation of Mr. Davis. But while writing, either I happened to remember, or Captain Alexander himself — as I am inclined to believe---called me aside to remind me, that his informant was known among us of the old army as because of eccentricities, and in contradistinction with others of the same name. When I repeated this reminder, M
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