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set you free from mortal woe and make you a god, deathless and exempt from decay. And then you shall dwell with me in the house of Nereus, god with goddess, for all time to come. From there, walking dry-shod out of the deep you will see your beloved son and mine, Achilles, dwelling in his island home on the strand of Leuke in the Sea Inhospitable.A tradition going back to the epic poet Arctinus said that Achilles' ghost haunted the island of Leuke, opposite the mouth of the Danube in the Euxine Sea. But go to the god-built city of Delphi with the body of this man, and when you have buried him in earth, go to the hollow cave on the ancient promontory of Sepias and sit. Wait there until I come from the sea with a chorus of fifty Nereids to escort you. You must carry out the course that fate prescribes, for this is the will of Zeus. Cease from your grieving for the dead. For this is the judgement that stands over all mortals and death is their debt to pay.Exit Thetis by the mechane.
to me, I shall set you free from mortal woe and make you a god, deathless and exempt from decay. And then you shall dwell with me in the house of Nereus, god with goddess, for all time to come. From there, walking dry-shod out of the deep you will see your beloved son and mine, Achilles, dwelling in his island home on the strand of Leuke in the Sea Inhospitable.A tradition going back to the epic poet Arctinus said that Achilles' ghost haunted the island of Leuke, opposite the mouth of the Danube in the Euxine Sea. But go to the god-built city of Delphi with the body of this man, and when you have buried him in earth, go to the hollow cave on the ancient promontory of Sepias and sit. Wait there until I come from the sea with a chorus of fifty Nereids to escort you. You must carry out the course that fate prescribes, for this is the will of Zeus. Cease from your grieving for the dead. For this is the judgement that stands over all mortals and death is their debt to pay.Exit Thetis b
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 1231
notes. the last of the line of Aeacus. It is fated that his descendants in unbroken succession will rule over Molossia and live their lives in prosperity. For, old sir, it was not to be that your race and mine should be so laid waste, nor that of Troy, for Troy too is in the gods' care although it fell by the will of Pallas Athena. As for yourself, in order that you may feel gratitude for your marriage to me, I shall set you free from mortal woe and make you a god, deathless and exempt from deTroy too is in the gods' care although it fell by the will of Pallas Athena. As for yourself, in order that you may feel gratitude for your marriage to me, I shall set you free from mortal woe and make you a god, deathless and exempt from decay. And then you shall dwell with me in the house of Nereus, god with goddess, for all time to come. From there, walking dry-shod out of the deep you will see your beloved son and mine, Achilles, dwelling in his island home on the strand of Leuke in the Sea Inhospitable.A tradition going back to the epic poet Arctinus said that Achilles' ghost haunted the island of Leuke, opposite the mouth of the Danube in the Euxine Sea. But go to the god-built city of Delphi with the body of this man, and w
Delphi (Greece) (search for this): card 1231
have a god for my father, have lost the child I had from you, Achilles, swift of foot, whom I bore to be the noblest of the Greeks. But listen, and I shall tell you why I have come. Take the son of Achilles, who lies here slain, to the altar of Delphi and there bury him, a reproach to the Delphians, so that his grave may proclaim that he was violently slain by the hand of Orestes. As for the captive woman, I mean Andromache, she must go to dwell in the land of Molossia and be married to Helenisland home on the strand of Leuke in the Sea Inhospitable.A tradition going back to the epic poet Arctinus said that Achilles' ghost haunted the island of Leuke, opposite the mouth of the Danube in the Euxine Sea. But go to the god-built city of Delphi with the body of this man, and when you have buried him in earth, go to the hollow cave on the ancient promontory of Sepias and sit. Wait there until I come from the sea with a chorus of fifty Nereids to escort you. You must carry out the course
y him, a reproach to the Delphians, so that his grave may proclaim that he was violently slain by the hand of Orestes. As for the captive woman, I mean Andromache, she must go to dwell in the land of Molossia and be married to Helenus, and with her must go her son,The demonstrative to/nde, given by the mss., need not imply the presence of Molossus (and Andromache) on the stage (see K.-G. i.644 and H. Hunger,WS 65 [1950-51] 19-24) and there is no cogent evidence that she enters with Peleus at 1047 and some evidence against it: see P. D. Kovacs, The Andromache of Euripides, p. 49 and notes. the last of the line of Aeacus. It is fated that his descendants in unbroken succession will rule over Molossia and live their lives in prosperity. For, old sir, it was not to be that your race and mine should be so laid waste, nor that of Troy, for Troy too is in the gods' care although it fell by the will of Pallas Athena. As for yourself, in order that you may feel gratitude for your marriage to
1950 AD - 1951 AD (search for this): card 1231
the son of Achilles, who lies here slain, to the altar of Delphi and there bury him, a reproach to the Delphians, so that his grave may proclaim that he was violently slain by the hand of Orestes. As for the captive woman, I mean Andromache, she must go to dwell in the land of Molossia and be married to Helenus, and with her must go her son,The demonstrative to/nde, given by the mss., need not imply the presence of Molossus (and Andromache) on the stage (see K.-G. i.644 and H. Hunger,WS 65 [1950-51] 19-24) and there is no cogent evidence that she enters with Peleus at 1047 and some evidence against it: see P. D. Kovacs, The Andromache of Euripides, p. 49 and notes. the last of the line of Aeacus. It is fated that his descendants in unbroken succession will rule over Molossia and live their lives in prosperity. For, old sir, it was not to be that your race and mine should be so laid waste, nor that of Troy, for Troy too is in the gods' care although it fell by the will of Pallas Ath