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These two notes following were written upon the outside of this Pamphlet, or Booke. 1 The proceedings of Sir Hugh Willoughbie after he was separated from the Edward Bonaventure. 2 Our shippe being at an anker in the harbour called Sterfier in the Island Lofoote. The river or haven wherein Sir Hugh Willoughbie with the companie of his two ships perished for cold, is called Arzina in Lapland , neere unto Kegor. But it appeareth by a Will found in the ship that Sir Hugh Willoughbie and most of the company were alive in January 1554.
January, 1554 AD (search for this): narrative 46
These two notes following were written upon the outside of this Pamphlet, or Booke. 1 The proceedings of Sir Hugh Willoughbie after he was separated from the Edward Bonaventure. 2 Our shippe being at an anker in the harbour called Sterfier in the Island Lofoote. The river or haven wherein Sir Hugh Willoughbie with the companie of his two ships perished for cold, is called Arzina in Lapland , neere unto Kegor. But it appeareth by a Will found in the ship that Sir Hugh Willoughbie and most of the company were alive in January 1554.