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Strabo, Geography 8 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese) 4 0 Browse Search
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae 4 0 Browse Search
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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 2 0 Browse Search
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Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, Book One, Prosa 3: (search)
eor ("think"), modifies imprudentia (subject of pervertit ) and governs the indirect statement meos esse familiares . pervertit: "ruined, destroyed." Quodsi: "But if"; common in B. Anaxagorae: genitive < Anaxagoras , an Ionian philosopher and friend of Pericles; he left Athens c. 432 B.C. (or c. 450?) after a charge of impiety was raised against him. Zenonis tormenta: The steadfastness under torture of Zeno of Elea (born c. 490 B.C., disciple of Parmenides; cf. 1P1.10) was proverbial, but different versions of the story gave different names for the torturer. novisti: < nosco , "learn." The perfect means "to know" (i.e., "to have learned"). at: "yet, on the other hand." Canios: Canius was killed by the emperor Gaius (= Caligula, who reigned 37-41 A.D.); see 1.P4.27 for an anecdote on his fate. The plurals are used only to generalize the fate of philoso
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, Book Two , Prosa 6: (search)
ingular of quispiam . exserere: < exsero , here "exert." imperabis: < impero ("command, give orders") is constructed with accusative of the command and dative of the one commanded. sibi: with cohaerentem ; where the subject of the sentence is in the second person, the reflexive points to the nearest noun. adacturum (sc. esse ) : < adigo , "compel" governs ut -clause to follow. The "free man" was Zeno of Elea (see on 1P3.9). adversum se: i.e., adversum tyrannum . proderet: < prodo , "betray." momordit: < mordeo , "bite." cruciatus: "tortures," accusative plural. virtutis: sc. materiam . possit . . . possit: Bear in mind that possum has the same root as potentia and potestas . sustinere: here, "suffer." Busiridem: < Busiris , king of Egypt; his story was told in Herodotus 2.45 and oft